296 research outputs found

    Evolution and Detection of Polymorphic and Metamorphic Malwares: A Survey

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    Malwares are big threat to digital world and evolving with high complexity. It can penetrate networks, steal confidential information from computers, bring down servers and can cripple infrastructures etc. To combat the threat/attacks from the malwares, anti- malwares have been developed. The existing anti-malwares are mostly based on the assumption that the malware structure does not changes appreciably. But the recent advancement in second generation malwares can create variants and hence posed a challenge to anti-malwares developers. To combat the threat/attacks from the second generation malwares with low false alarm we present our survey on malwares and its detection techniques.Comment: 5 Page


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    The unauthorized copying of software is often referred to as software piracy. Soft- ware piracy causes billions of dollars of annual losses for companies and governments worldwide. In this project, we analyze a method for detecting software piracy. A meta- morphic generator is used to create morphed copies of a base piece of software. A hidden Markov Model is trained on the opcode sequences extracted from these mor- phed copies. The trained model is then used to score suspect software to determine its similarity to the base software. A high score indicates that the suspect software may be a modified version of the base software and, therefore, further investigation is warranted. In contrast, a low score indicates that the suspect software differs sig- nificantly from the base software. We show that our approach is robust, in the sense that the base software must be extensively modified before it is not detected

    Metamorphic Detection Using Singular Value Decomposition

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    Metamorphic malware changes its internal structure with each infection, while maintaining its original functionality. Such malware can be difficult to detect using static techniques, since there may be no common signature across infections. In this research we apply a score based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to the problem of metamorphic detection. SVD is a linear algebraic technique which is applicable to a wide range of problems, including facial recognition. Previous research has shown that a similar facial recognition technique yields good results when applied to metamorphic malware detection. We present experimental results and we analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of this SVD-based approach

    Hunting for Pirated Software Using Metamorphic Analysis

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of detecting software that has been pirated and modified. We analyze a variety of detection techniques that have been previously studied in the context of malware detection. For each technique, we empirically determine the detection rate as a function of the degree of modification of the original code. We show that the code must be greatly modified before we fail to reliably distinguish it, and we show that our results offer a significant improvement over previous related work. Our approach can be applied retroactively to any existing software and hence, it is both practical and effective

    Transcriptase–Light: A Polymorphic Virus Construction Kit

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    Many websites use JavaScript to display dynamic and interactive content. Hence, attackers are developing JavaScript–based malware. In this paper, we focus on Transcriptase JavaScript malware. The high–level and dynamic nature of the JavaScript language helps malware writers to create polymorphic and metamorphic malware using obfuscation techniques. These types of malware change their internal structure on each infection, making them difficult to detect with traditional methods. These types of malware can be detected using machine learning methods. This project creates Transcriptase–Light, a new polymorphic construction kit. We perform an experiment with the Transcriptase–Light against a hidden Markov model. Our experiment shows that the HMM based detector failed in detecting Transcriptase–Light. After observing the results, we try to detect malware using the decryption part of Transcriptase–Light. To avoid detection, we generate the polymorphic version of the decryption part

    Assessing Code Obfuscation of Metamorphic JavaScript

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    Metamorphic malware is one of the biggest and most ubiquitous threats in the digital world. It can be used to morph the structure of the target code without changing the underlying functionality of the code, thus making it very difficult to detect using signature-based detection and heuristic analysis. The focus of this project is to analyze Metamorphic JavaScript malware and techniques that can be used to mutate the code in JavaScript. To assess the capabilities of the metamorphic engine, we performed experiments to visualize the degree of code morphing. Further, this project discusses potential methods that have been used to detect metamorphic malware and their potential limitations. Based on the experiments performed, SVM has shown promise when it comes to detecting and classifying metamorphic code with a high accuracy. An accuracy of 86% is observed when classifying benign, malware and metamorphic files

    Graph Technique For Metamorphic Virus Detection

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    Current anti-virus techniques include signature based detection, anomaly based detection, and machine learning based virus detection. Signature detection is the most widely used approach. Metamorphic malware changes its internal structure with each infection. Metamorphism provides one of the strong known methods for evading malware detection. In this project, we consider metamorphic virus detection based on a directed graph obtained from executable files. We compare our detection results with a previously developed and highly successful technique based on hidden Markov models
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