9 research outputs found

    Implementasi Dynamic Switch Migration pada Controller Terdistribusi di Software Defined Network.

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    Software Defined Network merupakan teknologi yang dapat mengelola jaringan skala besar dengan memisahkan control plane dan data plane. Pengaturan jaringan dilakukan secara terpusat logically centralized oleh controller. ketika sebuah controller mengalami kelebihan load dan terjadi Single Point of Failure maka kinerja jaringan akan terganggu. Software Defined Network dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan mengimplementasikan arsitektur Multiple Distributed Controller menggunakan metode Dynamic Switch Migration. Arsitektur Multiple Distributed Controller dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua buah controller dengan peran Master dan Slave. Melalui simulasi menggunakan arsitektur Multiple Distributed Controller telah diuji kemampuan mekanisme Dynamic Switch Migration dalam menangani masalah kelebihan load pada controller dengan memindahkan sebagian switch dari controller master ke controller slave dan masalah Single Point of Failure dengan memindahkan seluruh switch controller master ke Controller slave. Kata kunci: Software Defined Network, Dynamic Switch Migration,Multiple Distributed Controller, kelebihan load,controller slave,controller maste

    Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Request Dispatching in Distributed-Controller Software-Defined Networking

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    Recently, distributed controller architectures have been quickly gaining popularity in Software-Defined Networking (SDN). However, the use of distributed controllers introduces a new and important Request Dispatching (RD) problem with the goal for every SDN switch to properly dispatch their requests among all controllers so as to optimize network performance. This goal can be fulfilled by designing an RD policy to guide distribution of requests at each switch. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (MA-DRL) approach to automatically design RD policies with high adaptability and performance. This is achieved through a new problem formulation in the form of a Multi-Agent Markov Decision Process (MA-MDP), a new adaptive RD policy design and a new MA-DRL algorithm called MA-PPO. Extensive simulation studies show that our MA-DRL technique can effectively train RD policies to significantly outperform man-made policies, model-based policies, as well as RD policies learned via single-agent DRL algorithms

    Load Balancing Mechanisms in the Software Defined Networks: A Systematic and Comprehensive Review of the Literature

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    With the expansion of the network and increasing their users, as well as emerging new technologies, such as cloud computing and big data, managing traditional networks is difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to change the traditional network architecture. Lately, to address this issue, a notion named software-defined network (SDN) has been proposed, which makes network management more conformable. Due to limited network resources and to meet the requirements of quality of service, one of the points that must be considered is load balancing issue that serves to distribute data traffic among multiple resources in order to maximize the efficiency and reliability of network resources. Load balancing is established based on the local information of the network in the conventional network. Hence, it is not very precise. However, SDN controllers have a global view of the network and can produce more optimized load balances. Although load balancing mechanisms are important in the SDN, to the best of our knowledge, there exists no precise and systematic review or survey on investigating these issues. Hence, this paper reviews the load balancing mechanisms which have been used in the SDN systematically based on two categories, deterministic and non-deterministic. Also, this paper represents benefits and some weakness regarded of the selected load balancing algorithms and investigates the metrics of their algorithms. In addition, the important challenges of these algorithms have been reviewed, so better load balancing techniques can be applied by the researchers in the future. © 2018 IEEE

    Methods for Predicting Behavior of Elephant Flows in Data Center Networks

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    Several Traffic Engineering (TE) techniques based on SDN (Software-defined networking) proposed to resolve flow competitions for network resources. However, there is no comprehensive study on the probability distribution of their throughput. Moreover, there is no study on predicting the future of elephant flows. To address these issues, we propose a new stochastic performance evaluation model to estimate the loss rate of two state-of-art flow scheduling algorithms including Equalcost multi-path routing (ECMP), Hedera besides a flow congestion control algorithm which is Data Center TCP (DCTCP). Although these algorithms have theoretical and practical benefits, their effectiveness has not been statistically investigated and analyzed in conserving the elephant flows. Therefore, we conducted extensive experiments on the fat-tree data center network to examine the efficiency of the algorithms under different network circumstances based on Monte Carlo risk analysis. The results show that Hedera is still risky to be used to handle the elephant flows due to its unstable throughput achieved under stochastic network congestion. On the other hand, DCTCP found suffering under high load scenarios. These outcomes might apply to all data center applications, in particular, the applications that demand high stability and productivity