6 research outputs found

    Levels, Objectives and Variables in Scientific Research

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    It is common to use Bloom's taxonomy to write research objectives; however, it is often forgotten that this Bloomian classification corresponds to the teaching–learning process. Likewise, is not usual to include the levels or scope of research since so many classifications have been proposed, suggesting that science can be fragmented and that qualitative studies have nothing to do with quantitative studies and vice versa. Regardless of the coincidences and discrepancies that may exist, researchers require aguideline that is based on the principles of science to be able to organize and structure their studies and that allows for growth and development, removing biases and partialities from analysis. It isnecessary to remember that a taxonomy is valid if it adheres to the criteria that scientific knowledge itself indicates. This research is an exploratory and observational study whose purpose is to identify its objectives according to its levels with their respective study variables

    Performative Framework and Case Study for Technology-Enhanced Learning Communities

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    This paper employs the overarching concept of communities to express the social contexts within which human creativity is exercised and learning happens. With the advent of digital technologies, these social contexts, the communities we engage in, change radically. The new landscape brought about by digital technologies is characterized by new qualities, new opportunities for action, new community affordances. The term onlife is adopted from the Onlife Manifesto and used to distinguish the new kind of communities brought about by the modern digital technologies, the onlife communities. Design principles are presented to foster such communities and support their members. These principles constitute a framework that emphasizes the concept of performativity, i.e. knowledge is based on human performance and actions done within certain social contexts, rather than development of conceptual representations. To demonstrate the use of the framework and the corresponding principles, the paper presents how they can be used to analyze, evaluate and reframe a concrete system addressing creativity and learning in the field of cultural heritage (history teaching and learning). One of the most significant results is the adoption of principles that facilitate students’ engagement in rich learning experiences moving from the role of end-user towards the role of expert-user with the support of so called maieuta-designers. The result of this process is the use of the studied software not only to consume ready-made content but the creation of new, student generated content, offering new learning opportunities to the students. As the evaluation shows, these new learning opportunities enable students to develop a deeper understanding of the topics studied

    Performative Framework and Case Study for Technology-Enhanced Learning Communities

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    This paper employs the overarching concept of communities to express the social contexts within which human creativity is exercised and learning happens. With the advent of digital technologies, these social contexts, the communities we engage in, change radically. The new landscape brought about by digital technologies is characterized by new qualities, new opportunities for action, new community affordances. The term onlife is adopted from the Onlife Manifesto and used to distinguish the new kind of communities brought about by the modern digital technologies, the onlife communities. Design principles are presented to foster such communities and support their members. These principles constitute a framework that emphasizes the concept of performativity, i.e. knowledge is based on human performance and actions done within certain social contexts, rather than development of conceptual representations. To demonstrate the use of the framework and the corresponding principles, the paper presents how they can be used to analyze, evaluate and reframe a concrete system addressing creativity and learning in the field of cultural heritage (history teaching and learning). One of the most significant results is the adoption of principles that facilitate students’ engagement in rich learning experiences moving from the role of end-user towards the role of expert-user with the support of so called maieuta-designers. The result of this process is the use of the studied software not only to consume ready-made content but the creation of new, student generated content, offering new learning opportunities to the students. As the evaluation shows, these new learning opportunities enable students to develop a deeper understanding of the topics studied.Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science under the National Research Programme "Cultural heritage, national memory and development of society" and the National Scientific Program “Information and Communication Technologies for a Single Digital Market in Science, Education and Security” approved by DCM №577/17.08.2018; EVANDE project (contract number ECHO/SUB/2014/693261); Erasmus+ projects DISCOVER (2017-1-BG01-KA202-036327), and MUSILIB (2018-1-FI01-KA201-047196)

    Indexación espacio - temporal de objetos multimedia en sistemas de videovigilancia

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    Esta investigación propone un método de indexación de objetos multimedia en sistemas de Videovigilancia, basado en estructuras de datos que soporten datos Espaciales y Temporales, estas estructuras serán aplicadas a datos extraídos de imágenes que fueron capturadas con una cámara de vigilancia los cuales representan objetos en movimiento en un tiempo y espacio determinado. La investigación se divide en: Primero, crear una tabla Hash, para reducir la cantidad de datos a indexar; además, la tabla Hash indexará los objetos multimedia de forma temporal; segundo, indexar los objetos multimedia en una estructura de datos espacial, para este fin y de acuerdo a estudios previos realizados sobre este tema, se usarán los Quad Tree, para conocer la ubicación real de un objeto, finalmente, se realizarán consultas de acuerdo a la ubicación temporal y espacial de uno o varios objetos. Se espera obtener mejoras en cuanto a la cantidad de datos a indexar, esto debido a la gran cantidad de datos que se generan cada segundo, además de acceder, buscar y recuperar un objeto específico dentro de un sistema de videovigilancia

    Operational Conceptual Modeling in Building and Sustaining Technology Enhanced Learning Communities

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    This paper presents a systematic approach to building and sustaining technology-enhanced learning communities based on a conceptual model that enables the analysis and enhancement of digital platforms and tools that promote creativity and learning. Two such software systems are presented, and their usage is analyzed. Experimental results are also presented that demonstrate the effectiveness of the conceptual model in enhancing the learning experiences offered