525 research outputs found

    Model-Free Control of an Unmanned Aircraft Quadcopter Type System

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    A model-free control algorithm based on the sliding mode control method for unmanned aircraft systems is proposed. The mathematical model of the dynamic system is not required to derive the sliding mode control law for this proposed method. The knowledge of the system’s order, state measurements and control input gain matrix shape and bounds are assumed to derive the control law to track the required trajectories. Lyapunov’s Stability criteria is used to ensure closed-loop asymptotic stability and the error estimate between previous control inputs is used to stabilize the system. A smoothing boundary layer is introduced into the system to eliminate the high frequency chattering of the control input and the higher order states. The [B] matrix used in the model-free algorithm based on the sliding mode control is derived for a quadcopter system. A simulation of a quadcopter is built in Simulink and the model-free control algorithm based on sliding mode control is implemented and a PID control law is used to compare the performance of the model-free control algorithm based off of the RMS (Root-Mean-Square) of the difference between the actual state and the desired state as well as average power usage. The model-free algorithm outperformed the PID controller in all simulations with the quadcopter’s original parameters, double the mass, double the moments of inertia, and double both the mass and the moments of inertia while keep both controllers exactly the same for each simulation

    Time-Varying Integral Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for the Large Erecting System

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    Considering the nonlinearities, uncertainties of large erecting system, and the circumstance disturbances in erecting process, a novel sliding mode control strategy is proposed in this research. The proposed control strategy establishes the sliding mode without reaching phase using an integral sliding surface. Thus, robustness against uncertainties increases from the very beginning of the process. Furthermore, adaptive laws are used for the controller to estimate the unknown but bounded system uncertainties. Therefore, the upper bounds of the system uncertainties are not required to be known in advance. Then, the time-varying term is applied to ensure the global robustness. Moreover, the boundary layer method is used to attenuate the high frequency chattering. The experiment results demonstrated that the proposed strategy could effectively restrain parametric uncertainties and external disturbances and improve the tracking accuracy in the erecting process. In addition, the control performance of the proposed control strategy is better than that of the PID control and the conventional sliding mode control

    A review of convex approaches for control, observation and safety of linear parameter varying and Takagi-Sugeno systems

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    This paper provides a review about the concept of convex systems based on Takagi-Sugeno, linear parameter varying (LPV) and quasi-LPV modeling. These paradigms are capable of hiding the nonlinearities by means of an equivalent description which uses a set of linear models interpolated by appropriately defined weighing functions. Convex systems have become very popular since they allow applying extended linear techniques based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to complex nonlinear systems. This survey aims at providing the reader with a significant overview of the existing LMI-based techniques for convex systems in the fields of control, observation and safety. Firstly, a detailed review of stability, feedback, tracking and model predictive control (MPC) convex controllers is considered. Secondly, the problem of state estimation is addressed through the design of proportional, proportional-integral, unknown input and descriptor observers. Finally, safety of convex systems is discussed by describing popular techniques for fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control (FTC).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Model-Free Control Algorithm Based on the Sliding Mode Control Method with Applications to Unmanned Aircraft Systems

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    Control methods require the use of a system model for the design and tuning of the controllers in meeting and/or exceeding the control system performance objectives. However, system models contain errors and uncertainties that also may be complex to develop and to generalize for a large class of systems such as those for unmanned aircraft systems. In particular, the sliding control method is a superior robust nonlinear control approach due to the direct handling of nonlinearities and uncertainties that can be used in tracking problems for unmanned aircraft system. However, the derivation of the sliding mode control law is tedious since a unique and distinct control law needs to be derived for every individual system and cannot be applied to general systems that may encompass all classifications of unmanned aircraft systems. In this work, a model-free control algorithm based on the sliding mode control method is developed and generalized for all classes of unmanned aircraft systems used in robust tracking control applications. The model-free control algorithm is derived with knowledge of the system’s order, state measurements, and control input gain matrix shape and bounds and is not dependent on a mathematical system model. The derived control law is tested using a high-fidelity simulation of a quadrotor-type unmanned aircraft system and the results are compared to a traditional linear controller for tracking performance and power consumption. Realistic type hardware inputs from joysticks and inertial measurement units were simulated for the analysis. Finally, the model-free control algorithm was implemented on a quadrotor-type unmanned aircraft system testbed used in real flight experimental testing. The experimental tracking performance and power consumption was analyzed and compared to a traditional linear-type controller. Results showed that the model-free approach is superior in tracking performance and power consumption compared to traditional linear-type control strategies

    Soft-Landing Control of Short-Stroke Reluctance Actuators

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    Los actuadores de reluctancia se utilizan ampliamente debido a sus altas densidades de fuerza y baja disipación de calor. En particular, los actuadores de reluctancia simples de una sola bobina de carrera corta, como los relés electromecánicos y las electroválvulas, son la mejor opción para operaciones de conmutación de encendido y apagado en muchas aplicaciones debido a su bajo coste, tamaño y masa. Sin embargo, un inconveniente importante es el fuerte impacto al final de cada conmutación, que provoca rebotes, desgaste mecánico y ruido acústico. Son fenómenos muy indeseables que restan valor a las ventajas evidentes de estos actuadores y limitan su rango de aplicaciones potenciales.Esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo y estudio de soluciones de control de aterrizaje suave para actuadores de reluctancia de carrera corta, con el objetivo de minimizar sus velocidades de impacto. Es importante indicar que la eficiencia de dichos dispositivos se produce a costa de serios retos teóricos y prácticos en cuanto a su control, por ejemplo, dinámicas rápidas, híbridas y altamente no lineales, fenómenos electromagnéticos complejos, variabilidad entre unidades y falta de medidas de posición durante el movimiento.El punto de partida es la modelización del sistema, teniendo en cuenta sus subsistemas interconectados eléctricos, magnéticos y mecánicos. El objetivo principal de los modelos es servir para el desarrollo de métodos de control y estimación. Por lo tanto, se trata de modelos de parámetros concentrados expresados como representaciones del espacio de estados. Se especifican diferentes fenómenos electromagnéticos, con especial atención a la histéresis magnética. Se proponen dos tipos de modelos de diferente complejidad según se incorpore o se desprecie el fenómeno de la histéresis magnética.El primer enfoque para el control del aterrizaje suave es el diseño óptimo de las trayectorias de posición y sus correspondientes señales de entrada. La propuesta tiene en cuenta la incertidumbre en la posición del contacto y, por tanto, las soluciones obtenidas son más robustas. Mientras que las señales de entrada generadas son eficaces para las estrategias de control en lazo abierto, las trayectorias de posición generadas pueden utilizarse controles de prealimentación o de retroalimentación.Para mejorar la robustez de los controladores de lazo abierto, también proponemos una estrategia run-to-run que adapta iterativamente las señales de entrada. En concreto, está diseñada para trabajar conjuntamente con un controlador de prealimentación basado en las mencionadas trayectorias de posición construidas de forma óptima. Para el algoritmo de aprendizaje ciclo a ciclo, se elige una técnica de optimización, se ajusta y se compara con dos alternativas.Otro enfoque explorado es el control de retroalimentación para el seguimiento de trayectorias predefinidas de posición. La solución propuesta es un controlador estrictamente conmutativo en modo deslizante. Está enfocado en la simplicidad para facilitar su implementación, al tiempo que se tiene en cuenta la dinámica híbrida. Los análisis teóricos y simulados demuestran que el aterrizaje suave es posible con tasas de muestreo razonables.Los controladores de retroalimentación y otros controladores de seguimiento requieren mediciones o estimaciones precisas de la posición. Como la medición de la posición raramente es práctica, parte de la investigación se dedica al diseño de estimadores de estado. La principal propuesta es un suavizador Rauch-Tung-Striebel ampliado para sistemas no lineales, que incluye varias ideas nuevas relacionadas con el modelo discreto, las entradas y las salidas. Los análisis simulados demuestran que el efecto combinado de las nuevas adiciones da lugar a mucho mejores estimaciones de la posición.Reluctance actuators are widely used due to their high force densities and low heat dissipation. In particular, simple short-stroke single-coil reluctance actuators, such as electromechanical relays and solenoid valves, are the best choice for on-off switching operations in many applications because of their low cost, size and mass. However, a major drawback is the strong impact at the end of each commutation, which provokes bouncing, mechanical wear and acoustic noise. They are very undesirable phenomena that detract from the evident advantages of these actuators and limit their range of potential applications. This thesis focuses on the development and study of soft-landing control solutions for short-stroke reluctance actuators, aiming at minimizing their impact velocities. It is important to indicate that the efficiency of the aforementioned devices comes at the cost of serious theoretical and practical challenges regarding their control, e.g., fast, hybrid and highly nonlinear dynamics, complex electromagnetic phenomena, unit-to-unit variability and lack of position measurements during motion. The starting point is the system modeling, accounting for their interconnected electrical, magnetic and mechanical subsystems. The main purpose of the models is to be used for the development of control and estimation methods. Therefore, they are lumped-parameter models expressed as state-space representations. Different electromagnetic phenomena are specified, with special attention to the magnetic hysteresis. Two model types of different complexities are proposed depending on whether the magnetic hysteresis phenomenon is incorporated or neglected. The first approach for soft-landing control is the optimal design of position trajectories and their corresponding input signals. The proposal considers uncertainty in the contact position, and hence, the obtained solutions are more robust. While the generated input signals are effective for open-loop control strategies, the generated position trajectories can be used in feedforward or feedback control. In order to improve the robustness of open-loop controllers, we also propose a run-to-run strategy that iteratively adapts the input signals. Specifically, it is designed to work in conjunction with a feedforward controller based on the aforementioned optimally constructed position trajectories. For the cycle-to-cycle learning algorithm, an optimization technique is chosen, adjusted and compared to two alternatives. Another explored approach is feedback control for tracking predefined position trajectories. The proposed solution is a purely switching sliding-mode controller. The focus is on simplicity to facilitate its implementation, while also taking into account the hybrid dynamics. Theoretical and simulated analyses show that soft landing is achievable with reasonable sampling rates. Feedback and other tracking controllers require accurate measurements or position estimations. As measuring the position is rarely practical, part of the research is devoted to the design of state estimators. The main proposal is an extended Rauch–Tung–Striebel smoother, which includes several new ideas regarding the discrete model, the inputs and the outputs. Simulated analyses demonstrate that the combined effect of the novel additions results in much better position estimations.<br /

    극한 주행 핸들링 성능 개선을 위한 토크벡터링 제어 알고리즘

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 기계공학부, 2023. 2. 이경수.This dissertation comprehensively details the design of a torque vectoring control algorithm for enhanced cornering performance using two front in-wheel motors (IWMs) and electronic limited slip differential (eLSD) at the rear axle. The main scopes to be covered in this dissertation can be divided into two categories: 1) individual control of IWM for torque vectoring control at the front axle; 2) integrated control of IWM and eLSD for both front and rear axle. First, an individual control strategy of two front IWMs in a rear-wheel-drive vehicle has been designed to improve the cornering performance. The individual control of IWMs consists of steady-state and transient control input. The steady-state control input is devised to improve the steady-state cornering response with modifying the vehicle understeer gradient, and the transient control input is designed to enhance the lateral stability by increasing the yaw rate damping coefficient. The proposed algorithm has been investigated through both computer simulations and vehicle tests, in order to show that the proposed algorithm can enhance the cornering response achieving the control objectives and to show the superior control performance compared to the other cases, such as yaw rate tracking algorithm and uncontrolled case. Second, the integrated control of two front IWMs and eLSD is designed to enhance the cornering performance at high speeds considering the characteristics of each actuator. The two front IWMs are controlled to improve the cornering performance based on a feedforward control, and the eLSD is utilized for the yaw rate feedback control. The computer simulations are conducted to show the effects of each actuator on the vehicle lateral motion at aggressive cornering with longitudinal acceleration and deceleration. Additionally, vehicle test results show that the proposed controller improves the cornering performance at the limits of handling compared to the uncontrolled case. In summary, this dissertation proposes a control algorithm for an enhanced limit handling performance based on vehicle understeer gradient and yaw rate damping characteristics, addressing also integrated control of in-wheel motors and electronic limited slip differential with considering the characteristics of each actuator. The proposed IWM control law is formulated to shape the understeer characteristics during steady-state cornering and yaw rate damping characteristic during transient cornering, and the eLSD control is designed to track the reference yaw rate. Computer simulations and vehicle tests are conducted to validate the control performance of the proposed algorithm, showing significant improvements in the agility and the stability of a test vehicle without chattering issues. Additionally, the vehicle tests at a racing track confirm the enhanced limit handling performance.본 논문은 전륜 인휠모터와 후륜 전자식 차동 제한 장치를 이용하여 선회 성능 개선을 위한 토크벡터링 제어 알고리즘에 대해 포괄적으로 설명하였다. 본 논문에서 다루는 주요 연구 범위는 크게 두 가지 범주로 나뉠 수 있다. 첫 번째는 전륜 인휠모터를 이용한 개별적인 토크벡터링 제어이고, 두 번째는 전륜 인휠모터 및 후륜 전자식 차동제한장치를 모두 이용한 전후륜 통합 토크벡터링 제어이다. 첫 번째로, 후륜 구동 차량 내에서 두 개의 전륜 인휠 모터를 활용한 선회 성능 개선을 위한 제어 알고리즘이 설계되었다. 인휠 모터 독립 제어는 정상상태 제어 입력과 과도응답 상태 제어 입력으로 구성되어 있다. 정상상태 제어 입력은 차량의 언더스티어 구배를 변형하면서 정상상태 선회 반응을 개선하기 위해 고안되었고, 과도응답 상태 제어 입력은 차량의 요댐핑 계수를 증가시킴으로써 차량의 횡방향 안정성을 개선하기 위해 설계되었다. 제안된 알고리즘의 성능은 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션과 차량 실험을 통해 확인하였다. 실험 결과에서 알 수 있듯이, 제안된 알고리즘은 제어 목표를 달성하며 차량의 선회 성능을 개선할 수 있었다. 두 번째로, 각 엑츄에이터의 특성을 고려하고 고속 주행 상황에서의 선회 성능을 개선하기 위해, 두 개의 전륜 인휠 모터와 후륜의 전자식 차동 제한 장치의 통합 제어 알고리즘이 설계되었다. 두 개의 전륜 인휠 모터는 피드포워드 제어를 기반으로 선회 성능을 개선하기 위해 제어되었고, 후륜의 전자식 차동 제한 장치는 요레이트 피드백 제어를 위해 활용되었다. 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션은 감가속을 포함한 공격적인 선회 상황에서 각 엑츄에이터의 제어 효과를 보여주기 위해 수행되었다. 추가적으로, 차량 실험 결과를 통해 제안된 제어기가 제어되지 않은 경우에 비해 핸들링 한계 상황에서의 선회 성능을 개선할 수 있다는 점을 보여주었다. 요약하자면, 본 연구에서는 차량의 언더스티어 그레디언트와 요레이트 댐핑 특성에 기반한 한계 핸들링 성능 개선을 위한 제어 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 또한, 인휠모터와 전자식 차동 제한 장치의 각 엑츄에이터 특성을 고려하여 인휠모터와 전자식 차동 제한 장치의 통합 제어에 대해 다루었다. 제안된 인휠모터 제어기는 정상상태 선회에서의 언더스티어 그레디언트와 과도응답상태 선회에서의 요레이트 댐핑 특성을 변형하기 위해 고안되었고, 전자식 차동 제한 장치 제어는 목표 요레이트를 추종하기 위해 설계되었다. 제안된 제어기를 검증하기 위해, 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션과 실차 실험이 진행되었고, 차량의 선회 안정성과 민첩성이 채터링 문제없이 확연히 개선된다는 것을 보여주었다. 추가적으로, 레이싱 트랙에서의 실차 실험을 통해 개선된 한계 핸들링 성능 또한 제시되었다.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background and motivation 1 1.2. Previous research on considering tire characteristics 4 1.2. Previous research on vehicle controller design 8 1.3. Thesis objectives 13 1.4. Thesis outline 15 Chapter 2. Vehicle Control System 17 2.1. Vehicle chassis system 17 2.2. Vehicle tire-road interactions 22 2.3. Tire characteristics at the limits of handling 35 Chapter 3. Torque Vectoring Control with In-Wheel Motors (IWMs) 49 3.1. Upper level controller 53 3.1.1. Control strategies for steady-state response 54 3.1.2. Control strategies for transient response 57 3.1.3. Analysis on the closed-loop system with proposed controller 60 3.2. Lower level controller 65 3.2.1. Actuator characteristics of in-wheel motors 65 3.2.2. Torque inputs for yaw moment generation 66 Chapter 4. Integrated Control of Two Front In-Wheel Motors (IWMs) and Rear-Axle Electronic Limited Slip Differential (eLSD) 68 4.1. Upper level controller 71 4.1.1. Analysis on actuator characteristics and vehicle responses 71 4.1.2. Feedforward control using in-wheel motors 79 4.1.3. Feedback control using electronic limited slip differential 80 4.2. Lower level controller 82 4.2.1. Transforming the desired yaw moments to the torque command 82 4.2.2. Saturating the torque inputs considering the actuator and tire friction limit 83 4.2.3. Transferring the eLSD clutch torque in the desired direction 84 Chapter 5. Simulation Results 87 5.1. Effect of IWM control on vehicle motion 87 5.2. Effect of IWM/eLSD integrated control 98 Chapter 6. Vehicle Test Results 108 6.1. Test results for IWM control 108 6.2. Test results for integrated control of IWM and eLSD 116 Chapter 7. Conclusion 121 Appendix A. Integrated control of two front in-wheel motors and rear wheel steering 123 A.1. Prediction model for vehicle motion 124 A.2. Controller design 128 A.3. Simulation results 131 Bibliography 138 Abstract in Korean 148박

    A New Model-Free Sliding Mode Control Method with Estimation of Control Input Error

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    A new type of sliding mode controller scheme, which requires no knowledge of system model, is derived in this work. The controller is solely based on previous control inputs and state measurements to generate the updated control input effort. The only knowledge required to derive the controller is the system order and the bounds of the control input gain, if one exists. The switching gain, which is required to drive the system states onto the sliding surface in the presence of disturbances and uncertainties, is derived using Lyapunov’s stability theorem, ensuring closed-loop asymptotic stability. The chattering effect, which is excited by the switching gain due to high activity of the control input, is reduced by using a smoothing boundary layer into the control law form. Simulations are performed, using first and second-order, linear and nonlinear systems, to test the performance of the new control law. In the last part of this work, the problem with state measurement noise is addressed. Results of the simulations validates the feasibility of the proposed control scheme

    HOSM control under quantization and saturation constraints: Zig-Zag design solutions

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    International audienceIn many experimental systems, discrete and bounded actuators implement control laws with sampling, quantization and saturation problems. This paper is dedicated to only the last two in the context of the implementation of a super twisting sliding mode control. A new control design, called "Zig-Zag sliding mode control", is proposed. Issues of quantization and saturation problems are respectively investigated directly and implicitly by the proposed control. The main contribution of the proposed method consists in having a faster convergence and well performances even when the saturation of the actuators is decreased up to a certain limit in which other methods fail to converge. Simulation results of the proposed method compared to the results of traditional implementations highlight the well founded Zig-Zag design