4 research outputs found

    Classification of online grooming on chat logs using two term weighting schemes

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    Due to the growth of Internet, it has not only become the medium for getting information, it has also become a platform for communicating. Social Network Service (SNS) is one of the main platform where Internet users can communicate by distributing, sharing of information and knowledge. Chatting has become a popular communication medium for Internet users whereby users can communicate directly and privately with each other. However, due to the privacy of chat rooms or chatting mediums, the content of chat logs is not monitored and not filtered. Thus, easing cyber predators preying on their preys. Cyber groomers are one of cyber predators who prey on children or minors to satisfy their sexual desire. Workforce expertise that involve in intelligence gathering always deals with difficulty as the complexity of crime increases, human errors and time constraints. Hence, it is difficult to prevent undesired content, such as grooming conversation, in chat logs. An investigation on two term weighting schemes on two datasets are used to improve the content-based classification techniques. This study aims to improve the content-based classification accuracy on chat logs by comparing two term weighting schemes in classifying grooming contents. Two term weighting schemes namely Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency – Inverse Class Space Density Frequency (TF.IDF.ICSdF) and Fuzzy Rough Feature Selection (FRFS) are used as feature selection process in filtering chat logs. The performance of these techniques were examined via datasets, and the accuracy of their result was measured by Support Vector Machine (SVM). TF.IDF.ICSdF and FRFS are judged based on accuracy, precision, recall and F score measurement

    Lapseealise seksuaalne ahvatlemine: kohtupraktika sotsioloogiline analĂŒĂŒs

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    KĂ€esoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli teada saada millisel viisil, millises sotsiaalses kontekstis ning millistes keskkondades lapsi seksuaalselt ahvatletakse. AnalĂŒĂŒs toetus 2018-2020 aastate Tartu Maakohtu kinnistele kohtutoimikutele. Ohvrid olid keskmiselt vanuses 11-14-aastased, samas nooremad olid vaid 6-aastased. Kannatanuteks olid nii poisid kui tĂŒdrukud. Ahvatlejateks olid ĂŒldjuhul inimesed, kellega laps oli varasemalt mingil viisil kokku puutunud, nĂ€iteks pereliikmed vĂ”i tuttavad ning inimesed, kellega tutvuti internetis. Kuna lĂ€hedastel inimestel on parem vĂ”imalus ohvritele ligi pÀÀseda, esineb sellistel juhtudel rohkem kontaktset vÀÀrkohtlemist. Toimepanijad kasutavad erinevaid ahvatlusviise, nĂ€iteks seksuaalse sisuga failide nĂ€itamist, lapse privaatsete kehaosade katsumist, enese alasti eksponeerimist ja seksuaalsetel teemadel rÀÀkimist. Kui ohver tĂ”rjub toimepanija teod tagasi, kasutatavad toimepanijad sellistel juhtudel ka nĂ€iteks Ă€hvardamist, vĂ€givalda vĂ”i ebaseadusliku jĂ€lgimist ja jĂ€litamist. Tulemustest selgus, et kontaktkuritegusid pannakse enamasti toime öösel, samas kui internetis toime pandud kuritegude puhul ajaline faktor niivĂ”rd rolli ei mĂ€nginud. VĂ€ljaspool virtuaalmaailma pandi kuritegusid toime enamasti ohvri kodus, toimepanija kodus, avalikus kohas ning ĂŒhel juhul ka koolis. Internetikeskkondades toimus ahvatlemine Snapchatis, Facebooki Messengeris, Instagramis ning erinevates kohtinguportaalides. KokkuvĂ”ttes vĂ”ib öelda, et toimepanijad eelistavad pigem haavatavaid ohvreid ja neile mugavat ligipÀÀsu. Seega on oluline pakkuda vĂ€lja lahendusi, mis aitaksid haavatavaid sihtrĂŒhmi paremini seksuaalse ahvatlemise eest kaitsta. Edasised uuringud vĂ”iksid keskenduda erinevate veebiplatvormide rollide uurimisele, et paremini mĂ”ista, kuidas levinud platvormid seksuaalset vÀÀrkohtlemist ja muud ekspluateerivat kĂ€itumist vĂ”imaldavad ning lihtsustavad. Samuti oleks oluline uurida noorte internetikasutajate hĂ€irivaid kogemusi populaarsetes veebikeskkondades ning seda, milliseid toimetulekustrateegiaid sellistes olukordades rakendatakse.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5451209*es

    Rhetorical moves and identity performance in online child sexual abuse interactions

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    Online child sexual abuse (OCSA) is a pervasive problem facilitated by the anonymity afforded to offenders online. From a largely social constructionist perspective, this thesis explores linguistic expressions of identity by participants across a range of OCSA interactions, including offenders and suspected offenders, victims, and undercover police officers. The thesis is structured around three individual studies, each involving a different abusive interaction type. Each study employs Swales’ (1981; 1990) move analysis framework, exploring how participants use rhetorical moves as a resource for identity performance. Study 1 concerns a convicted offender who strategically cycled through numerous adopted personas when interacting with victims online. It considers his performance of various identity positions through his use of rhetorical moves across different personas. One persona is found to diverge significantly from the rest, and is identified as a possible reflection of the offender’s ‘home identity’. Study 2 considers interactions between suspected offenders and undercover police officers posing as offenders. It compares the participants’ move use and explores linguistic realisations of supportive exchanges, finding that aside a few notable differences, undercover officers perform the offender identity similarly to genuine suspected offenders. Study 3 explores dark web forum posts authored by ‘newbies’ attempting to join existing online communities of suspected offenders. It examines the identity positions performed in the posts and considers how positions of competence and expertise contribute to the persuasive process of seeking membership into online offending communities. Taking findings from these studies, the thesis discusses the possible contributions of move analysis to OCSA research and how rhetorical moves are used as a resource for identity performance, and offers an approach to identity analysis based on rhetorical moves. It concludes by arguing for move analysis as a useful goal-centred approach to identity investigation and describes potential implications of this work for law-enforcement, education and research