2,649 research outputs found

    The Computational Structure of Spike Trains

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    Neurons perform computations, and convey the results of those computations through the statistical structure of their output spike trains. Here we present a practical method, grounded in the information-theoretic analysis of prediction, for inferring a minimal representation of that structure and for characterizing its complexity. Starting from spike trains, our approach finds their causal state models (CSMs), the minimal hidden Markov models or stochastic automata capable of generating statistically identical time series. We then use these CSMs to objectively quantify both the generalizable structure and the idiosyncratic randomness of the spike train. Specifically, we show that the expected algorithmic information content (the information needed to describe the spike train exactly) can be split into three parts describing (1) the time-invariant structure (complexity) of the minimal spike-generating process, which describes the spike train statistically; (2) the randomness (internal entropy rate) of the minimal spike-generating process; and (3) a residual pure noise term not described by the minimal spike-generating process. We use CSMs to approximate each of these quantities. The CSMs are inferred nonparametrically from the data, making only mild regularity assumptions, via the causal state splitting reconstruction algorithm. The methods presented here complement more traditional spike train analyses by describing not only spiking probability and spike train entropy, but also the complexity of a spike train's structure. We demonstrate our approach using both simulated spike trains and experimental data recorded in rat barrel cortex during vibrissa stimulation.Comment: Somewhat different format from journal version but same conten

    An Analysis of Resting-State Functional Transcranial Doppler Recordings from Middle Cerebral Arteries

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    Functional transcrannial Doppler (fTCD) is used for monitoring the hemodynamics characteristics of major cerebral arteries. Its resting-state characteristics are known only when considering the maximal velocity corresponding to the highest Doppler shift (so called the envelope signals). Significantly more information about the resting-state fTCD can be gained when considering the raw cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) recordings. In this paper, we considered simultaneously acquired envelope and raw CBFV signals. Specifically, we collected bilateral CBFV recordings from left and right middle cerebral arteries using 20 healthy subjects (10 females). The data collection lasted for 15 minutes. The subjects were asked to remain awake, stay silent, and try to remain thought-free during the data collection. Time, frequency and time-frequency features were extracted from both the raw and the envelope CBFV signals. The effects of age, sex and body-mass index were examined on the extracted features. The results showed that the raw CBFV signals had a higher frequency content, and its temporal structures were almost uncorrelated. The information-theoretic features showed that the raw recordings from left and right middle cerebral arteries had higher content of mutual information than the envelope signals. Age and body-mass index did not have statistically significant effects on the extracted features. Sex-based differences were observed in all three domains and for both, the envelope signals and the raw CBFV signals. These findings indicate that the raw CBFV signals provide valuable information about the cerebral blood flow which can be utilized in further validation of fTCD as a clinical tool. © 2013 Sejdić et al

    Computational Mechanics of Input-Output Processes: Structured transformations and the ϵ\epsilon-transducer

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    Computational mechanics quantifies structure in a stochastic process via its causal states, leading to the process's minimal, optimal predictor---the ϵ\epsilon-machine. We extend computational mechanics to communication channels between two processes, obtaining an analogous optimal model---the ϵ\epsilon-transducer---of the stochastic mapping between them. Here, we lay the foundation of a structural analysis of communication channels, treating joint processes and processes with input. The result is a principled structural analysis of mechanisms that support information flow between processes. It is the first in a series on the structural information theory of memoryful channels, channel composition, and allied conditional information measures.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/et1.htm; Updated to conform to published version plus additional corrections and update

    Local information transfer as a spatiotemporal filter for complex systems

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    We present a measure of local information transfer, derived from an existing averaged information-theoretical measure, namely transfer entropy. Local transfer entropy is used to produce profiles of the information transfer into each spatiotemporal point in a complex system. These spatiotemporal profiles are useful not only as an analytical tool, but also allow explicit investigation of different parameter settings and forms of the transfer entropy metric itself. As an example, local transfer entropy is applied to cellular automata, where it is demonstrated to be a novel method of filtering for coherent structure. More importantly, local transfer entropy provides the first quantitative evidence for the long-held conjecture that the emergent traveling coherent structures known as particles (both gliders and domain walls, which have analogues in many physical processes) are the dominant information transfer agents in cellular automata.Comment: 12 page

    Inducing Probabilistic Grammars by Bayesian Model Merging

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    We describe a framework for inducing probabilistic grammars from corpora of positive samples. First, samples are {\em incorporated} by adding ad-hoc rules to a working grammar; subsequently, elements of the model (such as states or nonterminals) are {\em merged} to achieve generalization and a more compact representation. The choice of what to merge and when to stop is governed by the Bayesian posterior probability of the grammar given the data, which formalizes a trade-off between a close fit to the data and a default preference for simpler models (`Occam's Razor'). The general scheme is illustrated using three types of probabilistic grammars: Hidden Markov models, class-based nn-grams, and stochastic context-free grammars.Comment: To appear in Grammatical Inference and Applications, Second International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference; Springer Verlag, 1994. 13 page

    An Algorithm for Pattern Discovery in Time Series

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    We present a new algorithm for discovering patterns in time series and other sequential data. We exhibit a reliable procedure for building the minimal set of hidden, Markovian states that is statistically capable of producing the behavior exhibited in the data -- the underlying process's causal states. Unlike conventional methods for fitting hidden Markov models (HMMs) to data, our algorithm makes no assumptions about the process's causal architecture (the number of hidden states and their transition structure), but rather infers it from the data. It starts with assumptions of minimal structure and introduces complexity only when the data demand it. Moreover, the causal states it infers have important predictive optimality properties that conventional HMM states lack. We introduce the algorithm, review the theory behind it, prove its asymptotic reliability, use large deviation theory to estimate its rate of convergence, and compare it to other algorithms which also construct HMMs from data. We also illustrate its behavior on an example process, and report selected numerical results from an implementation.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures; 5 tables; http://www.santafe.edu/projects/CompMech Added discussion of algorithm parameters; improved treatment of convergence and time complexity; added comparison to older method

    Statistical approaches for natural language modelling and monotone statistical machine translation

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    Esta tesis reune algunas contribuciones al reconocimiento de formas estadístico y, más especícamente, a varias tareas del procesamiento del lenguaje natural. Varias técnicas estadísticas bien conocidas se revisan en esta tesis, a saber: estimación paramétrica, diseño de la función de pérdida y modelado estadístico. Estas técnicas se aplican a varias tareas del procesamiento del lenguajes natural tales como clasicación de documentos, modelado del lenguaje natural y traducción automática estadística. En relación con la estimación paramétrica, abordamos el problema del suavizado proponiendo una nueva técnica de estimación por máxima verosimilitud con dominio restringido (CDMLEa ). La técnica CDMLE evita la necesidad de la etapa de suavizado que propicia la pérdida de las propiedades del estimador máximo verosímil. Esta técnica se aplica a clasicación de documentos mediante el clasificador Naive Bayes. Más tarde, la técnica CDMLE se extiende a la estimación por máxima verosimilitud por leaving-one-out aplicandola al suavizado de modelos de lenguaje. Los resultados obtenidos en varias tareas de modelado del lenguaje natural, muestran una mejora en términos de perplejidad. En a la función de pérdida, se estudia cuidadosamente el diseño de funciones de pérdida diferentes a la 0-1. El estudio se centra en aquellas funciones de pérdida que reteniendo una complejidad de decodificación similar a la función 0-1, proporcionan una mayor flexibilidad. Analizamos y presentamos varias funciones de pérdida en varias tareas de traducción automática y con varios modelos de traducción. También, analizamos algunas reglas de traducción que destacan por causas prácticas tales como la regla de traducción directa; y, así mismo, profundizamos en la comprensión de los modelos log-lineares, que son de hecho, casos particulares de funciones de pérdida. Finalmente, se proponen varios modelos de traducción monótonos basados en técnicas de modelado estadístico .Andrés Ferrer, J. (2010). Statistical approaches for natural language modelling and monotone statistical machine translation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7109Palanci
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