3,430 research outputs found

    EV charging stations and RES-based DG: A centralized approach for smart integration in active distribution grids

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    Renewable Energy Sources based (RES-based) Dispersed Generation (DG) and Electrical Vehicles (EVs) charging systems diffusion is in progress in many Countries around the word. They have huge effects on the distribution grids planning and operation, particularly on MV and LV distribution grids. Many studies on their impact on the power systems are ongoing, proposing different approaches of managing. The present work deals with a real application case of integration of EVs charging stations with ES-based DG. The final task of the integration is to be able to assure the maximum utilization of the distribution grid to which both are connected, without any upgrading action, and in accordance with Distribution System Operators (DSOs) needs. The application of the proposed approach is related to an existent distribution system, owned by edistribuzione, the leading DSO in Italy. Diverse types of EVs supplying stations, with diverse diffusion scenarios, have been assumed for the case study; various Optimal Power Flow (OPF) models, based on diverse objective functions, reflecting DSO necessities, have been applied and tried. The obtained results demonstrate that a centralized management approach by the DSO, could assure the respect of operation limits of the system in the actual asset, delaying or avoiding upgrading engagements and charges

    Power quality and electromagnetic compatibility: special report, session 2

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    The scope of Session 2 (S2) has been defined as follows by the Session Advisory Group and the Technical Committee: Power Quality (PQ), with the more general concept of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and with some related safety problems in electricity distribution systems. Special focus is put on voltage continuity (supply reliability, problem of outages) and voltage quality (voltage level, flicker, unbalance, harmonics). This session will also look at electromagnetic compatibility (mains frequency to 150 kHz), electromagnetic interferences and electric and magnetic fields issues. Also addressed in this session are electrical safety and immunity concerns (lightning issues, step, touch and transferred voltages). The aim of this special report is to present a synthesis of the present concerns in PQ&EMC, based on all selected papers of session 2 and related papers from other sessions, (152 papers in total). The report is divided in the following 4 blocks: Block 1: Electric and Magnetic Fields, EMC, Earthing systems Block 2: Harmonics Block 3: Voltage Variation Block 4: Power Quality Monitoring Two Round Tables will be organised: - Power quality and EMC in the Future Grid (CIGRE/CIRED WG C4.24, RT 13) - Reliability Benchmarking - why we should do it? What should be done in future? (RT 15

    Implementation of quasi-static time series simulations for analysis of the impact of electric vehicles on the grid

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, symmetrical electric vehicle charging impacts in existing low-voltage distribution grid are investigated throughout proposed methodology and their results analysed. Symmetrical loading- and voltage-related impacts are assessed for the extensive grid. A synthetic EV mix pattern was used with the purpose to demonstrate a universal observation of charging impacts. These patterns were allocated quasi-randomly to the points of common coupling within the grid based on predefined scenarios - 8, 10, 12 and 20 percent. Subsequently, quasi-static time series simulations for a duration of one year in 10-minute time steps were executed. Consequently, this paper yields results, which offer practical insight in the maximum share of electric vehicle charging in low-voltage distribution grids and provide guidance for future decision-making of distribution grid operators

    A method for generating complete EV charging datasets and analysis of residential charging behaviour in a large Norwegian case study

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are part of the solution to achieve global carbon emissions reduction targets, and the number of EVs is increasing worldwide. Increased demand for EV charging can challenge the grid capacity of power distribution systems. Smart charging is therefore becoming an increasingly important topic, and availability of high-grade EV charging data is needed for analysing and modelling of EV charging and related energy flexibility. This study provides a set of methodologies for transforming real-world and commonly available EV charging data into easy-to-use EV charging datasets necessary for conducting a range of different EV studies. More than 35,000 residential charging sessions are analysed. The datasets include realistic predictions of battery capacities, charging power, and plug-in State-of-Charge (SoC) for each of the EVs, along with plug-in/plug-out times, and energy charged. Finally, we analyse how residential charging behaviour is affected by EV battery capacity and charging power. The results show a considerable potential for shifting residential EV charging in time, especially from afternoon/evenings to night-time. Such shifting of charging loads can reduce the grid burden resulting from residential EV charging. The potential for a single EV user to shift EV charging in time increases with higher EV charging power, more frequent connections, and longer connection times. The proposed methods provide the basis for assessing current and future EV charging behaviour, data-driven energy flexibility characterization, analysis, and modelling of EV charging loads and EV integration into power grids.publishedVersio
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