50,358 research outputs found

    Solar Orbiter: Exploring the Sun-heliosphere connection

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    The heliosphere represents a uniquely accessible domain of space, where fundamental physical processes common to solar, astrophysical and laboratory plasmas can be studied under conditions impossible to reproduce on Earth and unfeasible to observe from astronomical distances. Solar Orbiter, the first mission of ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 programme, will address the central question of heliophysics: How does the Sun create and control the heliosphere? In this paper, we present the scientific goals of the mission and provide an overview of the mission implementation.Comment: 52 pages, 21 figures, 125 references; accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    A Wildfire Prediction Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The study of forest fires has been traditionally considered as an important application due to the inherent danger that this entails. This phenomenon takes place in hostile regions of difficult access and large areas. Introduction of new technologies such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has allowed us to monitor such areas. In this paper, an intelligent system for fire prediction based on wireless sensor networks is presented. This system obtains the probability of fire and fire behavior in a particular area. This information allows firefighters to obtain escape paths and determine strategies to fight the fire. A firefighter can access this information with a portable device on every node of the network. The system has been evaluated by simulation analysis and its implementation is being done in a real environment.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-02476Junta de Andalucía TIC-570

    The Difficulty of Getting High Escape Fractions of Ionizing Photons from High-redshift Galaxies: a View from the FIRE Cosmological Simulations

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    We present a series of high-resolution (20-2000 Msun, 0.1-4 pc) cosmological zoom-in simulations at z~6 from the Feedback In Realistic Environment (FIRE) project. These simulations cover halo masses 10^9-10^11 Msun and rest-frame ultraviolet magnitude Muv = -9 to -19. These simulations include explicit models of the multi-phase ISM, star formation, and stellar feedback, which produce reasonable galaxy properties at z = 0-6. We post-process the snapshots with a radiative transfer code to evaluate the escape fraction (fesc) of hydrogen ionizing photons. We find that the instantaneous fesc has large time variability (0.01%-20%), while the time-averaged fesc over long time-scales generally remains ~5%, considerably lower than the estimate in many reionization models. We find no strong dependence of fesc on galaxy mass or redshift. In our simulations, the intrinsic ionizing photon budgets are dominated by stellar populations younger than 3 Myr, which tend to be buried in dense birth clouds. The escaping photons mostly come from populations between 3-10 Myr, whose birth clouds have been largely cleared by stellar feedback. However, these populations only contribute a small fraction of intrinsic ionizing photon budgets according to standard stellar population models. We show that fesc can be boosted to high values, if stellar populations older than 3 Myr produce more ionizing photons than standard stellar population models (as motivated by, e.g., models including binaries). By contrast, runaway stars with velocities suggested by observations can enhance fesc by only a small fraction. We show that "sub-grid" star formation models, which do not explicitly resolve star formation in dense clouds with n >> 1 cm^-3, will dramatically over-predict fesc.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, MNRAS in pres

    The gradient of diffuse gamma-ray emission in the Galaxy

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    We show that the well-known discrepancy between the radial dependence of the Galactic cosmic ray (CR) nucleon distribution, as inferred most recently from EGRET observations of diffuse gamma-rays above 100 MeV, and of the most likely CR source distribution (supernova remnants, pulsars) can be explained purely by PROPAGATION effects. Contrary to previous claims, we demonstrate that this is possible, if the dynamical coupling between the escaping CRs and thermal plasma is taken into account, and thus a self-consistent GALACTIC WIND calculation is carried out. Given a dependence of the CR source distribution on Galactocentric radius, r, our numerical wind solutions show that the CR outflow velocity, V(r,z) depends both on r, and on vertical distance, z, at reference level z_C. The latter is defined as the transition boundary from diffusion to advection dominated CR transport and is therefore also a function of r. In fact, the CR escape time averaged over particle energies decreases with increasing CR source strength. Such an increase is counteracted by a reduced average CR residence time in the gas disk. Therfore pronounced peaks in the radial source distribution result in mild radial gamma-ray gradients at GeV energies, as it has been observed. This effect is enhanced by anisotropic diffusion, assuming different radial and vertical diffusion coefficients. We have calculated 2D analytic solutions of the stationary diffusion-advection equation, including anisotropic diffusion, for a given CR source distribution and a realistic outflow velocity field V(r,z), inferred from self-consistent numerical Galactic Wind simulations. At TeV energies the gamma-rays from the sources are expected to dominate the observed "diffuse" flux from the disk. Its observation should allow an empirical test of the theory presented.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Main Journa

    Selection of dune shapes and velocities. Part 1: Dynamics of sand, wind and barchans

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    Almost fifty years of investigations of barchan dunes morphology and dynamics is reviewed, with emphasis on the physical understanding of these objects. The characteristics measured on the field (shape, size, velocity) and the physical problems they rise are presented. Then, we review the dynamical mechanisms explaining the formation and the propagation of dunes. In particular a complete and original approach of the sand transport over a flat sand bed is proposed and discussed. We conclude on open problems by outlining future research directions.Comment: submitted to Eur. Phys. J. B, 20 pages, 20 figure

    Enhanced propagation of motile bacteria on surfaces due to forward scattering

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    How motile bacteria move near a surface is a problem of fundamental biophysical interest and is key to the emergence of several phenomena of biological, ecological and medical relevance, including biofilm formation. Solid boundaries can strongly influence a cell's propulsion mechanism, thus leading many flagellated bacteria to describe long circular trajectories stably entrapped by the surface. Experimental studies on near-surface bacterial motility have, however, neglected the fact that real environments have typical microstructures varying on the scale of the cells' motion. Here, we show that micro-obstacles influence the propagation of peritrichously flagellated bacteria on a flat surface in a non-monotonic way. Instead of hindering it, an optimal, relatively low obstacle density can significantly enhance cells' propagation on surfaces due to individual forward-scattering events. This finding provides insight on the emerging dynamics of chiral active matter in complex environments and inspires possible routes to control microbial ecology in natural habitats