46 research outputs found

    Using high resolution displays for high resolution cardiac data

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    The ability to perform fast, accurate, high resolution visualization is fundamental to improving our understanding of anatomical data. As the volumes of data increase from improvements in scanning technology, the methods applied to rendering and visualization must evolve. In this paper we address the interactive display of data from high resolution MRI scanning of a rabbit heart and subsequent histological imaging. We describe a visualization environment involving a tiled LCD panel display wall and associated software which provide an interactive and intuitive user interface. The oView software is an OpenGL application which is written for the VRJuggler environment. This environment abstracts displays and devices away from the application itself, aiding portability between different systems, from desktop PCs to multi-tiled display walls. Portability between display walls has been demonstrated through its use on walls at both Leeds and Oxford Universities. We discuss important factors to be considered for interactive 2D display of large 3D datasets, including the use of intuitive input devices and level of detail aspects

    A tangible user interface using spatial augmented reality

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    In this paper, we describe the novel implementation of a tangible user interface framework, namely the MagicPad, inspired by the concept of Spatial Augmented Reality. By using an Infrared pen with any flat surface, such as a paper pad that receives projected images from a projector, a user is able to perform a variety of interactive visualization and manipulation in the 3D space. Two implementations using the MagicPad framework are presented, which include the magic lenses like interface inside a CAVE-like system and a virtual book in an art installation. ©2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 2010 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI 2010), Waltham, MA., 20-21 March 2010. In Proceedings of 3DUI, 2010, p. 137-13

    Smart Environments for Collaborative Design, Implementation, and Interpretation of Scientific Experiments

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    Ambient intelligence promises to enable humans to smoothly interact with their environment, mediated by computer technology. In the literature on ambient intelligence, empirical scientists are not often mentioned. Yet they form an interesting target group for this technology. In this position paper, we describe a project aimed at realising an ambient intelligence environment for face-to-face meetings of researchers with different academic backgrounds involved in molecular biology “omics” experiments. In particular, microarray experiments are a focus of attention because these experiments require multidisciplinary collaboration for their design, analysis, and interpretation. Such an environment is characterised by a high degree of complexity that has to be mitigated by ambient intelligence technology. By experimenting in a real-life setting, we will learn more about life scientists as a user group

    Leveraging wall-sized high-resolution displays for comparative genomics analyses of copy number variation

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    The scale of comparative genomics data frequently overwhelms current data visualization methods on conventional (desktop) displays. This paper describes two types of solution that take advantage of wall-sized high-resolution displays (WHirDs), which have orders of magnitude more display real estate (i.e., pixels) than desktop displays. The first allows users to view detailed graphics of copy number variation (CNV) that were output by existing software. A WHirD's resolution allowed a 10Ă— increase in the granularity of bioinformatics output that was feasible for users to visually analyze, and this revealed a pattern that had previously been smoothed out from the underlying data. The second involved interactive visualization software that was innovative because it uses a music score metaphor to lay out CNV data, overcomes a perceptual distortion caused by amplification/deletion thresholds, uses filtering to reduce graphical data overload, and is the first comparative genomics visualization software that is designed to leverage a WHirD's real estate. In a field evaluation, a clinical user discovered a fundamental error in the way their data had been processed, and established confidence in the software by using it to 'find' known genetic patterns in hepatitis C-driven hepatocellular cancer

    Literature Survey on Interaction Techniques for Large Displays

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    When designing for large screen displays, designers are forced to deal with cursor tracking issues, interacting over distances, and space management issues. Because of the large visual angle of the user that the screen can cover, it may be hard for users to begin and complete search tasks for basic items such as cursors or icons. In addition, maneuvering over long distances and acquiring small targets understandably takes more time than the same interactions on normally sized screen systems. To deal with these issues, large display researchers have developed more and more unconventional devices, methods and widgets for interaction, and systems for space and task management. For tracking cursors there are techniques that deal with the size and shape of the cursor, as well as the “density” of the cursor. There are other techniques that help direct the attention of the user to the cursor. For target acquisition on large screens, many researchers saw fit to try to augment existing 2D GUI metaphors. They try to optimize Fitts’ law to accomplish this. Some techniques sought to enlarge targets while others sought to enlarge the cursor itself. Even other techniques developed ways of closing the distances on large screen displays. However, many researchers feel that existing 2D metaphors do not and will not work for large screens. They feel that the community should move to more unconventional devices and metaphors. These unconventional means include use of eye-tracking, laser-pointing, hand-tracking, two-handed touchscreen techniques, and other high-DOF devices. In the end, many of these developed techniques do provide effective means for interaction on large displays. However, we need to quantify the benefits of these methods and understand them better. The more we understand the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques, the easier it will be to employ them in working large screen systems. We also need to put into place a kind of interaction standard for these large screen systems. This could mean simply supporting desktop events such as pointing and clicking. It may also mean that we need to identify the needs of each domain that large screens are used for and tailor the interaction techniques for the domain

    Understanding Visual Feedback in Large-Display Touchless Interactions: An Exploratory Study

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    Touchless interactions synthesize input and output from physically disconnected motor and display spaces without any haptic feedback. In the absence of any haptic feedback, touchless interactions primarily rely on visual cues, but properties of visual feedback remain unexplored. This paper systematically investigates how large-display touchless interactions are affected by (1) types of visual feedback—discrete, partial, and continuous; (2) alternative forms of touchless cursors; (3) approaches to visualize target-selection; and (4) persistent visual cues to support out-of-range and drag-and-drop gestures. Results suggest that continuous was more effective than partial visual feedback; users disliked opaque cursors, and efficiency did not increase when cursors were larger than display artifacts’ size. Semantic visual feedback located at the display border improved users’ efficiency to return within the display range; however, the path of movement echoed in drag-and-drop operations decreased efficiency. Our findings contribute key ingredients to design suitable visual feedback for large-display touchless environments.This work was partially supported by an IUPUI Research Support Funds Grant (RSFG)

    Industry use of virtual reality in product design and manufacturing: a survey

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    In 1999, Fred Brooks, virtual reality pioneer and Professor of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, published a seminal paper describing the current state of virtual reality (VR) technologies and applications (Brooks in IEEE Comput Graph Appl 19(6):16, 1999). Through his extensive survey of industry, Brooks concluded that virtual reality had finally arrived and “barely works”. His report included a variety of industries which leveraged these technologies to support industry-level innovation. Virtual reality was being employed to empower decision making in design, evaluation, and training processes across multiple disciplines. Over the past two decades, both industrial and academic communities have contributed to a large knowledge base on numerous virtual reality topics. Technical advances have enabled designers and engineers to explore and interact with data in increasingly natural ways. Sixteen years have passed since Brooks original survey. Where are we now? The research presented here seeks to describe the current state of the art of virtual reality as it is used as a decision-making tool in product design, particularly in engineering-focused businesses. To this end, a survey of industry was conducted over several months spanning fall 2014 and spring 2015. Data on virtual reality applications across a variety of industries was gathered through a series of on-site visits. In total, on-site visits with 18 companies using virtual reality were conducted as well as remote conference calls with two others. The authors interviewed 62 people across numerous companies from varying disciplines and perspectives. Success stories and existing challenges were highlighted. While virtual reality hardware has made considerable strides, unique attention was given to applications and the associated decisions that they support. Results suggest that virtual reality has arrived: it works! It is mature, stable, and, most importantly, usable. VR is actively being used in a number of industries to support decision making and enable innovation. Insights from this survey can be leveraged to help guide future research directions in virtual reality technology and applications