6 research outputs found

    A Study on Taiwan Consumers’ Adoption of Online Financial Services

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    Despite Taiwan financial institutions’ huge investments in online financial services systems, Taiwan consumers’ adoption of online financial services has been slower than anticipated. So far, online financial services research in Taiwan is still in its infancy, hence receiving little academic attention. This suggests a need to understand Taiwan Internet users’ adoption behavior of online financial services and to identify the potential factors that may motivate or impede Taiwan Internet users’ acceptance of online financial services. The research framework of this study is constituted by the extended version of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2). Other variables, which have proven academically important in influencing consumers’ intentions to use information technology, were added to the conceptual framework. The results strongly support that the extended TAM (TAM2) is a valid model to predict Taiwan consumers’ intention to use online financial services and to explain the intention difference between adopters and non-adopters. The results also demonstrated that perceived privacy protection, perceived security, and consumer innovativeness not only have a significant, positive relationship with Taiwan consumers’ intention to use online financial services but also can significantly predict who is more likely to be an online financial service adopter in Taiwan. The research findings may help Taiwan financial institutions and other interested parties to formulate appropriate marketing strategies and design effective online financial services systems and accelerate the diffusion of online financial services in the future


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    This study aims to analyse the factors that influence the intention of youths/millennials in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, to invest in Peer to Peer (P2P) lending. Due to the relative newness of P2P lending in Indonesia, the framework utilised is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the study involves around 400 youths, the majority of whom are Muslims. Further, the study employs Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and logistic regression to analyse the influence of socio-demographic variables (gender, religion, marital status, education, employment, religion and income) on the intention to invest through P2P lending. The results of the study indicate that intention to invest in P2P lending is positively correlated and influenced by the attitude variable, which is itself influenced by factors including perceived ease of use, knowledge and trust in P2P lending. The results imply that the potential of youth to invest in P2P lending might be enhanced by improving technology (ease of use), literacy and trust in P2P lending. Moreover, it is suggested that those most interested in and more likely to invest through P2P lending are Muslims, have higher education and have higher incomes. With better literacy and marketing programmes, these groups could be targeted by P2P lending platforms to become potential investors. Lastly, the findings are expected to contribute to Islamic finance concepts and practices, particularly in the context of Indonesia

    Impact of Self Service Technology Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Retail Banks in Western Province in Sri Lanka

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    Rapid technological advancement in the banking environment drives Sri Lankan banks to adopt self-service technologies to deliver services via SMS banking, Internet banking and telephone banking facilities, Automated Teller Machines (ATM) etc. This study explored the perceived quality of the self-service technology of these services and its effect on customer satisfaction. The literature survey and in depth interviews helped to formulate quality dimensions: security, efficiency, eases of use, reliability and convenience and those dimensions were assessed through a questionnaire. This study surveyed 215 customers from branches of six dominating commercial banks located in Western Province of Sri Lanka. Data were subjected to Principal Component Analysis and retained factors were regressed using multiple regressions to assess the impact of quality dimensions on customer satisfaction. The results revealed that reliability and convenience have positive impacts on customer satisfaction but efficiency has a negative effect

    Impact of Self Service Technology Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Retail Banks in Western Province in Sri Lanka

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    Rapid technological advancement in the banking environment drives Sri Lankan banks to adopt self-service technologies to deliver services via SMS banking, Internet banking and telephone banking facilities, Automated Teller Machines (ATM) etc. This study explored the perceived quality of the self-service technology of these services and its effect on customer satisfaction. The literature survey and in depth interviews helped to formulate quality dimensions: security, efficiency, eases of use, reliability and convenience and those dimensions were assessed through a questionnaire. This study surveyed 215 customers from branches of six dominating commercial banks located in Western Province of Sri Lanka. Data were subjected to Principal Component Analysis and retained factors were regressed using multiple regressions to assess the impact of quality dimensions on customer satisfaction. The results revealed that reliability and convenience have positive impacts on customer satisfaction but efficiency has a negative effect

    Determinantes de la aceptación del "mobile learning" como elemento de formación del capital humano en las organizaciones

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    La revolución tecnológica ha modificado el modo de comunicarnos, realizar gran cantidad de transacciones, así como la forma de hacer negocios. Las organizaciones han tenido que adaptarse a los vertiginosos cambios y digitalizar gran parte de sus procesos productivos y operativa diaria (Messenger & Gschwind, 2016; Stone, Deadrick, Lukaszewski & Johnson, 2015). En su intento por obtener ventajas competitivas y un rendimiento empresarial mayor (Turulja & Bajgorić, 2016), las compañías invierten en activos intangibles mediante la generación de conocimiento (Hortovanyi & Ferincz, 2015). Es por ello que una de las áreas corporativas que se ha visto afectada por la emergente digitalización es la de la formación in-company. En este sentido, en las últimas décadas el e-learning se ha consolidado como una metodología formativa ampliamente utilizada por las compañías, respondiendo tanto a las necesidades empresariales como a las de los empleados. Si a ello le añadimos que actualmente prácticamente todos llevamos un dispositivo móvil que nos acompaña a donde quiera que vayamos (Little, 2013), que el mercado laboral cuenta con una fuerza de trabajo cada vez más digitalizada, y que con dichos dispositivos inalámbricos podemos realizar prácticamente las mismas operaciones que con un ordenador (Venkatesh, Thong & Xu, 2012), las organizaciones se encuentran ante la necesidad de ofrecer soluciones de aprendizaje en cualquier momento y lugar..

    Determinantes de la aceptación del "mobile learning" como elemento de formación del capital humano en las organizaciones

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    La revolución tecnológica ha modificado el modo de comunicarnos, realizar gran cantidad de transacciones, así como la forma de hacer negocios. Las organizaciones han tenido que adaptarse a los vertiginosos cambios y digitalizar gran parte de sus procesos productivos y operativa diaria (Messenger & Gschwind, 2016; Stone, Deadrick, Lukaszewski & Johnson, 2015). En su intento por obtener ventajas competitivas y un rendimiento empresarial mayor (Turulja & Bajgorić, 2016), las compañías invierten en activos intangibles mediante la generación de conocimiento (Hortovanyi & Ferincz, 2015). Es por ello que una de las áreas corporativas que se ha visto afectada por la emergente digitalización es la de la formación in-company. En este sentido, en las últimas décadas el e-learning se ha consolidado como una metodología formativa ampliamente utilizada por las compañías, respondiendo tanto a las necesidades empresariales como a las de los empleados. Si a ello le añadimos que actualmente prácticamente todos llevamos un dispositivo móvil que nos acompaña a donde quiera que vayamos (Little, 2013), que el mercado laboral cuenta con una fuerza de trabajo cada vez más digitalizada, y que con dichos dispositivos inalámbricos podemos realizar prácticamente las mismas operaciones que con un ordenador (Venkatesh, Thong & Xu, 2012), las organizaciones se encuentran ante la necesidad de ofrecer soluciones de aprendizaje en cualquier momento y lugar..