6 research outputs found

    Deep convolutional neural network-based system for fish classification

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    In computer vision, image classification is one of the potential image processing tasks. Nowadays, fish classification is a wide considered issue within the areas of machine learning and image segmentation. Moreover, it has been extended to a variety of domains, such as marketing strategies. This paper presents an effective fish classification method based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The experiments were conducted on the new dataset of Bangladesh’s indigenous fish species with three kinds of splitting: 80-20%, 75-25%, and 70-30%. We provide a comprehensive comparison of several popular optimizers of CNN. In total, we perform a comparative analysis of 5 different state-of-the-art gradient descent-based optimizers, namely adaptive delta (AdaDelta), stochastic gradient descent (SGD), adaptive momentum (Adam), adaptive max pooling (Adamax), Root mean square propagation (Rmsprop), for CNN. Overall, the obtained experimental results show that Rmsprop, Adam, Adamax performed well compared to the other optimization techniques used, while AdaDelta and SGD performed the worst. Furthermore, the experimental results demonstrated that Adam optimizer attained the best results in performance measures for 70-30% and 80-20% splitting experiments, while the Rmsprop optimizer attained the best results in terms of performance measures of 70-25% splitting experiments. Finally, the proposed model is then compared with state-of-the-art deep CNNs models. Therefore, the proposed model attained the best accuracy of 98.46% in enhancing the CNN ability in classification, among others

    Biometric recognition through gait analysis

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    [EN] The use of people recognition techniques has become critical in some areas. For instance, social or assistive robots carry out collaborative tasks in the robotics field. A robot must know who to work with to deal with such tasks. Using biometric patterns may replace identification cards or codes on access control to critical infrastructures. The usage of Red Green Blue Depth (RGBD) cameras is ubiquitous to solve people recognition. However, this sensor has some constraints, such as they demand high computational capabilities, require the users to face the sensor, or do not regard users' privacy. Furthermore, in the COVID-19 pandemic, masks hide a significant portion of the face. In this work, we present BRITTANY, a biometric recognition tool through gait analysis using Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). A Proof of Concept (PoC) has been carried out in an indoor environment with five users to evaluate BRITTANY. A new CNN architecture is presented, allowing the classification of aggregated occupancy maps that represent the people's gait. This new architecture has been compared with LeNet-5 and AlexNet through the same datasets. The final system reports an accuracy of 88%.SIInstituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad de Espana (INCIBE)The research described in this article has been funded by the Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad de España (INCIBE), under the grant ”ADENDA 4: Detección de nuevas amenazas y patrones desconocidos (Red Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología)”, addendum to the framework agreement INCIBE-Universidad de León, 2019-2021. Miguel Ángel González-Santamarta would like to thank Universidad de León for its funding support for his doctoral studies

    A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning Architectures for Computer Vision Applications

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    The emergence of machine learning in the artificial intelligence field led the world of technology to make great strides. Today’s advanced systems with the ability of being designed just like human brain functions has given practitioners the ability to train systems so that they could process, analyze, classify, and predict different data classes. Therefore, the machine learning field has become a hot topic for scientists and researchers to introduce the best network with the highest performance for such mentioned purposes. In this article, computer vision science, image classification implementation, and deep neural networks are presented. This article discusses how models have been designed based on the concept of the human brain. The development of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and its various architectures, which have shown great efficiency and evaluation in object detection, face recognition, image classification, and localization, are also introduced. Furthermore, the utilization and application of CNNs, including voice recognition, image processing, video processing, and text recognition, are examined closely. A literature review is conducted to illustrate the significance and the details of Convolutional Neural Networks in various applications