1,140 research outputs found

    Mathematical Estimation of Logical Masking Capability of Majority/Minority Gates Used in Nanoelectronic Circuits

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    In nanoelectronic circuit synthesis, the majority gate and the inverter form the basic combinational logic primitives. This paper deduces the mathematical formulae to estimate the logical masking capability of majority gates, which are used extensively in nanoelectronic digital circuit synthesis. The mathematical formulae derived to evaluate the logical masking capability of majority gates holds well for minority gates, and a comparison with the logical masking capability of conventional gates such as NOT, AND/NAND, OR/NOR, and XOR/XNOR is provided. It is inferred from this research work that the logical masking capability of majority/minority gates is similar to that of XOR/XNOR gates, and with an increase of fan-in the logical masking capability of majority/minority gates also increases

    LOT: Logic Optimization with Testability - new transformations for logic synthesis

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    A new approach to optimize multilevel logic circuits is introduced. Given a multilevel circuit, the synthesis method optimizes its area while simultaneously enhancing its random pattern testability. The method is based on structural transformations at the gate level. New transformations involving EX-OR gates as well as Reed–Muller expansions have been introduced in the synthesis of multilevel circuits. This method is augmented with transformations that specifically enhance random-pattern testability while reducing the area. Testability enhancement is an integral part of our synthesis methodology. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology not only can achieve lower area than other similar tools, but that it achieves better testability compared to available testability enhancement tools such as tstfx. Specifically for ISCAS-85 benchmark circuits, it was observed that EX-OR gate-based transformations successfully contributed toward generating smaller circuits compared to other state-of-the-art logic optimization tools

    Logic synthesis from DDL description

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    The implementation of DDLTRN and DDLSIM programs on SEL-2 computer system is reported. These programs were tested with DDL descriptions of various complexity. An algorithm to synthesize the combinational logic using the cells available in the standard IC cell library was formulated. The algorithm is implemented as a FORTRAN program and a description of the program is given

    Asynchronous techniques for system-on-chip design

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    SoC design will require asynchronous techniques as the large parameter variations across the chip will make it impossible to control delays in clock networks and other global signals efficiently. Initially, SoCs will be globally asynchronous and locally synchronous (GALS). But the complexity of the numerous asynchronous/synchronous interfaces required in a GALS will eventually lead to entirely asynchronous solutions. This paper introduces the main design principles, methods, and building blocks for asynchronous VLSI systems, with an emphasis on communication and synchronization. Asynchronous circuits with the only delay assumption of isochronic forks are called quasi-delay-insensitive (QDI). QDI is used in the paper as the basis for asynchronous logic. The paper discusses asynchronous handshake protocols for communication and the notion of validity/neutrality tests, and completion tree. Basic building blocks for sequencing, storage, function evaluation, and buses are described, and two alternative methods for the implementation of an arbitrary computation are explained. Issues of arbitration, and synchronization play an important role in complex distributed systems and especially in GALS. The two main asynchronous/synchronous interfaces needed in GALS-one based on synchronizer, the other on stoppable clock-are described and analyzed

    A solvable class of quadratic 0–1 programming

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    AbstractWe show that the minimum of the pseudo-Boolean quadratic function ƒ(x) = xTQx + cTx can be found in linear time when the graph defined by Q is transformable into a combinatorial circuit of AND, OR, NAND, NOR or NOT logic gates. A novel modeling technique is used to transform the graph defined by Q into a logic circuit. A consistent labeling of the signals in the logic circuit from the set {0, 1} corresponds to the global minimum of ƒ and the labeling is determined through logic simulation of the circuit. Our approach establishes a direct and constructive relationship between pseudo-Boolean functions and logic circuits.In the restricted case when all the elements of Q are nonpositive, the minimum of ƒ can be obtained in polynomial time [15]. We show that the problem of finding the minimum of ƒ, even in the special case when all the elements of Q are positive, is NP-complete