16,598 research outputs found

    Lagrange Coded Computing: Optimal Design for Resiliency, Security and Privacy

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    We consider a scenario involving computations over a massive dataset stored distributedly across multiple workers, which is at the core of distributed learning algorithms. We propose Lagrange Coded Computing (LCC), a new framework to simultaneously provide (1) resiliency against stragglers that may prolong computations; (2) security against Byzantine (or malicious) workers that deliberately modify the computation for their benefit; and (3) (information-theoretic) privacy of the dataset amidst possible collusion of workers. LCC, which leverages the well-known Lagrange polynomial to create computation redundancy in a novel coded form across workers, can be applied to any computation scenario in which the function of interest is an arbitrary multivariate polynomial of the input dataset, hence covering many computations of interest in machine learning. LCC significantly generalizes prior works to go beyond linear computations. It also enables secure and private computing in distributed settings, improving the computation and communication efficiency of the state-of-the-art. Furthermore, we prove the optimality of LCC by showing that it achieves the optimal tradeoff between resiliency, security, and privacy, i.e., in terms of tolerating the maximum number of stragglers and adversaries, and providing data privacy against the maximum number of colluding workers. Finally, we show via experiments on Amazon EC2 that LCC speeds up the conventional uncoded implementation of distributed least-squares linear regression by up to 13.43×13.43\times, and also achieves a 2.36×2.36\times-12.65×12.65\times speedup over the state-of-the-art straggler mitigation strategies

    Block-Diagonal and LT Codes for Distributed Computing With Straggling Servers

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    We propose two coded schemes for the distributed computing problem of multiplying a matrix by a set of vectors. The first scheme is based on partitioning the matrix into submatrices and applying maximum distance separable (MDS) codes to each submatrix. For this scheme, we prove that up to a given number of partitions the communication load and the computational delay (not including the encoding and decoding delay) are identical to those of the scheme recently proposed by Li et al., based on a single, long MDS code. However, due to the use of shorter MDS codes, our scheme yields a significantly lower overall computational delay when the delay incurred by encoding and decoding is also considered. We further propose a second coded scheme based on Luby Transform (LT) codes under inactivation decoding. Interestingly, LT codes may reduce the delay over the partitioned scheme at the expense of an increased communication load. We also consider distributed computing under a deadline and show numerically that the proposed schemes outperform other schemes in the literature, with the LT code-based scheme yielding the best performance for the scenarios considered.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Leveraging Coding Techniques for Speeding up Distributed Computing

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    Large scale clusters leveraging distributed computing frameworks such as MapReduce routinely process data that are on the orders of petabytes or more. The sheer size of the data precludes the processing of the data on a single computer. The philosophy in these methods is to partition the overall job into smaller tasks that are executed on different servers; this is called the map phase. This is followed by a data shuffling phase where appropriate data is exchanged between the servers. The final so-called reduce phase, completes the computation. One potential approach, explored in prior work for reducing the overall execution time is to operate on a natural tradeoff between computation and communication. Specifically, the idea is to run redundant copies of map tasks that are placed on judiciously chosen servers. The shuffle phase exploits the location of the nodes and utilizes coded transmission. The main drawback of this approach is that it requires the original job to be split into a number of map tasks that grows exponentially in the system parameters. This is problematic, as we demonstrate that splitting jobs too finely can in fact adversely affect the overall execution time. In this work we show that one can simultaneously obtain low communication loads while ensuring that jobs do not need to be split too finely. Our approach uncovers a deep relationship between this problem and a class of combinatorial structures called resolvable designs. Appropriate interpretation of resolvable designs can allow for the development of coded distributed computing schemes where the splitting levels are exponentially lower than prior work. We present experimental results obtained on Amazon EC2 clusters for a widely known distributed algorithm, namely TeraSort. We obtain over 4.69×\times improvement in speedup over the baseline approach and more than 2.6×\times over current state of the art
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