5 research outputs found

    Air traffic modernization and control: ADS-B system implementation update 2022: A review

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    Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is a multiparameter surveillance system designed to improve key segments of air traffic: enabling real-time surveillance, raising safety and efficiency levels, and improving flight information and weather services. ADS-B consists of two subsystems, ADS-B Out and ADS-B In. Although only a complete system, ADS-B In/Out provides numerous benefits (additional situational awareness, more efficient oceanic routing, etc.) FAA and EASA only require ADS-B Out (by January and June 2020, respectively), whereby ADS-B In remains optional. Because of its many advantages, ADS-B In/Out will be popular, but there are some weaknesses, which are primarily related to its cyber vulnerabilities due to insufficient authentication and encryption in the applied protocol. In this paper, an overview of the ADS-B system is presented as an aid to understanding the security problems and the different ways of potential attack. In addition, this review deals with the current state of ADS-B deployment and its future perspective and challenges

    Інтелектуальна система протидії кібератакам на глобальні навігаційні супутникові системи

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р.№311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету" Керівник проекту: д.т.н., професор кафедри аеронавігаційних систем Конін Валерій ВікторовичСупутникові навігаційні системи можуть бути глобальними, званими GNSS і здатними забезпечувати позиціонування по всьому світу, або локальними, наприклад Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) в Японії. В даний час існує чотири GNSS: американська система глобального позиціонування (GPS), ГЛОНАСС, європейська система Galileo та китайська система Beidou. З моменту появи в 1970-х роках до широкого використання в наші дні технологія GPS була життєво важливою практично для кожної галузі промисловості – від оборони та авіації до сільського господарства та будівництва

    A survey on coping with intentional interference in satellite navigation for manned and unmanned aircraft

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    Intentional interference in satellite navigation is becoming an increasing threat for modern systems relying on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). In particular, critical applications such as aviation can be severely affected by undetected and un-mitigated interference and therefore interference management solutions are crucial to be employed. Methods to cope with such intentional interference enclose interference detection, interference mitigation, interference classification, and interference localization. This paper offers a comprehensive survey of interference management methods developed in the last four decades by the research community. After reviewing the main concepts of GNSS-based navigation, the interference and interference management solutions are classified, with a particular focus on the two major threats in GNSS navigation, namely jamming and spoofing. Mathematical models, comparative tables for various interference management solutions, such as detection, localization, mitigation, and classification, as well as comparative numerical results based on several selected algorithms are also presented. We especially focus on algorithms relying on omnidirectional antennas, which do not require additional specific antennas to be installed on the aircraft and thus reduce the costs of retrofit and installation.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe