7 research outputs found

    University-Industry Linkage & Development of Higher Education: A Study about Faculty Perception

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    Higher education in India has expanded enormously since independence and enlarged in size but, this enlarged size of the university campuses in India, is now facing financial crisis which is increasing more as visible in most of the developing countries. University industry linkage may be an alternative to this crisis. Establishing an effective & successful collaboration between universities and industries in order to remain competitive and financially viable is an alternative. But this relation will sustain if appropriate steps will be taken by both sides (Universities & industries) to benefit mutual interests with objective to serve the society. This paper makes an attempt to present the perception of higher education faculty members about the importance of University-Industry linkage and it is an effort to discuss the ways and means for making a strong university - industry linkage

    Correlation Between Organizational Memory and Innovative Work Behavior

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between organizational memory and innovative work behavior. The study was conducted on 100 employees from various levels and positions in a company that produce and trade electronic solar equipment. To measure the organizational memory, we used Organizational Memory Scale developed by Dunhamm (2010) with α=0.75. Then, to measure innovative work behavior, we used Innovative Work Behavior Scale from Janssen (2000) with α=0.80. The results show that there is positive and significant correlation between organizational memory and innovative workbehavior (r=0.35; p<0.01). Hierarchical-regression analysis shows that (1) altogether education level, job type and organizational memory influences 19% of variance in innovative behavior; (2) when these variables are analysed together, only education level shows significant impact on innovative behavior. We discuss theoretical and methodological reasons for these results and offer future direction for research

    Finns empowerment i min storlek?- en kvalitativ studie om empowerments tillÀmpning pÄ mindre företag

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    Abstract Course: Master thesis, Campus Helsingborg, Lunds Universitet, VT - 2010 Title: Finns empowerment i min storlek? – en kvalitativ studie om empowerments tillĂ€mpning pĂ„ mindre företag. Authors: Hajir, Keyvan, Johan Lundquist & Mojgan Sohrabi Tutor: Katja Lindqvist & Pia Siljeklint Purpose of the essay: The purpose of this essay is to research and analyze if the current empowerment research is appliable on smaller businesses. Method: The thesis methodology is a qualitative study with semi - structured interviews. Keywords: Empowement, Service encounter, Structure, Information. Conclusion: The purpose of empowerment is to facilitate and streamline the service encounter, but also to make the employees feel secure in their professions. Structure and communication within the company are essential parts of a well functioning and efficient empowerment. Working side by side where there is opportunity for feedback reduces the risk of misunderstanding, which benefits the communication. Boundaries are required, in order to implement empowerment more easily. Even behavior and conduct of the store manager is essential for empowerment among employees. Sammanfattning: Vad: D – uppsats, Campus Helsingborg, Lunds Universitet, VT - 2010 Författare: Hajir, Keyvan, Johan Lundquist & Mojgan Sohrabi Titel: Finns empowerment i min storlek? – en kvalitativ studie om empowerments tillĂ€mpning pĂ„ mindre företag. Handledare: Katja Lindqvist & Pia Siljeklint Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att utreda och analysera om nuvarande empowermentforskning gĂ„r att applicera pĂ„ mindre företag. Metod: Uppsatsen metod utgörs av en kvalitativ studie med semi – strukturerade intervjuer. Nyckelbegrepp: Empowerment, Servicemöte, Struktur, Information. Slutsatser: ÄndamĂ„let med empowerment Ă€r att underlĂ€tta och effektivisera servicemötet men ocksĂ„ göra de anstĂ€llda trygga i sin yrkesroll. För att empowerment ska vara vĂ€l fungerande krĂ€vs det att strukturen och kommunikationen pĂ„ företaget Ă€r fungerande och effektiv. Att arbeta sida vid sida dĂ€r det finns möjlighet till Ă„terkoppling minskar risken för missförstĂ„nd vilket gynnar kommunikationen. För att enklare implementera empowerment behövs det givna grĂ€nser. Även butikschefens agerande och handlingssĂ€tt Ă€r vĂ€sentlig för empowerment bland de anstĂ€llda

    Knowledge-based systems for knowledge management in enterprises : Workshop held at the 21st Annual German Conference on AI (KI-97)

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    A Theoretical Framework Linking Creativity, Empowerment and Organizational memory', Creativity and Innovation Management

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    creativity, and organizational memory are constructs that have been researched in MS. While each construct has received individual attention, we have found relatively little research linking them. Hence, we developed a theoretical model to illuminate the relationships between organizational memory, worker empowerment, and creativi@ The model was developed based on the literature in each respective area and interview-based studies concerning “empowered ” systems development project teams and organizational memory. Analysis of the interview data revealed that empowered workers generate creative solutions to problems. However, creative solutions can on!v be usedfor future projects tf they are somehow recorded into organizational memory. Organizations that empowered their workforce and embraced creativiq reported increased P customer satisfaction, waste reduction, and some qua&v gains. In contrast, those that did not empower reported little or no change