5,859 research outputs found

    Deaf, Dumb, and Chatting Robots, Enabling Distributed Computation and Fault-Tolerance Among Stigmergic Robot

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    We investigate ways for the exchange of information (explicit communication) among deaf and dumb mobile robots scattered in the plane. We introduce the use of movement-signals (analogously to flight signals and bees waggle) as a mean to transfer messages, enabling the use of distributed algorithms among the robots. We propose one-to-one deterministic movement protocols that implement explicit communication. We first present protocols for synchronous robots. We begin with a very simple coding protocol for two robots. Based on on this protocol, we provide one-to-one communication for any system of n \geq 2 robots equipped with observable IDs that agree on a common direction (sense of direction). We then propose two solutions enabling one-to-one communication among anonymous robots. Since the robots are devoid of observable IDs, both protocols build recognition mechanisms using the (weak) capabilities offered to the robots. The first protocol assumes that the robots agree on a common direction and a common handedness (chirality), while the second protocol assumes chirality only. Next, we show how the movements of robots can provide implicit acknowledgments in asynchronous systems. We use this result to design asynchronous one-to-one communication with two robots only. Finally, we combine this solution with the schemes developed in synchronous settings to fit the general case of asynchronous one-to-one communication among any number of robots. Our protocols enable the use of distributing algorithms based on message exchanges among swarms of Stigmergic robots. Furthermore, they provides robots equipped with means of communication to overcome faults of their communication device

    Requirements for implementing real-time control functional modules on a hierarchical parallel pipelined system

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    Analysis of a robot control system leads to a broad range of processing requirements. One fundamental requirement of a robot control system is the necessity of a microcomputer system in order to provide sufficient processing capability.The use of multiple processors in a parallel architecture is beneficial for a number of reasons, including better cost performance, modular growth, increased reliability through replication, and flexibility for testing alternate control strategies via different partitioning. A survey of the progression from low level control synchronizing primitives to higher level communication tools is presented. The system communication and control mechanisms of existing robot control systems are compared to the hierarchical control model. The impact of this design methodology on the current robot control systems is explored

    Towards formal models and languages for verifiable Multi-Robot Systems

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    Incorrect operations of a Multi-Robot System (MRS) may not only lead to unsatisfactory results, but can also cause economic losses and threats to safety. These threats may not always be apparent, since they may arise as unforeseen consequences of the interactions between elements of the system. This call for tools and techniques that can help in providing guarantees about MRSs behaviour. We think that, whenever possible, these guarantees should be backed up by formal proofs to complement traditional approaches based on testing and simulation. We believe that tailored linguistic support to specify MRSs is a major step towards this goal. In particular, reducing the gap between typical features of an MRS and the level of abstraction of the linguistic primitives would simplify both the specification of these systems and the verification of their properties. In this work, we review different agent-oriented languages and their features; we then consider a selection of case studies of interest and implement them useing the surveyed languages. We also evaluate and compare effectiveness of the proposed solution, considering, in particular, easiness of expressing non-trivial behaviour.Comment: Changed formattin

    Certified Impossibility Results for Byzantine-Tolerant Mobile Robots

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    We propose a framework to build formal developments for robot networks using the COQ proof assistant, to state and to prove formally various properties. We focus in this paper on impossibility proofs, as it is natural to take advantage of the COQ higher order calculus to reason about algorithms as abstract objects. We present in particular formal proofs of two impossibility results forconvergence of oblivious mobile robots if respectively more than one half and more than one third of the robots exhibit Byzantine failures, starting from the original theorems by Bouzid et al.. Thanks to our formalization, the corresponding COQ developments are quite compact. To our knowledge, these are the first certified (in the sense of formally proved) impossibility results for robot networks

    Design of an FPGA-based smart camera and its application towards object tracking : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Electronics and Computer Engineering at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    Smart cameras and hardware image processing are not new concepts, yet despite the fact both have existed several decades, not much literature has been presented on the design and development process of hardware based smart cameras. This thesis will examine and demonstrate the principles needed to develop a smart camera on hardware, based on the experiences from developing an FPGA-based smart camera. The smart camera is applied on a Terasic DE0 FPGA development board, using Terasic’s 5 megapixel GPIO camera. The algorithm operates at 120 frames per second at a resolution of 640x480 by utilising a modular streaming approach. Two case studies will be explored in order to demonstrate the development techniques established in this thesis. The first case study will develop the global vision system for a robot soccer implementation. The algorithm will identify and calculate the positions and orientations of each robot and the ball. Like many robot soccer implementations each robot has colour patches on top to identify each robot and aid finding its orientation. The ball is comprised of a single solid colour that is completely distinct from the colour patches. Due to the presence of uneven light levels a YUV-like colour space labelled YC1C2 is used in order to make the colour values more light invariant. The colours are then classified using a connected components algorithm to segment the colour patches. The shapes of the classified patches are then used to identify the individual robots, and a CORDIC function is used to calculate the orientation. The second case study will investigate an improved colour segmentation design. A new HSY colour space is developed by remapping the Cartesian coordinate system from the YC1C2 to a polar coordinate system. This provides improved colour segmentation results by allowing for variations in colour value caused by uneven light patterns and changing light levels

    MASL: a Language for Multi-Agent System

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    The classical approach for Multi-Agent System (MAS) Control, especially autonomous and robotic ones, deals first from a microscopic point of view: each agent embed a control program with communication/synchronization primitives that enable cooperation between agents. The emergence of a global behaviour from a macroscopic point of view can only be observed afterwards. In this context, MASL offers a macroscopic and unified approach with heterogeneous and distributed calculations over deliberative, reactive or hybrid agents. In this high level language, regardless of the runtime, each concurrent agent locally decides its participation in a collective execution block named an e-block. Each e-block is an anonymous collective program that runs over an agent network following local conditions. The orchestral mode (scalar, asynchronous, synchronous) is statically fixed by a shared block attribute. The communication use shared memory, events, synchronous messages passing, and asynchronous messages passing. Heterogeneous agents are managed with heritage and polymorphism. Permeability mechanism, dealing with agent autonomy, allows an agent to dynamically filter calls to its interface in respects to the sender position in the e-block hierarchy. In dynamic task allocation of agents, auto failover and recovery, agent replacement in a robot fleet (case of agent failure, loss of a mandatory functionality for the mission) an e-block is an entry point of a collaborative work. In the case of synchronous e-block, the programming paradigm is the data parallel model with iterative task for waves of agents. Finally, MASL offers advances in the field of MAS (dynamic belonging to groups, accuracy of the pace of actions to undertake to enable a desired cooperation) and for the management of errors
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