65,578 research outputs found

    Approximating Optimal Bounds in Prompt-LTL Realizability in Doubly-exponential Time

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    We consider the optimization variant of the realizability problem for Prompt Linear Temporal Logic, an extension of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) by the prompt eventually operator whose scope is bounded by some parameter. In the realizability optimization problem, one is interested in computing the minimal such bound that allows to realize a given specification. It is known that this problem is solvable in triply-exponential time, but not whether it can be done in doubly-exponential time, i.e., whether it is just as hard as solving LTL realizability. We take a step towards resolving this problem by showing that the optimum can be approximated within a factor of two in doubly-exponential time. Also, we report on a proof-of-concept implementation of the algorithm based on bounded LTL synthesis, which computes the smallest implementation of a given specification. In our experiments, we observe a tradeoff between the size of the implementation and the bound it realizes. We investigate this tradeoff in the general case and prove upper bounds, which reduce the search space for the algorithm, and matching lower bounds.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2016, arXiv:1609.0364

    Model Checking the Quantitative mu-Calculus on Linear Hybrid Systems

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    We study the model-checking problem for a quantitative extension of the modal mu-calculus on a class of hybrid systems. Qualitative model checking has been proved decidable and implemented for several classes of systems, but this is not the case for quantitative questions that arise naturally in this context. Recently, quantitative formalisms that subsume classical temporal logics and allow the measurement of interesting quantitative phenomena were introduced. We show how a powerful quantitative logic, the quantitative mu-calculus, can be model checked with arbitrary precision on initialised linear hybrid systems. To this end, we develop new techniques for the discretisation of continuous state spaces based on a special class of strategies in model-checking games and present a reduction to a class of counter parity games.Comment: LMCS submissio

    Minimizing Expected Cost Under Hard Boolean Constraints, with Applications to Quantitative Synthesis

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    In Boolean synthesis, we are given an LTL specification, and the goal is to construct a transducer that realizes it against an adversarial environment. Often, a specification contains both Boolean requirements that should be satisfied against an adversarial environment, and multi-valued components that refer to the quality of the satisfaction and whose expected cost we would like to minimize with respect to a probabilistic environment. In this work we study, for the first time, mean-payoff games in which the system aims at minimizing the expected cost against a probabilistic environment, while surely satisfying an ω\omega-regular condition against an adversarial environment. We consider the case the ω\omega-regular condition is given as a parity objective or by an LTL formula. We show that in general, optimal strategies need not exist, and moreover, the limit value cannot be approximated by finite-memory strategies. We thus focus on computing the limit-value, and give tight complexity bounds for synthesizing ϵ\epsilon-optimal strategies for both finite-memory and infinite-memory strategies. We show that our game naturally arises in various contexts of synthesis with Boolean and multi-valued objectives. Beyond direct applications, in synthesis with costs and rewards to certain behaviors, it allows us to compute the minimal sensing cost of ω\omega-regular specifications -- a measure of quality in which we look for a transducer that minimizes the expected number of signals that are read from the input
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