22,206 research outputs found

    Religion-motivated Enterprises in the Marketplace: A Macromarketing Inquiry

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    This exploratory essay identifies and examines a variety of religiously affiliated or inspired enterprises operating in otherwise secular marketplaces. While explicitly recognizing that some marketplace manifestations of religion can be controversial, even dysfunctional, it argues for the evident macromarketing relevance of this project. The approach for analyzing what this paper refers to as “religion-motivated enterprises” (RMEs) consists of (1) a nominal classification scheme to illustrate and categorize the diversity of RME examples; (2) some foundational principles shared among major faith traditions that provide a basis for an RME ethos; and (3) basic propositions that, with future empirical testing, may explain the contributions of these organizations to improved market performance. Our commentary includes environmental factors that prompted the establishment of many RMEs, the nature of their sustainability, and the importance of mission statements to their operations. Finally, we identify opportunities for additional research and summarize the macromarketing contributions of this article

    Cooperatives Quality: evidence from Greece

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    The study of the role and contribution of ISO 9000 QMS to the corporate strategic development and organisational change and performance improvement of the Greek Agrocoops, as well as the identification and analysis of the drivers and constraints of this system’s effective implementation and efficient use has and/or should have been the subject of increased attention in recent times, as the majority of these organisations face increasing financial and business operating problems over the last three decades, as it was identified in a collective work of Papageorgiou et al, published in “Syneteristiki Poreia” (volumes of years 2000-2003) and the re-configuration of their organisational practices and activities, referring to any management system adapted and applied – e.g. the ISO 9000 QMS, is considered a must for their business survival in the words of Arvanitoyiannis (2001). As a result of the aforementioned facts and due to his current professional status, the researcher decided to focus his DBA research on issues relating to the role and contribution of the quality management systems - and more particularly of the ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems - to the achievement of Greek Agricultural Cooperatives’ corporate strategic goals and organisational performance improvement through the improvement of their business processes. The critical examination of the ISO 9000 – QualityManagement Systems’ implementation process and use purpose by the Agricultural Cooperatives sector in Greece is the broad and general Topic of my Doctorate Research. It is mainly connected with the following two current issues: - on one hand, with the reanimation of the ongoing dialogue and debate concerning the perspectives of the Agricultural Cooperatives in Greece and the future status of the 15% of the country’s active population, which is occupied in the broader agricultural sector (Bank of Greece, 2002), and - on the other hand, with the ever increasing public concern, interest and demand for safer, healthier and quality enhanced food products and services all over the world (ICAP, 2002 and Arvanitoyiannis, 2000)

    Foreign experience of public administration in the context of the economic equilibrium of synthetic economic crisis

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    This article identify catalysts of synthetic economic crisis. These catalysts are the subject of transnational corporations, international financial, trade organizations, regional integration groupings. Generalized mechanism for the flow of synthetic economic crisis and their types. This article also proves that the response of governments to the process flow of synthetic economic crisis with the help of the classical fiscal, monetary and administrative-legislative instruments are not effective

    Historical and statistical data on the development of the domestic alcoholic beverages industry

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    The method of historical and statistical data analysis makes it possible to identify development and characteristic patterns, both temporary and permanent, production criteria for various branches of the food industry. The application of this method made it possible to trace formation of the alcohol industry inRussiaand identify critical historical events that influenced its development. The article presents and analyzes statistical data on the production of the main types of alcoholic beverages industry since 1913

    A brief history of international trade thought: from pre-doctrinal contributions to the 21st century heterodox international economics

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    The present paper outlines the development of international trade thought, from the pre-doctrinal contributions of Greek philosophers and scholastic theologians, through the theories of the first schools of economic thought, and up to modern and contemporary trade theories. I follow filiations of ideas in a chronological order, and show how theoretical investigation into the causes and effects of international trade—and the rationale for government intervention—has evolved over the last two centuries

    Impact of the belt and road initiative on port the route

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    Application of General Cultural Competences in Supply Chain Management of the Business Success

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    Abstract This paper presents an integrated view of the literature published on all aspects and facets of competence in supply chain management (SCM) revealing that the framework brings together aspects at the individual and organizational level of competence from SCM literature. The purpose of this paper is to explore and develop the general proposition that organizational cultural compatibility between strategic supply chain partners results in improved performance outcomes for each participant in the chain. A theoretical framework is proposed of the relationship of differing organizational cultural elements (practices, values, behaviors and norms) to supply chain performance
