6 research outputs found

    Proving Temporal Properties of Z Specifications Using Abstraction

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    This paper presents a systematic approach to proving temporal properties of arbitrary Z specifications. The approach involves (i) transforming the Z specification to an abstract temporal structure (or state transition system), (ii) applying a model checker to the temporal structure, (iii) determining whether the temporal structure is too abstract based on the model checking result and (iv) refining the temporal structure where necessary. The approach is based on existing work from the model checking literature, adapting it to Z

    Integrating interactive tools using concurrent haskell and synchronous events

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    In this paper we describe how existing interactive tools can be integrated using Concurrent Haskell and synchronous events. The base technology is a higher-order approach to concurrency as in CML extended with a framework for handling external events of the environment. These events are represented as first class synchronous events to achieve a uniform, composable approach to event handling. Adaptors are interposed between the external event sources and the internal set of listening agents to achieve this degree of abstraction. A substantially improved integration framework compared to existing technology (such as for example the combination of Tcl/Tk with expect) is then provided. With this basis it is for example possible to wrap a GUI around the hugs interpreter with very little work required.Eje: Conferencia latinoamericana de programaci贸n funcionalRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    A Structure Preserving Encoding of Z in Isabelle/HOL

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    Abstract. We present a semantic representation of the core concepts of the specification language Z in higher-order logic. Although it is a "shallow embedding " like the one presented by Bowen and Gordon, our representation preserves the structure of a Z specification and avoids expanding Z schemas. The representation is implemented in the higherorder logic instance of the generic theorem prover Isabelle. Its parser can convert the concrete syntax of Z schemas into their semantic representation and thus spare users from having to deal with the representation explicitly. Our representation essentially conforms with the latest draft of the Z standard and may give both a clearer understanding of Z schemas and inspire the development of proof calculi for Z.

    A Structure Preserving Encoding of Z in Isabelle/HOL

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    . We present a semantic representation of the core concepts of the specification language Z in higher-order logic. Although it is a "shallow embedding" like the one presented by Bowen and Gordon, our representation preserves the structure of a Z specification and avoids expanding Z schemas. The representation is implemented in the higherorder logic instance of the generic theorem prover Isabelle. Its parser can convert the concrete syntax of Z schemas into their semantic representation and thus spare users from having to deal with the representation explicitly. Our representation essentially conforms with the latest draft of the Z standard and may give both a clearer understanding of Z schemas and inspire the development of proof calculi for Z. 1 Introduction Implementations of proof support for Z [Spi 92, Nic 95] can roughly be divided into two categories. In direct implementations, the rules of the logic are directly represented by functions of the prover's implementation..

    A structure preserving encoding of Z in isabelle/HOL

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