81 research outputs found

    Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks using Bayesian Game Methodology

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    The dynamic and distributed nature of MANETs make them vulnerable to various types of attacks like black hole attack, traffic distortion, IP spoofing, DoS attack etc. Malicious nodes can launch attacks against other normal nodes and deteriorate the overall performance of the entire network [1�3]. Unlike in wired networks, there are no fixed checkpoints like router and switches in MANETs, where the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can be deployed .However, due to limited wireless communication range and node mobility, nodes in MANET must cooperate with each other to provide networking services among themselves. Therefore, each node in a MANET acts both as a host and a router. Present Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) for MANETs require continuous monitoring which leads to rapid depletion of a node�s battery life. To avoid this issue we propose a system to prevent intrusion in MANET using Bayesian model based MAC Identification from multiple nodes in network. Using such system we can provide lightweight burden to nodes hence improving energy efficiency. Simulated results shows improvement in estimated delay and average bits transfer parameter

    Investigation of computational intelligence techniques for intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks.

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become a key technology for the IoT and despite obvious benefits, challenges still exist regarding security. As more devices are connected to the internet, new cyber attacks are emerging which join well-known attacks posing significant threats to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data in WSNs. In this work, we investigated two computational intelligence techniques for WSN intrusion detection. A back propagation neural network was compared with a support vector machine classifier. Using the NSL-KDD dataset, detection rates achieved by the two techniques for six cyber attacks were recorded. The results showed that both techniques offer a high true positive rate and a low false positive rate, making both of them good options for intrusion detection. In addition, we further show the support vector machine classifiers suitability for anomaly detection, by demonstrating its ability to handle low sample sizes, while maintaining an acceptable FPR rate under the required threshold

    A Redundancy-based Security Model for Smart Home

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    Recent developments in smart devices, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are introducing network of intelligent devices. These intelligent devices can be used to develop smart home network. The home appliance in a smart home forms an ad-hoc network. A smart home network architecture can be exploited by compromising the devices it is made up of. Various malicious activities can be performed through such exploitation. This paper presents a security approach to combat this. By using a collaborative and redundant security approach, the ad-hoc network of a smart home would be able to prevent malicious exploitation. The security approach discussed in this paper is a conceptual representation on the proposed security model for smart home networks

    Intrusion Detection in Mobile Adhoc Network with Bayesian model based MAC Identification

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are a collection of heterogeneous, infrastructure less, self-organizing and battery powered mobile nodes with different resources availability and computational capabilities. The dynamic and distributed nature of MANETs makes them suitable for deployment in extreme and volatile environmental conditions. They have found applications in diverse domains such as military operations, environmental monitoring, rescue operations etc. Each node in a MANET is equipped with a wireless transmitter and receiver, which enables it to communicate with other nodes within its wireless transmission range. However, due to limited wireless communication range and node mobility, nodes in MANET must cooperate with each other to provide networking services among themselves. Therefore, each node in a MANET acts both as a host and a router. Present Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) for MANETs require continuous monitoring which leads to rapid depletion of a node?s battery life. To avoid this issue we propose a system to prevent intrusion in MANET using Bayesian model based MAC Identification from multiple nodes in network. Using such system we can provide lightweight burden to nodes hence improving energy efficiency

    Analysis of Black Hole Attack in MANET Based on Simulation through NS3.26

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    This research paper presentsanalysis of Black hole attacks in Mobile Adhoc network (MANET) routing protocol Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV). Weuse 25 nodes in wireless sensor network with no attack, one attack, three attacks and five numbers of attacks nodes treated with reactive routing protocol AODV. A Simulations have been conducted in ns-3.26, which is the latest version of ns3 network simulator on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS version platform. The performance resultsare analyzed based on Throughput, Packet loss and Delay time with same simulation time for different numbers of malicious nodes in black hole attacks on MANET?s

    A Survey: Intrusion Detection System for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs)

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    In recent years, the security issues on Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have become one of the primary concerns. Vehicular Ad Hoc Network has attracted both research and industrial community due to its benefits in facilitating human life and enhancing the security and comfort. However, various issues have been faced in such networks such as information security, routing reliability, dynamic high mobility of vehicles that influence the stability of communication. Furthermore, VANETs are vulnerable against attacks so this can directly lead to the corruption of networks and then possibly provoke big losses of time, money, and even lives. This paper presents a survey of VANETs attacks and solutions in carefully considering other similar works as well as updating new attacks and categorizing them into different classes. Keywords: Intrusion Detection System DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/11-4-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Study of Tree Base Data Mining Algorithms for Network Intrusion Detection

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    Internet growth has increased rapidly due to which number of network attacks have been increased. This emphasis importance of network intrusion detection systems (IDS) for securing the network. It is the process of monitoring and analyzing network traffic for detecting security violations many researcher suggested data mining technique such as classification, clustering ,pattern matching and rule induction for developing an effective intrusion detection system. In order to detect the intrusion, the network traffic can be classified into normal and anomalous. In this paper we have evaluated tree base classification algorithms namely J48, Hoeffding tree, Random Forest, Random Tree, REPTree. The comparison of these tree based classification algorithms is presented in this paper based upon their performance metrics using 10 fold cross validation and KDD- CUP test dataset. This study shows that random forest and J48 are the best suitable tree base algorithms

    A Security Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Internet of Things Paradigm

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    Conference ProceedingsIn this paper we explore the possibilities of having an algorithm that can protect Zigbee wireless sensor networks from intrusion; this is done from the Internet of Things paradigm. This algorithm is then realised as part of an intrusion detection system for Zigbee sensors used in wireless networks. The paper describes the algorithm used, the programming process, and the architecture of the system developed as well as the results achieved
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