9 research outputs found

    Penerapan Open Learning Course bagi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (Analisis Persepsi Pengelola Pesantren di Kabupaten Kudus-Jawa Tengah).

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    Open Learning Course Application For Islamic Education Institutions (Perception Analysis of Pesantren Management in Kabupaten Kudus-Central Java).Information and Communication Technology (TIK) is speeding up. It also affects the development of the distribution of pure religious sciences. Islamic educational institutions such as pesantren are the spearheads in the distribution of religious knowledge that still survive with traditional learning models. This article aims to find out the perception of managers of Islamic educational institutions, especially pesantren about open learning based online. The method used is qualitative with observation and distribution questionnaire to get data. The result is that the majority of pesantren managers in Kabupaten Kudus, Central Java Indonesia still retains traditional learning models rather than trying to develop open learning courses because of the lack of reference and insight about open learning course. Socialization about open learning and the importance of the distribution of pure religious knowledge is needed for the development of open learning in the future

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi (TIK) Dalam Meningkatan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Agama Hindu

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a fundamental requirenment in Education. ICT plays an important role in improving the quality of higher education. In improving the quality of higher education, especially Hindus-based colleges, a management model of academic service management is needed in terms of policy makers, planners, organizers, implementers, and controlling the quality of academic services. The data was collected throughout observation, interviews, and document analysis. Particularly for data analysis, an interactive model was used including data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The results of this study indicated that the application of quality management of ICT-based academic services is highly effective in higher education because of policy documents and quality control instrumentation which resulted on an optimal and fast service processes, easy coordination and integration between many ICT-based academic service institutions, academic information system database (SIAKAD) and PDDIKTI, a qualified control institutions specifically in aspects of institutional structure, human resources, and quality instrumentation; and there is a commitment from all steakholder owners to implement a quality and ICT-based culture.</p

    Does Computer Use Matter? The Influence of Computer Usage on Eighth-Grade Students’ Mathematics Reasoning

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    This study uses the 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study to investigate the relationships among students’ and teachers’ computer use, and eighth-grade students’ mathematical reasoning in three high-achieving nations: Finland, Chinese Taipei, and Singapore. The study found a significant negative relationship in all three countries between out-of-school computer usage of eighth-grade students and their mathematics reasoning scores. The study points to the fact that computer use out of school does not improve students\u27 development of mathematics reasoning across the three contexts. Additionally, the more teachers had students use computer technology for higher-order thinking skills, such as for processing and analyzing data, the higher their mathematics reasoning scores in Finland, but the lower the students\u27 reasoning scores in Singapore. The contrasting relationships in Singapore and Finland indicate the need to further study the nature of the activities related to computer use for higher order learning skills in the two countries. Implications for policy and research are further elaborated

    Las TIC en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje en Primaria

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    Este estudio documental es un estado del arte sobre las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje en Primaria. El estudio, perteneciente a la línea de investigación “TIC y Educación”, surge por la necesidad de investigar el rol que cumplen las TIC en el contexto actual de educación a distancia, a raíz de la COVID - 19, y cómo los docentes, conociendo sus ventajas, pueden aprovecharlas para generar un aprendizaje significativo en las aulas virtuales. Por este motivo, el objetivo es identificar los aportes de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje en Educación Primaria. La investigación está basada en fuentes académicas, de autores principalmente hispanohablantes, de los últimos 20 años, por lo que evidencia información actualizada sobre el campo educativo y las nuevas tecnologías. A partir de la indagación, se encontraron tres aportes importantes de las TIC relacionados con la motivación, el trabajo colaborativo y la gestión de la información. Asimismo, el estudio presenta reflexiones sobre el rol de los y las docentes en la incorporación de las TIC a las aulas. Finalmente, resalta la importancia de generar una cultura de innovación, y de formar a los y las estudiantes para responder a los desafíos de la sociedad del conocimiento.This documentary study is a state of the art on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in improving the teaching-learning process in Primary. The study, belonging to the line of research "ICT and Education", arises from the need to investigate the role played by ICT in the current context of distance education, as a result of COVID - 19, and how teachers, knowing their advantages, can use them to generate meaningful learning in virtual classrooms. For this reason, the objective is to identify the contributions of ICT in the teaching-learning process in Primary Education. The research is based on academic sources, mainly Spanish-speaking authors, from the last 20 years, so it shows updated information on the educational field and new technologies. From the investigation, three important contributions of ICT were found related to motivation, collaborative work and information management. Likewise, the study presents reflections on the role of teachers in incorporating ICT into the classroom. Finally, it highlights the importance of generating a culture of innovation, and of training students to respond to the challenges of the knowledge society

    A Study of Uses of ICT in Primary Education through Four Winning School Cases in the Taiwan Schools CyberFair

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    [[abstract]]The purpose of this study was to understand, describe and interpret the uses of information communication technology (ICT) in primary education in the Taiwan Schools Cyberfair as a means to expand and enhance student learning in an extra-curricular setting. Four winning schools, with 48 teachers and students involved, were purposefully selected for study. The research findings revealed that students in each group were highly motivated through the extensive use of ICT. Through long-term engagement with ICT, students were empowered to conduct both wider and deeper exploration of their selected topics of interest. We report and describe the effects of using ICT. In this study, three collaborative learning models for applying ICT in project-based learning (PBL) mode are identified in the specific contexts: the SCGP model (same class, grade, and project); the DCGSP model (different class and grade, same project) and the DCGP model (different class, grade, and project). In addition, we identify a new and important collaborative model, SPECS, which stands for school (intra), parents, enterprises, community, and school (inter). The SPECS model connects all the possible participants involved in the ICT-enabled activities that contributed to the success of the outstanding performances of the four winning schools at the Schools Cyberfair contest. In the conclusion we discuss some specific issues relating to PBL. (Contains 8 figures and 5 tables.)[[fileno]]2080112010001[[department]]通識教育中

    “WhatsApp no se va a ir”: Percepciones de docentes de Primaria sobre el uso de WhatsApp en la educación a distancia

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    WhatsApp ha jugado un rol esencial en las escuelas públicas peruanas durante la COVID - 19, a partir del repentino traslado de la modalidad de educación presencial a la de educación a distancia. Por ello, el presente trabajo de investigación busca analizar las percepciones de docentes de Educación Primaria sobre el uso de WhatsApp como herramienta educativa en la modalidad de educación a distancia en una IE pública de Lima Metropolitana. Este estudio cualitativo, perteneciente a la línea de investigación “TIC y Educación”, surge por la necesidad de investigar el uso de WhatsApp como herramienta educativa en Educación Primaria, así como sus ventajas y desventajas, desde la mirada de docentes del tercer, cuarto y quinto ciclo de la Educación Básica Regular. La investigación está basada en fuentes académicas de los últimos 20 años, por lo que evidencia información actualizada sobre WhatsApp como herramienta educativa. A partir de la indagación, se encontró que las docentes consideran a WhatsApp como una herramienta útil para el campo educativo. Sin embargo, manifiestan que complementar esta herramienta con otras la vuelve más efectiva para la educación. Asimismo, el estudio presenta reflexiones sobre la implicancia de esta aplicación, como herramienta educativa, en el bienestar socioemocional de las y los docentes, y resalta la necesidad de crear un ambiente de cuidado hacia las y los docentes que utilizan WhatsApp para educar, de manera que se puedan evitar situaciones que les generen altos niveles de estrés y ansiedad.WhatsApp has played an essential role in Peruvian public schools during COVID - 19, since the sudden transfer from face-to-face education to distance education. For this reason, the current research seeks to analyze the perceptions of Primary Education teachers about the use of WhatsApp as an educational tool in the distance education modality in a public IE of Metropolitan Lima. This qualitative study, which belongs to the "ICT and Education" research line, arises from the need to investigate the use of WhatsApp as an educational tool in Primary Education, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, from the perspective of teachers of the third, fourth and fifth cycle of Regular Basic Education. The research is based on academic sources from the last 20 years; thus, it shows up-to-date information on WhatsApp as an educational tool. From the investigation, it was found that the teachers consider WhatsApp as a useful tool for the educational field. However, they state that complementing this tool with others makes it more effective for education. Likewise, the study presents reflections on the implication of this application, as an educational tool, in the socio-emotional well-being of teachers and highlights the need of creating a protective environment for teachers who use WhatsApp to educate; in a way that situations that generate high levels of stress and anxiety can be avoided