5 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Performance Metrics for Evaluation of Assessments Data

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    The objective of this paper is to design performance metrics and respective formulas to quantitatively evaluate the achievement of set objectives and expected outcomes both at the course and program levels. Evaluation is defined as one or more processes for interpreting the data acquired through the assessment processes in order to determine how well the set objectives and outcomes are being attained. Even though assessment processes for accreditation are well documented but existence of an evaluation process is assumed. This paper focuses on evaluation process to provide insights and techniques for data interpretation. It gives a complete evaluation process from the data collection through various assessment methods, performance metrics, to the presentations in the form of tables and graphs. Authors hope that the articulated description of evaluation formulas will help convergence to high quality standard in evaluation process

    A web-based course assessment tool with direct mapping to student outcomes

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    The assessment of curriculum outcomes is an essential element for continuous academic improvement. However, the collection, aggregation and analysis of assessment data are notoriously complex and time-consuming processes. At the same time, only few developments of supporting electronic processes and tools for continuous academic program assessment and curriculum performance feedback have emerged. In this paper, we introduce a novel course assessment process supported by a Web based interface that articulates and streamlines the assessment data collection, performance evaluation and tracking of remedial recommendations. To close the assessment loop, the Web interface provides also a mechanism to follow up on the implementation of remedial recommendations and analyzes their associated reflective actions during the subsequent course assessment cycle. A guide to map assessment instruments to the course and overall program outcomes is advocated by the proposed tool to propagate the course assessment results towards higher educational objectives (e.g., student outcomes) in a dashboard-like assessment interface. This approach streamlines improvements in education through reflecting the achievement of course outcomes on the achievement of higher educational objectives.In addition, the tool maps the course outcomes to the corresponding course outlines to facilitate the detection of areas where revisions in the instruction and content is needed, and to best respond to recommendations and remedial actions. We provide a methodical approach as well as a Web-based automation of the assessment process, which we evaluate in the context of our regular academic assessment cycles that have eventually led to a successful international accreditation experience. The collected assessment data shows a significant improvement in the achievement rate of the student outcomes after deploying the tool

    ABET Accreditation in Colombian Higher Education Institutions: Opportunities and Barriers

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    Accreditation is a contemporary issue in engineering education. There are varying opinions about the opportunities and barriers of this process within the Colombian context. This study compared the advantages and disadvantages of various experiences published in the literature about ABET accreditation. The findings show the ABET accreditation promotes the adoption and implementation of a continuous improvement system and quality culture in engineering education. Additionally, the continuous improvement process aligns the institutional mission, program educational objectives, curricula, and student outcomes. On the contrary, the main concern is the high cost associated with preparing and adapting programs to meet the ABET requirements. Accreditation takes time and effort to be meaningful, which can sometimes lead to increased workloads and time requirements, inadequate training, and lack of faculty commitment. The compilation of experiences with the ABET accreditation process is a significant contribution to engineering programs of public universities in Colombia seeking international accreditation.La acreditaci贸n es un tema contempor谩neo en la educaci贸n superior, particularmente en ingenier铆a. Existen variedad de opiniones sobre las oportunidades y barreras para emprender este proceso dentro del contexto colombiano. Este estudio compar贸 las ventajas y desventajas de varias experiencias publicadas en la literatura sobre la acreditaci贸n internacional ABET. Dentro de la ventaja se identificaron la formalizaci贸n de una cultura de mejora continua y calidad en la educaci贸n, como tambi茅n, la integraci贸n entre la misi贸n institucional, los objetivos educativos del programa, los planes de estudio y los resultados de aprendizaje. Por el contrario, dentro de las barreras se identificaron los altos costos asociados en el desarrollo de la acreditaci贸n, as铆 como la adaptaci贸n de los programas a nivel curricular y reglamentario para cumplir con los requisitos. La recopilaci贸n de experiencias sobre el proceso de acreditaci贸n ABET es una contribuci贸n significativa a los programas de universidades p煤blicas en Colombia que buscan la acreditaci贸n internacional

    Employing industrial quality management systems for quality assurance in outcome-based engineering education: a review

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    With the world becoming flat with fluid boundaries, engineers have to be global in their outlook and their pedigree. Due to the need for international acceptance of engineering qualification, the incorporation of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) has become common and global accreditation treaties such as the Washington Accord have been ratified. Further, it becomes important, especially for an engineering university with a global outlook preparing its students for global markets, to ensure that its graduates attain the planned outcomes. Additionally, the higher education institutions need to make sure that all the stakeholders, including students, parents, employers, and community at large, are getting a quality educational service, where quality is categorized as (1) product-based ensuring that the graduate attained the planned outcomes and skills, and (2) process-based keeping an eye on whether the process is simple, integrated, and efficient. The development of quality movements, such as Total Quality Movement (TQM), Six Sigma, etc., along with quality standards such as ISO 9001 has been instrumental in improving the quality and efficiency in the fields of management and services. Critical to the successful deployment of a quality culture is the institutionalization of an integrated Quality Management System (QMS) in which formally documented processes work according to the Vision and Mission of an institute. At the same time, commitment to Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) to close the loop through effective feedback, would ensure that the planned outcomes are attained to the satisfaction of all the stakeholders, and that the process overall is improving consistently and continuously. The successful adoption of quality culture requires buy-in from all the stakeholders (and in particular, the senior leadership) and a rigorous training program. In this paper, we provide a review of how a QMS may work for the provision of quality higher education in a 21st-century university