25,353 research outputs found

    Gluon Condensation in Nonperturbative Flow Equations

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    We employ nonperturbative flow equations for an investigation of the effective action in Yang-Mills theories. We compute the effective action Γ[B]\Gamma[B] for constant color magnetic fields BB and examine Savvidy's conjecture of an unstable perturbative vacuum. Our results indicate that the absolute minimum of Γ[B]\Gamma[B] occurs for B=0. Gluon condensation is described by a nonvanishing expectation value of the regularized composite operator FμνFμνF_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} which agrees with phenomenological estimates.Comment: 64 pages, late

    Truncated Schwinger-Dyson Equations and Gauge Covariance in QED3

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    We study the Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformations (LKFT) in momentum space for the dynamically generated mass function in QED3. Starting from the Landau gauge results in the rainbow approximation, we construct solutions in other covariant gauges. We confirm that the chiral condensate is gauge invariant as the structure of the LKFT predicts. We also check that the gauge dependence of the constituent fermion mass is considerably reduced as compared to the one obtained directly by solving SDE.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. v3. Improved and Expanded. To appear in Few Body System

    Galilean invariant resummation schemes of cosmological perturbations

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    Many of the methods proposed so far to go beyond Standard Perturbation Theory break invariance under time-dependent boosts (denoted here as extended Galilean Invariance, or GI). This gives rise to spurious large scale effects which spoil the small scale predictions of these approximation schemes. By using consistency relations we derive fully non-perturbative constraints that GI imposes on correlation functions. We then introduce a method to quantify the amount of GI breaking of a given scheme, and to correct it by properly tailored counterterms. Finally, we formulate resummation schemes which are manifestly GI, discuss their general features, and implement them in the so called Time-Flow, or TRG, equations.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Einstein Gravity

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    We give a pedagogical introduction to the basic ideas and concepts of the Asymptotic Safety program in Quantum Einstein Gravity. Using the continuum approach based upon the effective average action, we summarize the state of the art of the field with a particular focus on the evidence supporting the existence of the non-trivial renormalization group fixed point at the heart of the construction. As an application, the multifractal structure of the emerging space-times is discussed in detail. In particular, we compare the continuum prediction for their spectral dimension with Monte Carlo data from the Causal Dynamical Triangulation approach.Comment: 87 pages, 13 figures, review article prepared for the New Journal of Physics focus issue on Quantum Einstein Gravit

    Extreme Value laws for dynamical systems under observational noise

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    In this paper we prove the existence of Extreme Value Laws for dynamical systems perturbed by instrument-like-error, also called observational noise. An orbit perturbed with observational noise mimics the behavior of an instrumentally recorded time series. Instrument characteristics - defined as precision and accuracy - act both by truncating and randomly displacing the real value of a measured observable. Here we analyze both these effects from a theoretical and numerical point of view. First we show that classical extreme value laws can be found for orbits of dynamical systems perturbed with observational noise. Then we present numerical experiments to support the theoretical findings and give an indication of the order of magnitude of the instrumental perturbations which cause relevant deviations from the extreme value laws observed in deterministic dynamical systems. Finally, we show that the observational noise preserves the structure of the deterministic attractor. This goes against the common assumption that random transformations cause the orbits asymptotically fill the ambient space with a loss of information about any fractal structures present on the attractor

    Nonperturbative Evolution Equation for Quantum Gravity

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    A scale--dependent effective action for gravity is introduced and an exact nonperturbative evolution equation is derived which governs its renormalization group flow. It is invariant under general coordinate transformations and satisfies modified BRS Ward--Identities. The evolution equation is solved for a simple truncation of the space of actions. In 2+epsilon dimensions, nonperturbative corrections to the beta--function of Newton's constant are derived and its dependence on the cosmological constant is investigated. In 4 dimensions, Einstein gravity is found to be ``antiscreening'', i.e., Newton's constant increases at large distances.Comment: 35 pages, late
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