1,318 research outputs found

    Perceptually Uniform Construction of Illustrative Textures

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    Illustrative textures, such as stippling or hatching, were predominantly used as an alternative to conventional Phong rendering. Recently, the potential of encoding information on surfaces or maps using different densities has also been recognized. This has the significant advantage that additional color can be used as another visual channel and the illustrative textures can then be overlaid. Effectively, it is thus possible to display multiple information, such as two different scalar fields on surfaces simultaneously. In previous work, these textures were manually generated and the choice of density was unempirically determined. Here, we first want to determine and understand the perceptual space of illustrative textures. We chose a succession of simplices with increasing dimensions as primitives for our textures: Dots, lines, and triangles. Thus, we explore the texture types of stippling, hatching, and triangles. We create a range of textures by sampling the density space uniformly. Then, we conduct three perceptual studies in which the participants performed pairwise comparisons for each texture type. We use multidimensional scaling (MDS) to analyze the perceptual spaces per category. The perception of stippling and triangles seems relatively similar. Both are adequately described by a 1D manifold in 2D space. The perceptual space of hatching consists of two main clusters: Crosshatched textures, and textures with only one hatching direction. However, the perception of hatching textures with only one hatching direction is similar to the perception of stippling and triangles. Based on our findings, we construct perceptually uniform illustrative textures. Afterwards, we provide concrete application examples for the constructed textures.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, to be published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphic

    Nlcviz: Tensor Visualization And Defect Detection In Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    Visualization and exploration of nematic liquid crystal (NLC) data is a challenging task due to the multidimensional and multivariate nature of the data. Simulation study of an NLC consists of multiple timesteps, where each timestep computes scalar, vector, and tensor parameters on a geometrical mesh. Scientists developing an understanding of liquid crystal interaction and physics require tools and techniques for effective exploration, visualization, and analysis of these data sets. Traditionally, scientists have used a combination of different tools and techniques like 2D plots, histograms, cut views, etc. for data visualization and analysis. However, such an environment does not provide the required insight into NLC datasets. This thesis addresses two areas of the study of NLC data---understanding of the tensor order field (the Q-tensor) and defect detection in this field. Tensor field understanding is enhanced by using a new glyph (NLCGlyph) based on a new design metric which is closely related to the underlying physical properties of an NLC, described using the Q-tensor. A new defect detection algorithm for 3D unstructured grids based on the orientation change of the director is developed. This method has been used successfully in detecting defects for both structured and unstructured models with varying grid complexity

    Improving Efficiency for CUDA-based Volume Rendering by Combining Segmentation and Modified Sampling Strategies

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    The objective of this paper is to present a speed-up method to improve the rendering speed of ray casting at the same time obtaining high-quality images. Ray casting is the most commonly used volume rendering algorithm, and suitable for parallel processing. In order to improve the efficiency of parallel processing, the latest platform-Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is used. The speed-up method uses improved workload allocation and sampling strategies according to CUDA features. To implement this method, the optimal number of segments of each ray is dynamically selected based on the change of the corresponding visual angle, and each segment is processed by a distinct thread processor. In addition, for each segment, we apply different sampling quantity and density according to the distance weight. Rendering speed results show that our method achieves an average 70% improvement in terms of speed, and even 145% increase in some special cases, compared to conventional ray casting on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Speed-up ratio shows that this method can effectively improve the factors that influence efficiency of rendering. Excellent rendering performance makes this method contribute to real-time 3-D reconstruction

    Quantitative Evaluation of Dense Skeletons for Image Compression

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    Skeletons are well-known descriptors used for analysis and processing of 2D binary images. Recently, dense skeletons have been proposed as an extension of classical skeletons as a dual encoding for 2D grayscale and color images. Yet, their encoding power, measured by the quality and size of the encoded image, and how these metrics depend on selected encoding parameters, has not been formally evaluated. In this paper, we fill this gap with two main contributions. First, we improve the encoding power of dense skeletons by effective layer selection heuristics, a refined skeleton pixel-chain encoding, and a postprocessing compression scheme. Secondly, we propose a benchmark to assess the encoding power of dense skeletons for a wide set of natural and synthetic color and grayscale images. We use this benchmark to derive optimal parameters for dense skeletons. Our method, called Compressing Dense Medial Descriptors (CDMD), achieves higher-compression ratios at similar quality to the well-known JPEG technique and, thereby, shows that skeletons can be an interesting option for lossy image encoding

    Visual-Linguistic Semantic Alignment: Fusing Human Gaze and Spoken Narratives for Image Region Annotation

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    Advanced image-based application systems such as image retrieval and visual question answering depend heavily on semantic image region annotation. However, improvements in image region annotation are limited because of our inability to understand how humans, the end users, process these images and image regions. In this work, we expand a framework for capturing image region annotations where interpreting an image is influenced by the end user\u27s visual perception skills, conceptual knowledge, and task-oriented goals. Human image understanding is reflected by individuals\u27 visual and linguistic behaviors, but the meaningful computational integration and interpretation of their multimodal representations (e.g. gaze, text) remain a challenge. Our work explores the hypothesis that eye movements can help us understand experts\u27 perceptual processes and that spoken language descriptions can reveal conceptual elements of image inspection tasks. We propose that there exists a meaningful relation between gaze, spoken narratives, and image content. Using unsupervised bitext alignment, we create meaningful mappings between participants\u27 eye movements (which reveal key areas of images) and spoken descriptions of those images. The resulting alignments are then used to annotate image regions with concept labels. Our alignment accuracy exceeds baseline alignments that are obtained using both simultaneous and a fixed-delay temporal correspondence. Additionally, comparison of alignment accuracy between a method that identifies clusters in the images based on eye movements and a method that identifies clusters using image features shows that the two approaches perform well on different types of images and concept labels. This suggests that an image annotation framework could integrate information from more than one technique to handle heterogeneous images. The resulting alignments can be used to create a database of low-level image features and high-level semantic annotations corresponding to perceptually important image regions. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework with two datasets: one consisting of general-domain images and another with images from the domain of medicine. This work is an important contribution toward the highly challenging problem of fusing human-elicited multimodal data sources, a problem that will become increasingly important as low-resource scenarios become more common
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