223 research outputs found

    Symblicit algorithms for optimal strategy synthesis in monotonic Markov decision processes

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    When treating Markov decision processes (MDPs) with large state spaces, using explicit representations quickly becomes unfeasible. Lately, Wimmer et al. have proposed a so-called symblicit algorithm for the synthesis of optimal strategies in MDPs, in the quantitative setting of expected mean-payoff. This algorithm, based on the strategy iteration algorithm of Howard and Veinott, efficiently combines symbolic and explicit data structures, and uses binary decision diagrams as symbolic representation. The aim of this paper is to show that the new data structure of pseudo-antichains (an extension of antichains) provides another interesting alternative, especially for the class of monotonic MDPs. We design efficient pseudo-antichain based symblicit algorithms (with open source implementations) for two quantitative settings: the expected mean-payoff and the stochastic shortest path. For two practical applications coming from automated planning and LTL synthesis, we report promising experimental results w.r.t. both the run time and the memory consumption.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2014, arXiv:1407.493

    Challenges in Quantitative Abstractions for Collective Adaptive Systems

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    Like with most large-scale systems, the evaluation of quantitative properties of collective adaptive systems is an important issue that crosscuts all its development stages, from design (in the case of engineered systems) to runtime monitoring and control. Unfortunately it is a difficult problem to tackle in general, due to the typically high computational cost involved in the analysis. This calls for the development of appropriate quantitative abstraction techniques that preserve most of the system's dynamical behaviour using a more compact representation. This paper focuses on models based on ordinary differential equations and reviews recent results where abstraction is achieved by aggregation of variables, reflecting on the shortcomings in the state of the art and setting out challenges for future research.Comment: In Proceedings FORECAST 2016, arXiv:1607.0200

    Language-based Abstractions for Dynamical Systems

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    Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are the primary means to modelling dynamical systems in many natural and engineering sciences. The number of equations required to describe a system with high heterogeneity limits our capability of effectively performing analyses. This has motivated a large body of research, across many disciplines, into abstraction techniques that provide smaller ODE systems while preserving the original dynamics in some appropriate sense. In this paper we give an overview of a recently proposed computer-science perspective to this problem, where ODE reduction is recast to finding an appropriate equivalence relation over ODE variables, akin to classical models of computation based on labelled transition systems.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2017, arXiv:1707.0366

    Distributed Markovian Bisimulation Reduction aimed at CSL Model Checking

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    The verification of quantitative aspects like performance and dependability by means of model checking has become an important and vivid area of research over the past decade.\ud \ud An important result of that research is the logic CSL (continuous stochastic logic) and its corresponding model checking algorithms. The evaluation of properties expressed in CSL makes it necessary to solve large systems of linear (differential) equations, usually by means of numerical analysis. Both the inherent time and space complexity of the numerical algorithms make it practically infeasible to model check systems with more than 100 million states, whereas realistic system models may have billions of states.\ud \ud To overcome this severe restriction, it is important to be able to replace the original state space with a probabilistically equivalent, but smaller one. The most prominent equivalence relation is bisimulation, for which also a stochastic variant exists (Markovian bisimulation). In many cases, this bisimulation allows for a substantial reduction of the state space size. But, these savings in space come at the cost of an increased time complexity. Therefore in this paper a new distributed signature-based algorithm for the computation of the bisimulation quotient of a given state space is introduced.\ud \ud To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach in both a sequential, and more important, in a distributed setting, we have performed a number of case studies

    Quantitative Static Analysis of Communication Protocols using Abstract Markov Chains

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a static analysis of probabilistic programs to quantify their performance properties by taking into account both the stochastic aspects of the language and those related to the execution environment. More particularly, we are interested in the analysis of communication protocols in lossy networks and we aim at inferring statically parametric bounds of some important metrics such as the expectation of the throughput or the energy consumption. Our analysis is formalized within the theory of abstract interpretation and soundly takes all possible executions into account. We model the concrete executions as a set of Markov chains and we introduce a novel notion of abstract Markov chains that provides a finite and symbolic representation to over-approximate the (possi-bly unbounded) set of concrete behaviors. We show that our proposed formalism is expressive enough to handle both probabilistic and pure non-deterministic choices within the same semantics. Our analysis operates in two steps. The first step is a classic abstract interpretation of the source code, using stock numerical abstract domains and a specific automata domain, in order to extract the abstract Markov chain of the program. The second step extracts from this chain particular invari-ants about the stationary distribution and computes its symbolic bounds using a parametric Fourier-Motzkin elimination algorithm. We present a prototype implementation of the analysis and we discuss some preliminary experiments on a number of communication protocols. We compare our prototype to the state-of-the-art probabilistic model checker Prism and we highlight the advantages and shortcomings of both approaches

    Lumpability for Uncertain Continuous-Time Markov Chains

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    The assumption of perfect knowledge of rate parameters in continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs) is undermined when confronted with reality, where they may be uncertain due to lack of information or because of measurement noise. In this paper we consider uncertain CTMCs, where rates are assumed to vary non-deterministically with time from bounded continuous intervals. This leads to a semantics which associates each state with the reachable set of its probability under all possible choices of the uncertain rates. We develop a notion of lumpability which identifies a partition of states where each block preserves the reachable set of the sum of its probabilities, essentially lifting the well-known CTMC ordinary lumpability to the uncertain setting. We proceed with this analogy with two further contributions: a logical characterization of uncertain CTMC lumping in terms of continuous stochastic logic; and a polynomial time and space algorithm for the minimization of uncertain CTMCs by partition refinement, using the CTMC lumping algorithm as an inner step. As a case study, we show that the minimizations in a substantial number of CTMC models reported in the literature are robust with respect to uncertainties around their original, fixed, rate values

    Probabilistic Reachability for Parametric Markov Models

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    Abstract. Given a parametric Markov model, we consider the problem of computing the formula expressing the probability of reaching a given set of states. To attack this principal problem, Daws has suggested to first convert the Markov chain into a finite automaton, from which a regular expression is computed. Afterwards, this expression is evaluated to a closed form expression representing the reachability probability. This paper investigates how this idea can be turned into an effective procedure. It turns out that the bottleneck lies in an exponential growth of the regular expression relative to the number of states. We therefore proceed differently, by tightly intertwining the regular expression computation with its evaluation. This allows us to arrive at an effective method that avoids the exponential blow up in most practical cases. We give a detailed account of the approach, also extending to parametric models with rewards and with non-determinism. Experimental evidence is provided, illustrating that our implementation provides meaningful insights on non-trivial models.

    Transient Reward Approximation for Continuous-Time Markov Chains

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    We are interested in the analysis of very large continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs) with many distinct rates. Such models arise naturally in the context of reliability analysis, e.g., of computer network performability analysis, of power grids, of computer virus vulnerability, and in the study of crowd dynamics. We use abstraction techniques together with novel algorithms for the computation of bounds on the expected final and accumulated rewards in continuous-time Markov decision processes (CTMDPs). These ingredients are combined in a partly symbolic and partly explicit (symblicit) analysis approach. In particular, we circumvent the use of multi-terminal decision diagrams, because the latter do not work well if facing a large number of different rates. We demonstrate the practical applicability and efficiency of the approach on two case studies.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Reliabilit

    Efficient Syntax-Driven Lumping of Differential Equations

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    We present an algorithm to compute exact aggregations of a class of systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Our approach consists in an extension of Paige and Tarjanā€™s seminal solution to the coarsest refinement problem by encoding an ODE system into a suitable discrete-state representation. In particular, we consider a simple extension of the syntax of elementary chemical reaction networks because (i) it can express ODEs with derivatives given by polynomials of degree at most two, which are relevant in many applications in natural sciences and engineering; and (ii) we can build on two recently introduced bisimulations, which yield two complementary notions of ODE lumping. Our algorithm computes the largest bisimulations in O(rā‹…sā‹…logs)O(rā‹…sā‹…logā”s) time, where r is the number of monomials and s is the number of variables in the ODEs. Numerical experiments on real-world models from biochemistry, electrical engineering, and structural mechanics show that our prototype is able to handle ODEs with millions of variables and monomials, providing significant model reductions
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