741 research outputs found

    When Decision Meets Estimation: Theory and Applications

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    In many practical problems, both decision and estimation are involved. This dissertation intends to study the relationship between decision and estimation in these problems, so that more accurate inference methods can be developed. Hybrid estimation is an important formulation that deals with state estimation and model structure identification simultaneously. Multiple-model (MM) methods are the most widelyused tool for hybrid estimation. A novel approach to predict the Internet end-to-end delay using MM methods is proposed. Based on preliminary analysis of the collected end-to-end delay data, we propose an off-line model set design procedure using vector quantization (VQ) and short-term time series analysis so that MM methods can be applied to predict on-line measurement data. Experimental results show that the proposed MM predictor outperforms two widely used adaptive filters in terms of prediction accuracy and robustness. Although hybrid estimation can identify model structure, it mainly focuses on the estimation part. When decision and estimation are of (nearly) equal importance, a joint solution is preferred. By noticing the resemblance, a new Bayes risk is generalized from those of decision and estimation, respectively. Based on this generalized Bayes risk, a novel, integrated solution to decision and estimation is introduced. Our study tries to give a more systematic view on the joint decision and estimation (JDE) problem, which we believe the work in various fields, such as target tracking, communications, time series modeling, will benefit greatly from. We apply this integrated Bayes solution to joint target tracking and classification, a very important topic in target inference, with simplified measurement models. The results of this new approach are compared with two conventional strategies. At last, a surveillance testbed is being built for such purposes as algorithm development and performance evaluation. We try to use the testbed to bridge the gap between theory and practice. In the dissertation, an overview as well as the architecture of the testbed is given and one case study is presented. The testbed is capable to serve the tasks with decision and/or estimation aspects, and is helpful for the development of the JDE algorithms

    When Decision Meets Estimation: Theory and Applications

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    In many practical problems, both decision and estimation are involved. This dissertation intends to study the relationship between decision and estimation in these problems, so that more accurate inference methods can be developed. Hybrid estimation is an important formulation that deals with state estimation and model structure identification simultaneously. Multiple-model (MM) methods are the most widelyused tool for hybrid estimation. A novel approach to predict the Internet end-to-end delay using MM methods is proposed. Based on preliminary analysis of the collected end-to-end delay data, we propose an off-line model set design procedure using vector quantization (VQ) and short-term time series analysis so that MM methods can be applied to predict on-line measurement data. Experimental results show that the proposed MM predictor outperforms two widely used adaptive filters in terms of prediction accuracy and robustness. Although hybrid estimation can identify model structure, it mainly focuses on the estimation part. When decision and estimation are of (nearly) equal importance, a joint solution is preferred. By noticing the resemblance, a new Bayes risk is generalized from those of decision and estimation, respectively. Based on this generalized Bayes risk, a novel, integrated solution to decision and estimation is introduced. Our study tries to give a more systematic view on the joint decision and estimation (JDE) problem, which we believe the work in various fields, such as target tracking, communications, time series modeling, will benefit greatly from. We apply this integrated Bayes solution to joint target tracking and classification, a very important topic in target inference, with simplified measurement models. The results of this new approach are compared with two conventional strategies. At last, a surveillance testbed is being built for such purposes as algorithm development and performance evaluation. We try to use the testbed to bridge the gap between theory and practice. In the dissertation, an overview as well as the architecture of the testbed is given and one case study is presented. The testbed is capable to serve the tasks with decision and/or estimation aspects, and is helpful for the development of the JDE algorithms

    Towards edge robotics: the progress from cloud-based robotic systems to intelligent and context-aware robotic services

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    Current robotic systems handle a different range of applications such as video surveillance, delivery of goods, cleaning, material handling, assembly, painting, or pick and place services. These systems have been embraced not only by the general population but also by the vertical industries to help them in performing daily activities. Traditionally, the robotic systems have been deployed in standalone robots that were exclusively dedicated to performing a specific task such as cleaning the floor in indoor environments. In recent years, cloud providers started to offer their infrastructures to robotic systems for offloading some of the robot’s functions. This ultimate form of the distributed robotic system was first introduced 10 years ago as cloud robotics and nowadays a lot of robotic solutions are appearing in this form. As a result, standalone robots became software-enhanced objects with increased reconfigurability as well as decreased complexity and cost. Moreover, by offloading the heavy processing from the robot to the cloud, it is easier to share services and information from various robots or agents to achieve better cooperation and coordination. Cloud robotics is suitable for human-scale responsive and delay-tolerant robotic functionalities (e.g., monitoring, predictive maintenance). However, there is a whole set of real-time robotic applications (e.g., remote control, motion planning, autonomous navigation) that can not be executed with cloud robotics solutions, mainly because cloud facilities traditionally reside far away from the robots. While the cloud providers can ensure certain performance in their infrastructure, very little can be ensured in the network between the robots and the cloud, especially in the last hop where wireless radio access networks are involved. Over the last years advances in edge computing, fog computing, 5G NR, network slicing, Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and network orchestration are stimulating the interest of the industrial sector to satisfy the stringent and real-time requirements of their applications. Robotic systems are a key piece in the industrial digital transformation and their benefits are very well studied in the literature. However, designing and implementing a robotic system that integrates all the emerging technologies and meets the connectivity requirements (e.g., latency, reliability) is an ambitious task. This thesis studies the integration of modern Information andCommunication Technologies (ICTs) in robotic systems and proposes some robotic enhancements that tackle the real-time constraints of robotic services. To evaluate the performance of the proposed enhancements, this thesis departs from the design and prototype implementation of an edge native robotic system that embodies the concepts of edge computing, fog computing, orchestration, and virtualization. The proposed edge robotics system serves to represent two exemplary robotic applications. In particular, autonomous navigation of mobile robots and remote-control of robot manipulator where the end-to-end robotic system is distributed between the robots and the edge server. The open-source prototype implementation of the designed edge native robotic system resulted in the creation of two real-world testbeds that are used in this thesis as a baseline scenario for the evaluation of new innovative solutions in robotic systems. After detailing the design and prototype implementation of the end-to-end edge native robotic system, this thesis proposes several enhancements that can be offered to robotic systems by adapting the concept of edge computing via the Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) framework. First, it proposes exemplary network context-aware enhancements in which the real-time information about robot connectivity and location can be used to dynamically adapt the end-to-end system behavior to the actual status of the communication (e.g., radio channel). Three different exemplary context-aware enhancements are proposed that aim to optimize the end-to-end edge native robotic system. Later, the thesis studies the capability of the edge native robotic system to offer potential savings by means of computation offloading for robot manipulators in different deployment configurations. Further, the impact of different wireless channels (e.g., 5G, 4G andWi-Fi) to support the data exchange between a robot manipulator and its remote controller are assessed. In the following part of the thesis, the focus is set on how orchestration solutions can support mobile robot systems to make high quality decisions. The application of OKpi as an orchestration algorithm and DLT-based federation are studied to meet the KPIs that autonomously controlledmobile robots have in order to provide uninterrupted connectivity over the radio access network. The elaborated solutions present high compatibility with the designed edge robotics system where the robot driving range is extended without any interruption of the end-to-end edge robotics service. While the DLT-based federation extends the robot driving range by deploying access point extension on top of external domain infrastructure, OKpi selects the most suitable access point and computing resource in the cloud-to-thing continuum in order to fulfill the latency requirements of autonomously controlled mobile robots. To conclude the thesis the focus is set on how robotic systems can improve their performance by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to generate smart decisions. To do so, the edge native robotic system is presented as a true embodiment of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) in Industry 4.0, showing the mission of AI in such concept. It presents the key enabling technologies of the edge robotic system such as edge, fog, and 5G, where the physical processes are integrated with computing and network domains. The role of AI in each technology domain is identified by analyzing a set of AI agents at the application and infrastructure level. In the last part of the thesis, the movement prediction is selected to study the feasibility of applying a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators (FoReCo) that uses ML to infer lost commands caused by interference in the wireless channel. The obtained results are showcasing the its potential in simulation and real-world experimentation.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Karl Holger.- Secretario: Joerg Widmer.- Vocal: Claudio Cicconett

    Vehicle detection and tracking using wireless sensors and video cameras

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    This thesis presents the development of a surveillance testbed using wireless sensors and video cameras for vehicle detection and tracking. The experimental study includes testbed design and discusses some of the implementation issues in using wireless sensors and video cameras for a practical application. A group of sensor devices equipped with light sensors are used to detect and localize the position of moving vehicle. Background subtraction method is used to detect the moving vehicle from the video sequences. Vehicle centroid is calculated in each frame. A non-linear minimization method is used to estimate the perspective transformation which project 3D points to 2D image points. Vehicle location estimates from three cameras are fused to form a single trajectory representing the vehicle motion. Experimental results using both sensors and cameras are presented. Average error between vehicle location estimates from the cameras and the wireless sensors is around 0.5ft

    Software Platforms for Smart Cities: Concepts, Requirements, Challenges, and a Unified Reference Architecture

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    Making cities smarter help improve city services and increase citizens' quality of life. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are fundamental for progressing towards smarter city environments. Smart City software platforms potentially support the development and integration of Smart City applications. However, the ICT community must overcome current significant technological and scientific challenges before these platforms can be widely used. This paper surveys the state-of-the-art in software platforms for Smart Cities. We analyzed 23 projects with respect to the most used enabling technologies, as well as functional and non-functional requirements, classifying them into four categories: Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Big Data, and Cloud Computing. Based on these results, we derived a reference architecture to guide the development of next-generation software platforms for Smart Cities. Finally, we enumerated the most frequently cited open research challenges, and discussed future opportunities. This survey gives important references for helping application developers, city managers, system operators, end-users, and Smart City researchers to make project, investment, and research decisions.Comment: Accepted for publication in ACM Computing Survey

    Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this chapter, we present a literature survey of an emerging, cutting-edge, and multi-disciplinary field of research at the intersection of Robotics and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) which we refer to as Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks (RWSN). We define a RWSN as an autonomous networked multi-robot system that aims to achieve certain sensing goals while meeting and maintaining certain communication performance requirements, through cooperative control, learning and adaptation. While both of the component areas, i.e., Robotics and WSN, are very well-known and well-explored, there exist a whole set of new opportunities and research directions at the intersection of these two fields which are relatively or even completely unexplored. One such example would be the use of a set of robotic routers to set up a temporary communication path between a sender and a receiver that uses the controlled mobility to the advantage of packet routing. We find that there exist only a limited number of articles to be directly categorized as RWSN related works whereas there exist a range of articles in the robotics and the WSN literature that are also relevant to this new field of research. To connect the dots, we first identify the core problems and research trends related to RWSN such as connectivity, localization, routing, and robust flow of information. Next, we classify the existing research on RWSN as well as the relevant state-of-the-arts from robotics and WSN community according to the problems and trends identified in the first step. Lastly, we analyze what is missing in the existing literature, and identify topics that require more research attention in the future

    Getting smarter about smart cities: Improving data privacy and data security

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    Spatiotemporal graphical modeling for cyber-physical systems

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are combinations of physical processes and network computation. Modern CPSs such as smart buildings, power plants, transportation networks, and power-grids have shown tremendous potential for increased efficiency, robustness, and resilience. However, such modern CPSs encounter a large variety of physical faults and cyber anomalies, and in many cases are vulnerable to catastrophic fault propagation scenarios due to strong connectivity among their sub-systems. To address these issues, this study proposes a graphical modeling framework to monitor and predict the performance of CPSs in a scalable and robust way. This thesis investigates on two critical CPS applications to evaluate the effectiveness of this proposed framework, namely (i) health monitoring of highway traffic sensors and (ii) building energy consumption prediction. In highway traffic sensor networks, accurate traffic sensor data is essential for traffic operation management systems and acquisition of real-time traffic surveillance data depends heavily on the reliability of the physical systems. Therefore, detecting the health status of the sensors in a traffic sensor network is critical for the departments of transportation as well as other public and private entities, especially in the circumstances where real-time decision making is required. With the purpose of efficiently determining the traffic network status and identifying failed sensor(s), this study proposes a cost-effective spatiotemporal graphical modeling approach called spatiotemporal pattern network (STPN). Traffic speed and volume measurement sensors are used in this work to formulate and analyze the proposed sensor health monitoring system. The historical time-series data from the networked traffic sensors on the Interstate 35 (I-35) within the state of Iowa is used for validation. Based on the validation results, this study demonstrates that the proposed graphical modeling approach can: (i) extract spatiotemporal dependencies among the different sensors which lead to an efficient graphical representation of the sensor network in the information space, and (ii) distinguish and quantify a sensor issue by leveraging the extracted spatiotemporal relationship of the candidate sensor(s) to the other sensors in the network. In the building energy consumption prediction case, we consider the fact that energy performance of buildings is primarily affected by the heat exchange with the building outer skin and the surrounding environment. In addition, it is a common practice in building energy simulation (BES) to predict energy usage with a variable degree of accuracy. Therefore, to account for accurate building energy consumption, especially in urban environments with a lot of anthropogenic heat sources, it is necessary to consider the microclimate conditions around the building. These conditions are influenced by the immediate environment, such as surrounding buildings, hard surfaces, and trees. Moreover, deployment of sensors to monitor the microclimate information of a building can be quite challenging and therefore, not scalable. Instead of applying local weather data directly on building energy simulation (BES) tools, this work proposes a spatiotemporal pattern network (STPN) based machine learning framework to predict the microclimate information based on the local weather station, which leads to better energy consumption prediction in buildings
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