14 research outputs found

    Improvement in Power Quality of Matrix Converter Interfaced Wind Turbine Emulator

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    We have seen that the nominal power of single Wind Energy Converter Systems has been steadily growing up and reaching power ratings close to 10 MW. In the power conversion stage, we found that the medium-voltage power converters are replacing the conventional low-voltage back-to-back topology. Due to this reason the Matrix Converters interfaced have appeared as a promising solution for Multi-MW WECSs due to their characteristics such as modularity, reliability and the capability to reach high nominal voltages. In 2009-10, the country imported 159.26 million tons of crude oil which amounts to 80% of its domestic crude oil consumption and 31% of the country\u27s total imports are oil imports. The growth of electricity generation in India has been hindered by domestic coal shortages and as a consequence, India\u27s coal imports for electricity generation increased by 18% in 2010. So in this paper I try to develop fuzzy-logic based control strategy to capture maximum wind energy and reduce harmonics for proposed wind generation system and then develops fuzzy control for indirect matrix converter under steady-state and dynamic conditions. With these assumptions finally try to validate the proposed wind generation system in simulation environment to validate the developed control algorithms under various balanced /unbalanced conditions. Finally evaluate the performance of the developed wind generation system and its controls under various balanced/unbalanced wind conditions. During investigating details the robustness of the steady-state and dynamic performance of the developed system under various balanced/unbalanced conditions using simulation software I presents the experimental performance evaluation of the developed matrix converter prototype with wind emulator

    Improvement in Power Quality of Matrix Converter Interfaced Wind Turbine Emulator

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    We have seen that the nominal power of single Wind Energy Converter Systems has been steadily growing up and reaching power ratings close to 10 MW. In the power conversion stage, we found that the medium-voltage power converters are replacing the conventional low-voltage back-to-back topology. Due to this reason the Matrix Converters interfaced have appeared as a promising solution for Multi-MW WECSs due to their characteristics such as modularity, reliability and the capability to reach high nominal voltages. In 2009-10, the country imported 159.26 million tons of crude oil which amounts to 80% of its domestic crude oil consumption and 31% of the country\u27s total imports are oil imports. The growth of electricity generation in India has been hindered by domestic coal shortages and as a consequence, India\u27s coal imports for electricity generation increased by 18% in 2010. So in this paper I try to develop fuzzy-logic based control strategy to capture maximum wind energy and reduce harmonics for proposed wind generation system and then develops fuzzy control for indirect matrix converter under steady-state and dynamic conditions. With these assumptions finally try to validate the proposed wind generation system in simulation environment to validate the developed control algorithms under various balanced /unbalanced conditions. Finally evaluate the performance of the developed wind generation system and its controls under various balanced/unbalanced wind conditions. During investigating details the robustness of the steady-state and dynamic performance of the developed system under various balanced/unbalanced conditions using simulation software I presents the experimental performance evaluation of the developed matrix converter prototype with wind emulator. Keywords: Wind energy conversion system (WECS), Matrix converter, Wind emulator, space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM), permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs), wind farms (WFs)

    Augmentation de la distance de transport de l'énergie offshore par câble sous-marin en basse fréquence

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    International audienceL'objet de cet article est l'étude d'un réseau de puissance sous-marin fonctionnant en basse fréquence. L'utilisation de la basse fréquence au niveau offshore s'avère un compromis intéressant entre le continu et l'alternatif à 50 ou 60 Hz. En effet, si le courant continu permet le transport de puissance à grandes distances en offshore ; il se heurte à une maturité technologique naissante, notamment en ce qui concerne les protections électriques. Dans un premier temps, une méthode d'analyse de puissance a été développée pour les calculs des distances maximales de connexion. Les résultats de la méthode ont été testés et comparés avec deux modèles de simulation. Plusieurs modèles de câbles ont été pris en compte pour les analyses. Par ailleurs, il est envisagé d'utiliser une fréquence variable pour optimiser les flux de puissance dans un réseau

    A review of Indirect Matrix Converter Topologies

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    Abstract—Matrix Converter (MC) is a modern direct AC/AC electrical power converter without dc-link capacitor. MC is operated in four quadrant, assuring a control of the output voltage, amplitude and frequency. The matrix converter has recently attracted significant attention among researchers and it has become increasing attractive for applications of wind energy conversion, military power supplies, induction motor drives, etc. Recently, different MC topologies have been proposed and developed which have their own advantages and disadvantages. Matrix converter can be classified as direct and indirect structures. The direct one has been elaborated in previous work. In this paper the indirect MCs are reviewed. Different characteristics of the indirect MC topologies are mentioned to show the strengths and weaknesses of such converter topologies.</p

    Development of a novel control for a matrix converter interfaced wind energy conversion system for dynamic performance enhancement

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    This article presents the development of a novel control for matrix converter interfaced permanent magnet wind energy conversion system. Here, an adaptive fuzzy control algorithm incorporated with a reversed matrix converter is proposed to yield maximum energy with enhanced dynamic performance and low harmonic characteristics. The control algorithm is implemented using a dSPACE DS1104 real-time board (dSPACE, Paderborn, Germany). Feasibility of the proposed system has been verified through simulation and experiment results using a laboratory 1.2-kW prototype of a wind energy conversion system under dynamic conditions.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uemp20hb2016Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    A PWM current source-based DC transmission system for multiple wind turbine interfacing

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    A pulsewidth modulation (PWM) current source wind energy conversion system based on a parallel configuration for high voltage direct current application is proposed. A comparison between the parallel and series configurations for current source-based systems is investigated, which shows the merits of the proposed system. A new control technique for the PWM current source inverter is proposed. It can effectively control the average dc-link voltage with a feed-forward loop, while independently controlling reactive power according to grid code requirements. The system simulation confirms the performance of the proposed system with no interaction between wind turbine modules and satisfying performance with grid integration. Practical implementation further verifies the proposed inverter control. Finally, a brief comparison between conventional line-commutated converter-based systems and the proposed PWM current source converter-based system is presented

    Improvement of Waveform for High Frequency AC-linked Matrix Converter with SVM based on Virtual Indirect Control

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    Abstract-This paper proposes a dead-time compensation for a secondary side matrix converter with space vector modulation in order to improve waveform of the high frequency AC-linked matrix converter. The proposed system is constructed by backto-back configuration of two three-phase to single phase matrix converters and a high frequency transformer. In order to improve the waveform, the dead-time compensation for the primary side matrix converter has been proposed. However, the dead-time compensation for the secondary side matrix converter with space vector modulation based on virtual indirect control has not been discussed. In this paper, the dead-time compensation method for the secondary side matrix converter is revealed. As the result, it is confirmed that the average output voltage error between the command and measured voltage is reduced by 20% at low modulation index by adopting the deadtime compensation. Finally, a 2-kW prototype is demonstrated by experiment. The efficiency and the input power factor at the maximum point were obtained by 91.4% and 0.997. Moreover, the input current total harmonic distortion (THD) is 5.65% at 2-kW output power

    Detecting and Mitigating Wind Turbine Clutter for Airspace Radar Systems

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    It is well recognized that a wind turbine has a large radar cross-section (RCS) and, due to the movement of the blades, the wind turbine will generate a Doppler frequency shift. This scattering behavior may cause severe interferences on existing radar systems including static ground-based radars and spaceborne or airborne radars. To resolve this problem, efficient techniques or algorithms should be developed to mitigate the effects of wind farms on radars. Herein, one transponder-based mitigation technique is presented. The transponder is not a new concept, which has been proposed for calibrating high-resolution imaging radars. It modulates the radar signal in a manner that the retransmitted signals can be separated from the scene echoes. As wind farms often occupy only a small area, mitigation processing in the whole radar operation will be redundant and cost inefficient. Hence, this paper uses a transponder to determine whether the radar is impacted by the wind farms. If so, the effects of wind farms are then mitigated with subsequent Kalman filtering or plot target extraction algorithms. Taking airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and pulse Doppler radar as the examples, this paper provides the corresponding system configuration and processing algorithms. The effectiveness of the mitigation technique is validated by numerical simulation results

    A new PWM CSC-based wind energy conversion system

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    In order to eliminate the bulky and costly offshore substation, a new offshore wind farm configuration has recently been proposed: series-connected configuration. Among the seriesconnected configurations, the pulse width modulation current source converter (CSC)-based one is considered a good candidate. In this thesis, a new PWM CSC-based wind energy conversion system is proposed for the series-connected wind farms. Compared with the previous work, the proposed topology reduces the cost and the manufacturing pressure of the system. A new control scheme is proposed to solve the voltage and current imbalance problem of the proposed configuration. In addition, the optimal modulation scheme is investigated for the series-connected CSCs. Simulation results are provided to assist in the investigation and verify the performance of the proposed configuration and control schemes

    Transient Stability Enhancement of Wind Farms Using Power Electronics and FACTS Controllers

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    Nowadays, it is well-understood that the burning of fossil fuels in electric power station has a significant influence on the global climate due to greenhouse gases. In many countries, the use of cost-effective and reliable low-carbon electricity energy sources is becoming an important energy policy. Among different kinds of clean energy resources- such as solar power, hydro-power, ocean wave power and so on, wind power is the fastest-growing form of renewable energy at the present time. Moreover, adjustable speed generator wind turbines (ASGWT) has key advantages over the fixed-speed generator wind turbines (FSGWT) in terms of less mechanical stress, improved power quality, high system efficiency, and reduced acoustic noise. One important class of ASGWT is the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), which has gained a significant attention of the electric power industry due to their advantages over the other class of ASGWT, i.e. fully rated converter-based wind turbines. Because of increased integration of DFIG-based wind farms into electric power grids, it is necessary to transmit the generated power from wind farms to the existing grids via transmission networks without congestion. Series capacitive compensation of DFIG-based wind farm is an economical way to increase the power transfer capability of the transmission line connecting wind farm to the grid. For example, a study performed by ABB reveals that increasing the power transfer capability of an existing transmission line from 1300 MW to 2000 MW using series compensation is 90% less than the cost of building a new transmission line. However, a factor hindering the extensive use of series capacitive compensation is the potential risk of sub- synchronous resonance (SSR). The SSR is a condition where the wind farm exchanges energy with the electric network, to which it is connected, at one or more natural frequencies of the electric or mechanical part of the combined system, comprising the wind farm and the network, and the frequency of the exchanged energy is below the fundamental frequency of the system. This phenomenon may cause severe damage in the wind farm, if not prevented. Therefore, this dissertation deals with the SSR phenomena in a capacitive series compensated wind farm. A DFIG-based wind farm, which is connected to a series compensated transmission line, is considered as a case study. The small-signal stability analysis of the system is presented, and the eigenvalues of the system are obtained. Using both modal analysis and time-domain simulation, it is shown that the system is potentially unstable due to the SSR mode. Then, three different possibilities for the addition of SSR damping controller (SSRDC) are investigated. The SSRDC can be added to (1) gate-controlled series capacitor (GCSC), (2) thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC), or (3) DFIG rotor-side converter (RSC) and grid-side converter (GSC) controllers. The first and second cases are related to the series flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) family, and the third case uses the DFIG back-to-back converters to damp the SSR. The SSRDC is designed using residue-based analysis and root locus diagrams. Using residue-based analysis, the optimal input control signal (ICS) to the SSRDC is identified that can damp the SSR mode without destabilizing other modes, and using root-locus analysis, the required gain for the SSRDC is determined. Moreover, two methods are discussed in order to estimate the optimum input signal to the SSRDC, without measuring it directly. In this dissertation, MATLAB/Simulink is used as a tool for modeling and design of the SSRDC, and PSCAD/EMTDC is used to perform time-domain simulation in order to verify the design process