3 research outputs found

    A Text Mining Approach to the Analysis of BTS Fever

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    K-POP is steadily growing with global competitiveness.The rise of K-POP\u27s popularity has continued to create Korean idol groups. However, many idol groups weredismantled and there islack of measures for overseas advance and success. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the success factors of BTS by focusing onthe text mining techniques. After collecting Twitter\u27s online postings using crawling technique, we will analyzein three text mining techniques: topic modeling, keyword extraction, andterm frequencyanalysis. By analyzing data with three text miningmethods, we willderivehow BTS couldsuccess globallyand form a huge fandom. And with the derived key factors, we will suggest a success strategy based on the analysis results. In contrast to previous studies that were centered on case studiesorinterview, this study has implicationsin that the actual data was collected and analyzed through three text mining techniques

    Social media and music consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of BTS

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    In 2019, the world has suffered a twist due to the emergence of a pandemic that made us resort to the use of social networks. With this dissertation we tried to know if social networks were more used during the pandemic by music consumers, in particular by BTS fans. We also tried to know if the digital consumption of music was a way of creating a feeling of belonging to a community and if the pandemic modifies the way BTS fans consume music. To get the answers for these questions, a review of the literature on the subject under study was made, and an alternative was addressed to explain it, in this case, conducting an online questionnaire, in so that the perspective of fans can be perceived by conducting a survey, and whose answers seem to confirm that social networks were important during this period and that music was fundamental during the pandemic.Em 2019, o mundo sofreu uma reviravolta devido ao aparecimento de uma pandemia a qual nos fez recorrer ao uso das redes sociais online. Com esta dissertação procurámos saber se terão sido as redes sociais online mais usadas durante a pandemia pelos consumidores de música, em particular fãs de BTS. Procurámos ainda saber se será o consumo de música pelo meio digital uma maneira de criar um sentimento de pertença a uma comunidade e se a pandemia modificou a maneira que os fãs de BTS consomem música. Para tentar obter as respostas para estas questões, foi feita uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema em estudo, e abordada uma alternativa para explicar o mesmo, neste caso a realização de um questionário online, para que se percebesse a perspetiva de fãs através da realização de um inquérito por questionário, e cujas respostas parecem confirmar que as redes sociais foram importantes durante este período e que a música foi fundamental durante a pandemia

    Pemaknaan Kampanye BTS “Love Myself” Oleh Penggemar BTS

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    The BTS campaign with Unicef "Love MySelf" which has been carried out since 2017 has received a lot of support and has received a positive response from fans. This campaign voices the anti-violence movement to children and youth around the world with the hope that the world can be a better place through music, this campaign is carried out so that more people can love themselves and share love with others. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning or acceptance of messages by BTS fans regarding the "Love MySelf" campaign. This study uses the phenomenological method to find out the meaning through the experiences experienced by fans in a deep and structured manner, using a qualitative approach. The theory used is Reception Analysis and Semiotic Productivity. In this study there are three acceptances by fans of the BTS "Love MySelf" campaign, namely, 1). Cultivate self-confidence 2). Self-love starts from oneself, and 3). Courage to stand up for others. All three of them show a meaning that tends to be dominant hegemonic and is referred to as semiotic productivity because what is consumed by fans will be associated with social meanings in fans' lives