313 research outputs found

    A Study of NK Landscapes' Basins and Local Optima Networks

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    We propose a network characterization of combinatorial fitness landscapes by adapting the notion of inherent networks proposed for energy surfaces (Doye, 2002). We use the well-known family of NKNK landscapes as an example. In our case the inherent network is the graph where the vertices are all the local maxima and edges mean basin adjacency between two maxima. We exhaustively extract such networks on representative small NK landscape instances, and show that they are 'small-worlds'. However, the maxima graphs are not random, since their clustering coefficients are much larger than those of corresponding random graphs. Furthermore, the degree distributions are close to exponential instead of Poissonian. We also describe the nature of the basins of attraction and their relationship with the local maxima network.Comment: best paper nominatio

    Local Optima Networks of NK Landscapes with Neutrality

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    In previous work we have introduced a network-based model that abstracts many details of the underlying landscape and compresses the landscape information into a weighted, oriented graph which we call the local optima network. The vertices of this graph are the local optima of the given fitness landscape, while the arcs are transition probabilities between local optima basins. Here we extend this formalism to neutral fitness landscapes, which are common in difficult combinatorial search spaces. By using two known neutral variants of the NK family (i.e. NKp and NKq) in which the amount of neutrality can be tuned by a parameter, we show that our new definitions of the optima networks and the associated basins are consistent with the previous definitions for the non-neutral case. Moreover, our empirical study and statistical analysis show that the features of neutral landscapes interpolate smoothly between landscapes with maximum neutrality and non-neutral ones. We found some unknown structural differences between the two studied families of neutral landscapes. But overall, the network features studied confirmed that neutrality, in landscapes with percolating neutral networks, may enhance heuristic search. Our current methodology requires the exhaustive enumeration of the underlying search space. Therefore, sampling techniques should be developed before this analysis can have practical implications. We argue, however, that the proposed model offers a new perspective into the problem difficulty of combinatorial optimization problems and may inspire the design of more effective search heuristics.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation volume 14, 6 (2010) to appea

    Complex-network analysis of combinatorial spaces: The NK landscape case

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    We propose a network characterization of combinatorial fitness landscapes by adapting the notion of inherent networks proposed for energy surfaces. We use the well-known family of NK landscapes as an example. In our case the inherent network is the graph whose vertices represent the local maxima in the landscape, and the edges account for the transition probabilities between their corresponding basins of attraction. We exhaustively extracted such networks on representative NK landscape instances, and performed a statistical characterization of their properties. We found that most of these network properties are related to the search difficulty on the underlying NK landscapes with varying values of K.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0810.3492, arXiv:0810.348

    Multi-layer local optima networks for the analysis of advanced local search-based algorithms

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    A Local Optima Network (LON) is a graph model that compresses the fitness landscape of a particular combinatorial optimization problem based on a specific neighborhood operator and a local search algorithm. Determining which and how landscape features affect the effectiveness of search algorithms is relevant for both predicting their performance and improving the design process. This paper proposes the concept of multi-layer LONs as well as a methodology to explore these models aiming at extracting metrics for fitness landscape analysis. Constructing such models, extracting and analyzing their metrics are the preliminary steps into the direction of extending the study on single neighborhood operator heuristics to more sophisticated ones that use multiple operators. Therefore, in the present paper we investigate a twolayer LON obtained from instances of a combinatorial problem using bitflip and swap operators. First, we enumerate instances of NK-landscape model and use the hill climbing heuristic to build the corresponding LONs. Then, using LON metrics, we analyze how efficiently the search might be when combining both strategies. The experiments show promising results and demonstrate the ability of multi-layer LONs to provide useful information that could be used for in metaheuristics based on multiple operators such as Variable Neighborhood Search.Comment: Accepted in GECCO202

    Clustering of Local Optima in Combinatorial Fitness Landscapes

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    Using the recently proposed model of combinatorial landscapes: local optima networks, we study the distribution of local optima in two classes of instances of the quadratic assignment problem. Our results indicate that the two problem instance classes give rise to very different configuration spaces. For the so-called real-like class, the optima networks possess a clear modular structure, while the networks belonging to the class of random uniform instances are less well partitionable into clusters. We briefly discuss the consequences of the findings for heuristically searching the corresponding problem spaces.Comment: Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference (LION 5), Rome : Italy (2011

    Set-based Multiobjective Fitness Landscapes: A Preliminary Study

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    Fitness landscape analysis aims to understand the geometry of a given optimization problem in order to design more efficient search algorithms. However, there is a very little knowledge on the landscape of multiobjective problems. In this work, following a recent proposal by Zitzler et al. (2010), we consider multiobjective optimization as a set problem. Then, we give a general definition of set-based multiobjective fitness landscapes. An experimental set-based fitness landscape analysis is conducted on the multiobjective NK-landscapes with objective correlation. The aim is to adapt and to enhance the comprehensive design of set-based multiobjective search approaches, motivated by an a priori analysis of the corresponding set problem properties

    Coarse-Grained Barrier Trees of Fitness Landscapes

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    Recent literature suggests that local optima in fitness landscapes are clustered, which offers an explanation of why perturbation-based metaheuristics often fail to find the global optimum: they become trapped in a sub-optimal cluster. We introduce a method to extract and visualize the global organization of these clusters in form of a barrier tree. Barrier trees have been used to visualize the barriers between local optima basins in fitness landscapes. Our method computes a more coarsely grained tree to reveal the barriers between clusters of local optima. The core element is a new variant of the flooding algorithm, applicable to local optima networks, a compressed representation of fitness landscapes. To identify the clusters, we apply a community detection algorithm. A sample of 200 NK fitness landscapes suggests that the depth of their coarse-grained barrier tree is related to their search difficulty

    PageRank centrality for performance prediction: the impact of the local optima network model

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    A local optima network (LON) compresses relevant features of fitness landscapes in a complex network, where nodes are local optima and edges represent transition probabilities between different basins of attraction. Previous work has found that the PageRank centrality of local optima can be used to predict the success rate and average fitness achieved by local search based metaheuristics. Results are available for LONs where edges describe either basin transition probabilities or escape edges. This paper studies the interplay between the type of LON edges and the ability of the PageRank centrality for the resulting LON to predict the performance of local search based metaheuristics. It finds that LONs are stochastic models of the search heuristic. Thus, to achieve an accurate prediction, the definition of the LON edges must properly reflect the type of diversification steps used in the metaheuristic. LONs with edges representing basin transition probabilities capture well the diversification mechanism of simulated annealing which sometimes also accepts worse solutions that allow the search process to pass between basins. In contrast, LONs with escape edges capture well the diversification step of iterated local search, which escapes from local optima by applying a larger perturbation step