21 research outputs found

    CSI-Based Human Activity Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) as an emerging technology can have undeniable impacts on several applications such as health monitoring, context-aware systems, transportation, robotics, and smart cities. Among the main research methods in HAR (sensor, image, and WiFi-based), the WiFi-based method has attracted considerable attention due to the ubiquity of WiFi devices. WiFi devices can be utilized to distinguish daily activities such as “walk”, “run”, and “sleep”. These activities affect WiFi signal propagation and can be further used to recognize activities. This paper proposes a Deep Learning method for HAR tasks using channel state information (CSI). A new model is developed in which CSI data are converted to grayscale images. These images are then fed into a 2D-Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for activity classification. We take advantage of CNN's high accuracy on image classification along with WiFi-based ubiquity. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves acceptable performance in HAR tasks

    IoT driven ambient intelligence architecture for indoor intelligent mobility

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    Personal robots are set to assist humans in their daily tasks. Assisted living is one of the major applications of personal assistive robots, where the robots will support health and wellbeing of the humans in need, especially elderly and disabled. Indoor environments are extremely challenging from a robot perception and navigation point of view, because of the ever-changing decorations, internal organizations and clutter. Furthermore, human-robot-interaction in personal assistive robots demands intuitive and human-like intelligence and interactions. Above challenges are aggravated by stringent and often tacit requirements surrounding personal privacy that may be invaded by continuous monitoring through sensors. Towards addressing the above problems, in this paper we present an architecture for "Ambient Intelligence" for indoor intelligent mobility by leveraging IoTs within a framework of Scalable Multi-layered Context Mapping Framework. Our objective is to utilize sensors in home settings in the least invasive manner for the robot to learn about its dynamic surroundings and interact in a human-like manner. The paper takes a semi-survey approach to presenting and illustrating preliminary results from our in-house built fully autonomous electric quadbike

    Towards a Robust WiFi-based Fall Detection with Adversarial Data Augmentation

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    Recent WiFi-based fall detection systems have drawn much attention due to their advantages over other sensory systems. Various implementations have achieved impressive progress in performance, thanks to machine learning and deep learning techniques. However, many of such high accuracy systems have low reliability as they fail to achieve robustness in unseen environments. To address that, this paper investigates a method of generalization through adversarial data augmentation. Our results show a slight improvement in deep learning-systems in unseen domains, though the performance is not significant.Comment: Will appear in Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS2020

    WiHAR : From Wi-Fi Channel State Information to Unobtrusive Human Activity Recognition

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    Author's accepted manuscript.© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.acceptedVersio

    A Review of Physical Human Activity Recognition Chain Using Sensors

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    In the era of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), healthcare monitoring has gained a vital role nowadays. Moreover, improving lifestyle, encouraging healthy behaviours, and decreasing the chronic diseases are urgently required. However, tracking and monitoring critical cases/conditions of elderly and patients is a great challenge. Healthcare services for those people are crucial in order to achieve high safety consideration. Physical human activity recognition using wearable devices is used to monitor and recognize human activities for elderly and patient. The main aim of this review study is to highlight the human activity recognition chain, which includes, sensing technologies, preprocessing and segmentation, feature extractions methods, and classification techniques. Challenges and future trends are also highlighted.