10 research outputs found

    Assessing Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Sensor Resource Management

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have applications in search and rescue operations and such operations could be more efficient by using appropriate artificial intelligence (AI) to enable a UAV agent to operate autonomously. Sensor resource management (SRM), which leverages capabilities across location intelligence, facilitates the efficient and effective use of UAVs and their sensors to complete a set of tasks. Furthermore, multiple UAVs, each with different sensor configurations, must be considered when maximizing mission effects. Instantiating operational autonomy for such teams requires considerable coordination. One AI approach relevant to this task is multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). However, MARL has seen limited prior use in SRM. This work evaluates the trade-space of MARL algorithms with respect to performing heterogeneous sensor resource management (SRM) tasks, considers the concept of evaluating MARL in a test and evaluation framework and compares a suit of algorithms with random and Bayesian hyperparameter optimization methods

    High-precision measurement of the hypertriton lifetime and Λ-separation energy exploiting ML algorithms with ALICE at the LHC.

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    Aesthetic choices: Defining the range of aesthetic views in interactive digital media including games and 3D virtual environments (3D VEs)

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    Defining aesthetic choices for interactive digital media such as games is a challenging task. Objective and subjective factors such as colour, symmetry, order and complexity, and statistical features among others play an important role for defining the aesthetic properties of interactive digital artifacts. Computational approaches developed in this regard also consider objective factors such as statistical image features for the assessment of aesthetic qualities. However, aesthetics for interactive digital media, such as games, requires more nuanced consideration than simple objective and subjective factors, for choosing a range of aesthetic features. From the study it was found that the there is no one single optimum position or viewpoint with a corresponding relationship to the aesthetic considerations that influence interactive digital media. Instead, the incorporation of aesthetic features demonstrates the need to consider each component within interactive digital media as part of a range of possible features, and therefore within a range of possible camera positions. A framework, named as PCAWF, emphasized that combination of features and factors demonstrated the need to define a range of aesthetic viewpoints. This is important for improved user experience. From the framework it has been found that factors including the storyline, user state, gameplay, and application type are critical to defining the reasons associated with making aesthetic choices. The selection of a range of aesthetic features and characteristics is influenced by four main factors and sub-factors associated with the main factors. This study informs the future of interactive digital media interaction by providing clarity and reasoning behind the aesthetic decision-making inclusions that are integrated into automatically generated vision by providing a framework for choosing a range of aesthetic viewpoints in a 3D virtual environment of a game. The study identifies critical juxtapositions between photographic and cinema-based media aesthetics by incorporating qualitative rationales from experts within the interactive digital media field. This research will change the way Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated interactive digital media in the way that it chooses visual outputs in terms of camera positions, field-view, orientation, contextual considerations, and user experiences. It will impact across all automated systems to ensure that human-values, rich variations, and extensive complexity are integrated in the AI-dominated development and design of future interactive digital media production

    Desarrollo de un videojuego para mejorar el nivel de comprensi?n lectora en estudiantes de primaria

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    Las participaciones de Per? en las pruebas PISA han demostrado que el pa?s posee un bajo nivel principalmente en el ?rea de lectura quedando en la mayor?a de las ocasiones en los ?ltimos puestos. Por otro lado, el mercado de los videojuegos ha crecido de forma exponencial increment?ndose en 50% el n?mero de jugadores peruanos solamente en el primer semestre del 2020 con la aparici?n del coronavirus. La presente investigaci?n consisti? desarrollar un videojuego para mejorar el nivel de comprensi?n lectora en estudiantes de primaria. Los participantes fueron 112 estudiantes de 1ro a 6to grado de primaria con un rango de edad de 5 a 11 a?os. Para el desarrollo del videojuego se utiliz? la metodolog?a en cascada que incluye las fases de comunicaci?n, planeaci?n, modelado, desarrollo y despliegue. Los resultados revelaron que los estudiantes que utilizaron el videojuego demostraron una mejora significativa de 1.77 puntos (1er grado), 1.45 puntos (2do grado), 1.06 puntos (3er grado), 1.17 puntos (4to grado), 1.34 puntos (5to grado) y 1.17 puntos (6to grado) en las evaluaciones realizadas. Asimismo, se evidenci? que m?s del 80% de los estudiantes tuvieron una mejora en los niveles literal e inferencial de comprensi?n lectora