24,800 research outputs found

    A Tensor-Based Algorithm for High-Order Graph Matching

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the problem of establishing correspondences between two sets of visual features using higher-order constraints instead of the unary or pairwise ones used in classical methods. Concretely, the corresponding hypergraph matching problem is formulated as the maximization of a multilinear objective function over all permutations of the features. This function is defined by a tensor representing the affinity between feature tuples. It is maximized using a generalization of spectral techniques where a relaxed problem is first solved by a multi-dimensional power method, and the solution is then projected onto the closest assignment matrix. The proposed approach has been implemented, and it is compared to state-of-the-art algorithms on both synthetic and real data

    Learning Combinatorial Embedding Networks for Deep Graph Matching

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    Graph matching refers to finding node correspondence between graphs, such that the corresponding node and edge's affinity can be maximized. In addition with its NP-completeness nature, another important challenge is effective modeling of the node-wise and structure-wise affinity across graphs and the resulting objective, to guide the matching procedure effectively finding the true matching against noises. To this end, this paper devises an end-to-end differentiable deep network pipeline to learn the affinity for graph matching. It involves a supervised permutation loss regarding with node correspondence to capture the combinatorial nature for graph matching. Meanwhile deep graph embedding models are adopted to parameterize both intra-graph and cross-graph affinity functions, instead of the traditional shallow and simple parametric forms e.g. a Gaussian kernel. The embedding can also effectively capture the higher-order structure beyond second-order edges. The permutation loss model is agnostic to the number of nodes, and the embedding model is shared among nodes such that the network allows for varying numbers of nodes in graphs for training and inference. Moreover, our network is class-agnostic with some generalization capability across different categories. All these features are welcomed for real-world applications. Experiments show its superiority against state-of-the-art graph matching learning methods.Comment: ICCV2019 oral. Code available at https://github.com/Thinklab-SJTU/PCA-G

    Strongly Refuting Random CSPs Below the Spectral Threshold

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    Random constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) are known to exhibit threshold phenomena: given a uniformly random instance of a CSP with nn variables and mm clauses, there is a value of m=Ω(n)m = \Omega(n) beyond which the CSP will be unsatisfiable with high probability. Strong refutation is the problem of certifying that no variable assignment satisfies more than a constant fraction of clauses; this is the natural algorithmic problem in the unsatisfiable regime (when m/n=ω(1)m/n = \omega(1)). Intuitively, strong refutation should become easier as the clause density m/nm/n grows, because the contradictions introduced by the random clauses become more locally apparent. For CSPs such as kk-SAT and kk-XOR, there is a long-standing gap between the clause density at which efficient strong refutation algorithms are known, m/nO~(nk/21)m/n \ge \widetilde O(n^{k/2-1}), and the clause density at which instances become unsatisfiable with high probability, m/n=ω(1)m/n = \omega (1). In this paper, we give spectral and sum-of-squares algorithms for strongly refuting random kk-XOR instances with clause density m/nO~(n(k/21)(1δ))m/n \ge \widetilde O(n^{(k/2-1)(1-\delta)}) in time exp(O~(nδ))\exp(\widetilde O(n^{\delta})) or in O~(nδ)\widetilde O(n^{\delta}) rounds of the sum-of-squares hierarchy, for any δ[0,1)\delta \in [0,1) and any integer k3k \ge 3. Our algorithms provide a smooth transition between the clause density at which polynomial-time algorithms are known at δ=0\delta = 0, and brute-force refutation at the satisfiability threshold when δ=1\delta = 1. We also leverage our kk-XOR results to obtain strong refutation algorithms for SAT (or any other Boolean CSP) at similar clause densities. Our algorithms match the known sum-of-squares lower bounds due to Grigoriev and Schonebeck, up to logarithmic factors. Additionally, we extend our techniques to give new results for certifying upper bounds on the injective tensor norm of random tensors

    Online Tensor Methods for Learning Latent Variable Models

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    We introduce an online tensor decomposition based approach for two latent variable modeling problems namely, (1) community detection, in which we learn the latent communities that the social actors in social networks belong to, and (2) topic modeling, in which we infer hidden topics of text articles. We consider decomposition of moment tensors using stochastic gradient descent. We conduct optimization of multilinear operations in SGD and avoid directly forming the tensors, to save computational and storage costs. We present optimized algorithm in two platforms. Our GPU-based implementation exploits the parallelism of SIMD architectures to allow for maximum speed-up by a careful optimization of storage and data transfer, whereas our CPU-based implementation uses efficient sparse matrix computations and is suitable for large sparse datasets. For the community detection problem, we demonstrate accuracy and computational efficiency on Facebook, Yelp and DBLP datasets, and for the topic modeling problem, we also demonstrate good performance on the New York Times dataset. We compare our results to the state-of-the-art algorithms such as the variational method, and report a gain of accuracy and a gain of several orders of magnitude in the execution time.Comment: JMLR 201

    Higher-order Projected Power Iterations for Scalable Multi-Matching

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    The matching of multiple objects (e.g. shapes or images) is a fundamental problem in vision and graphics. In order to robustly handle ambiguities, noise and repetitive patterns in challenging real-world settings, it is essential to take geometric consistency between points into account. Computationally, the multi-matching problem is difficult. It can be phrased as simultaneously solving multiple (NP-hard) quadratic assignment problems (QAPs) that are coupled via cycle-consistency constraints. The main limitations of existing multi-matching methods are that they either ignore geometric consistency and thus have limited robustness, or they are restricted to small-scale problems due to their (relatively) high computational cost. We address these shortcomings by introducing a Higher-order Projected Power Iteration method, which is (i) efficient and scales to tens of thousands of points, (ii) straightforward to implement, (iii) able to incorporate geometric consistency, (iv) guarantees cycle-consistent multi-matchings, and (iv) comes with theoretical convergence guarantees. Experimentally we show that our approach is superior to existing methods