10 research outputs found

    Speaker-following Video Subtitles

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    We propose a new method for improving the presentation of subtitles in video (e.g. TV and movies). With conventional subtitles, the viewer has to constantly look away from the main viewing area to read the subtitles at the bottom of the screen, which disrupts the viewing experience and causes unnecessary eyestrain. Our method places on-screen subtitles next to the respective speakers to allow the viewer to follow the visual content while simultaneously reading the subtitles. We use novel identification algorithms to detect the speakers based on audio and visual information. Then the placement of the subtitles is determined using global optimization. A comprehensive usability study indicated that our subtitle placement method outperformed both conventional fixed-position subtitling and another previous dynamic subtitling method in terms of enhancing the overall viewing experience and reducing eyestrain

    Implementasi Speech Recognition dengan menggunakan SVM dan HMM

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    ABSTRAKSI: Belakangan ini, pengenalan ucapan menjadi perhatian dalam pengembangan teknologi untuk mempermudah manusia. Dengan menggunakan suara, manusia dapat melakukan apa saja tanpa harus terganggu dengan aktifitas yang lainnya. Suara juga sebagai komunikasi antar manusia, dengan suara komunikasi menjadi lancar. Berbeda bahasa adalah salah satu kendala berkomunikasi, maka bila suara dapat di deteksi dan di ubah menjadi bahasa yang dikenali oleh lawan bicara, maka komunikasi akan menjadi lebih mudah. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan metode yang tepat untuk mengenali suara hingga tepatTugas akhir ini akan mengimplemtasikan metode hidden markov model dan support vector machine untuk pengenalan ucapan. Inputan berupa sinyal suara yang direkam dalam keadaan kedap berupa kata. Data latih yang dipakai menggunakan kata dan sukukata pembangun kata tsb. Sinyal suara tersebut dilakukan penyusain dengan system dengan normalisasi dan pendeteksian sukukata. Hasil segmentasi suku kata dilakukan pengekstraan cirri dengan menggunakan MFCC dan dilakukan klasifikasi persuku kata menggunakan SVM dan pengaturan sukukata menggunakan HMM. Terdapat 10 kata yang akan dikenali dan 19 suku kata pembangunnya. Dataset yang dipakai berjumlah 600 suku kata dan 100 kata.Pada akhir tugas akhir ini didapat akurasi SVM One-Againts-All dan HMM dengan akurasi 90% dan SVM one-againts-one mempunyai akurasi 63.7 %. Dengan menggunakan model HMM ergodic dengan hidden state sebanyak 3 dan 20Kata Kunci : SVM , HMM, SVM/HMM, Pengenalan UcapanABSTRACT: Latterly, the attention in the speech recognition technology to facilitate human development. By using speech, people can do anything without having to interfere with other activities as well as communication between humans, with voice communication to be smooth. In Different languages are among the difficulties communicated. Then if the sound can be detected and converted into other language that is recognized by the speaker, the communication will become easier. Therefore, it takes an appropriate method to recognize the speech until appropriateThis final project implementation HMM method and SVM for speech recognition. The input for this system is a signal digital and represented speech, speech had been record in a state resistant form other. Training data is used to use builder-syllable words and the word is. The signal is synchronize with normalize and detection system with syllable. Syllables segmentation results performed using the MFCC feature extraction and classification every syllable with SVM and words using HMM. There are 10 words that will be recognized and 19 syllables builders. Database for this system use 600 syllables and 100 words. The result of this project give the accuracy for HMM and SVM on-against-all 905 and HMM and SVM on-against-one 63.7% This HMM using ergodic model with 3 and 20 hidden states.Keyword: SVM, HMM, SVM/HMM, Speech Recognitio

    Geometrical-based lip-reading using template probabilistic multi-dimension dynamic time warping

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    By identifying lip movements and characterizing their associations with speech sounds, the performance of speech recognition systems can be improved, particularly when operating in noisy environments. In this paper, we present a geometrical-based automatic lip reading system that extracts the lip region from images using conventional techniques, but the contour itself is extracted using a novel application of a combination of border following and convex hull approaches. Classification is carried out using an enhanced dynamic time warping technique that has the ability to operate in multiple dimensions and a template probability technique that is able to compensate for differences in the way words are uttered in the training set. The performance of the new system has been assessed in recognition of the English digits 0 to 9 as available in the CUAVE database. The experimental results obtained from the new approach compared favorably with those of existing lip reading approaches, achieving a word recognition accuracy of up to 71% with the visual information being obtained from estimates of lip height, width and their ratio

    Articulatory features for robust visual speech recognition

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    Automated Speaker Independent Visual Speech Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Speaker-independent VSR is a complex task that involves identifying spoken words or phrases from video recordings of a speaker's facial movements. Over the years, there has been a considerable amount of research in the field of VSR involving different algorithms and datasets to evaluate system performance. These efforts have resulted in significant progress in developing effective VSR models, creating new opportunities for further research in this area. This survey provides a detailed examination of the progression of VSR over the past three decades, with a particular emphasis on the transition from speaker-dependent to speaker-independent systems. We also provide a comprehensive overview of the various datasets used in VSR research and the preprocessing techniques employed to achieve speaker independence. The survey covers the works published from 1990 to 2023, thoroughly analyzing each work and comparing them on various parameters. This survey provides an in-depth analysis of speaker-independent VSR systems evolution from 1990 to 2023. It outlines the development of VSR systems over time and highlights the need to develop end-to-end pipelines for speaker-independent VSR. The pictorial representation offers a clear and concise overview of the techniques used in speaker-independent VSR, thereby aiding in the comprehension and analysis of the various methodologies. The survey also highlights the strengths and limitations of each technique and provides insights into developing novel approaches for analyzing visual speech cues. Overall, This comprehensive review provides insights into the current state-of-the-art speaker-independent VSR and highlights potential areas for future research

    Articulatory features for robust visual speech recognition

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-105).This thesis explores a novel approach to visual speech modeling. Visual speech, or a sequence of images of the speaker's face, is traditionally viewed as a single stream of contiguous units, each corresponding to a phonetic segment. These units are defined heuristically by mapping several visually similar phonemes to one visual phoneme, sometimes referred to as a viseme. However, experimental evidence shows that phonetic models trained from visual data are not synchronous in time with acoustic phonetic models, indicating that visemes may not be the most natural building blocks of visual speech. Instead, we propose to model the visual signal in terms of the underlying articulatory features. This approach is a natural extension of feature-based modeling of acoustic speech, which has been shown to increase robustness of audio-based speech recognition systems. We start by exploring ways of defining visual articulatory features: first in a data-driven manner, using a large, multi-speaker visual speech corpus, and then in a knowledge-driven manner, using the rules of speech production. Based on these studies, we propose a set of articulatory features, and describe a computational framework for feature-based visual speech recognition. Multiple feature streams are detected in the input image sequence using Support Vector Machines, and then incorporated in a Dynamic Bayesian Network to obtain the final word hypothesis. Preliminary experiments show that our approach increases viseme classification rates in visually noisy conditions, and improves visual word recognition through feature-based context modeling.by Ekaterina Saenko.S.M

    A Support Vector Machine-Based Dynamic Network for Visual Speech Recognition Applications

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    Visual speech recognition is an emerging research field. In this paper, we examine the suitability of support vector machines for visual speech recognition. Each word is modeled as a temporal sequence of visemes corresponding to the different phones realized. One support vector machine is trained to recognize each viseme and its output is converted to a posterior probability through a sigmoidal mapping. To model the temporal character of speech, the support vector machines are integrated as nodes into a Viterbi lattice. We test the performance of the proposed approach on a small visual speech recognition task, namely the recognition of the first four digits in English. The word recognition rate obtained is at the level of the previous best reported rates

    A novel lip geometry approach for audio-visual speech recognition

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    By identifying lip movements and characterizing their associations with speech sounds, the performance of speech recognition systems can be improved, particularly when operating in noisy environments. Various method have been studied by research group around the world to incorporate lip movements into speech recognition in recent years, however exactly how best to incorporate the additional visual information is still not known. This study aims to extend the knowledge of relationships between visual and speech information specifically using lip geometry information due to its robustness to head rotation and the fewer number of features required to represent movement. A new method has been developed to extract lip geometry information, to perform classification and to integrate visual and speech modalities. This thesis makes several contributions. First, this work presents a new method to extract lip geometry features using the combination of a skin colour filter, a border following algorithm and a convex hull approach. The proposed method was found to improve lip shape extraction performance compared to existing approaches. Lip geometry features including height, width, ratio, area, perimeter and various combinations of these features were evaluated to determine which performs best when representing speech in the visual domain. Second, a novel template matching technique able to adapt dynamic differences in the way words are uttered by speakers has been developed, which determines the best fit of an unseen feature signal to those stored in a database template. Third, following on evaluation of integration strategies, a novel method has been developed based on alternative decision fusion strategy, in which the outcome from the visual and speech modality is chosen by measuring the quality of audio based on kurtosis and skewness analysis and driven by white noise confusion. Finally, the performance of the new methods introduced in this work are evaluated using the CUAVE and LUNA-V data corpora under a range of different signal to noise ratio conditions using the NOISEX-92 dataset

    A Multimodal Sensor Fusion Architecture for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

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    A key requirement for developing any innovative system in a computing environment is to integrate a sufficiently friendly interface with the average end user. Accurate design of such a user-centered interface, however, means more than just the ergonomics of the panels and displays. It also requires that designers precisely define what information to use and how, where, and when to use it. Recent advances in user-centered design of computing systems have suggested that multimodal integration can provide different types and levels of intelligence to the user interface. The work of this thesis aims at improving speech recognition-based interfaces by making use of the visual modality conveyed by the movements of the lips. Designing a good visual front end is a major part of this framework. For this purpose, this work derives the optical flow fields for consecutive frames of people speaking. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is then used to derive basis flow fields. The coefficients of these basis fields comprise the visual features of interest. It is shown that using ICA on optical flow fields yields better classification results than the traditional approaches based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In fact, ICA can capture higher order statistics that are needed to understand the motion of the mouth. This is due to the fact that lips movement is complex in its nature, as it involves large image velocities, self occlusion (due to the appearance and disappearance of the teeth) and a lot of non-rigidity. Another issue that is of great interest to audio-visual speech recognition systems designers is the integration (fusion) of the audio and visual information into an automatic speech recognizer. For this purpose, a reliability-driven sensor fusion scheme is developed. A statistical approach is developed to account for the dynamic changes in reliability. This is done in two steps. The first step derives suitable statistical reliability measures for the individual information streams. These measures are based on the dispersion of the N-best hypotheses of the individual stream classifiers. The second step finds an optimal mapping between the reliability measures and the stream weights that maximizes the conditional likelihood. For this purpose, genetic algorithms are used. The addressed issues are challenging problems and are substantial for developing an audio-visual speech recognition framework that can maximize the information gather about the words uttered and minimize the impact of noise

    Visual Speech Recognition

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    In recent years, Visual speech recognition has a more concentration, by researchers, than the past. Because of the leakage of the visual processing of the Arabic vocabularies recognition, we start to search in this field. Audio speech recognition concerned with the acoustic characteristic of the signal, but there are many situations that the audio signal is weak of not exist, and this will be a point in Chapter 2. The visual recognition process focuses on the features extracted from video of the speaker. These features are to be classified using several techniques. The most important feature to be extracted is motion. By segmenting motion of the lips of the speaker, an algorithm has manipulate it in such away to recognize the word which is said. But motion segmentation is not the only problem facing the speech recognition process, segmenting the lips itself is an early step in the speech recognition process, so, to segment lips motion we have to segment lips first, a new approach for lip segmentation is proposed in this thesis. Sometimes, motion feature needs another feature to support in recognition the spoken word. So in our thesis another new algorithm is proposed to use motion segmentation by using the Abstract Difference Image from an image series, supported by correlation for registering images in the image series, to recognize ten words in the Arabic language, the words are from “one” to “ten” in Arabic language. The algorithm also uses the HU-Invariant set of features to describe the Abstract Difference Image, and uses a three different recognition methods to recognize the words. The CLAHE method as a filtering technique is used by our algorithm to manipulate lighting problems. Our algorithm based on extracting the differences details from a series of images to recognize the word, achieved an overall results 55.8%, it is an adequate result for our algorithm when integrated in an audio-visual system