226 research outputs found

    Perception architecture exploration for automotive cyber-physical systems

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    2022 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.In emerging autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles, accurate environmental perception by automotive cyber physical platforms are critical for achieving safety and driving performance goals. An efficient perception solution capable of high fidelity environment modeling can improve Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) performance and reduce the number of lives lost to traffic accidents as a result of human driving errors. Enabling robust perception for vehicles with ADAS requires solving multiple complex problems related to the selection and placement of sensors, object detection, and sensor fusion. Current methods address these problems in isolation, which leads to inefficient solutions. For instance, there is an inherent accuracy versus latency trade-off between one stage and two stage object detectors which makes selecting an enhanced object detector from a diverse range of choices difficult. Further, even if a perception architecture was equipped with an ideal object detector performing high accuracy and low latency inference, the relative position and orientation of selected sensors (e.g., cameras, radars, lidars) determine whether static or dynamic targets are inside the field of view of each sensor or in the combined field of view of the sensor configuration. If the combined field of view is too small or contains redundant overlap between individual sensors, important events and obstacles can go undetected. Conversely, if the combined field of view is too large, the number of false positive detections will be high in real time and appropriate sensor fusion algorithms are required for filtering. Sensor fusion algorithms also enable tracking of non-ego vehicles in situations where traffic is highly dynamic or there are many obstacles on the road. Position and velocity estimation using sensor fusion algorithms have a lower margin for error when trajectories of other vehicles in traffic are in the vicinity of the ego vehicle, as incorrect measurement can cause accidents. Due to the various complex inter-dependencies between design decisions, constraints and optimization goals a framework capable of synthesizing perception solutions for automotive cyber physical platforms is not trivial. We present a novel perception architecture exploration framework for automotive cyber- physical platforms capable of global co-optimization of deep learning and sensing infrastructure. The framework is capable of exploring the synthesis of heterogeneous sensor configurations towards achieving vehicle autonomy goals. As our first contribution, we propose a novel optimization framework called VESPA that explores the design space of sensor placement locations and orientations to find the optimal sensor configuration for a vehicle. We demonstrate how our framework can obtain optimal sensor configurations for heterogeneous sensors deployed across two contemporary real vehicles. We then utilize VESPA to create a comprehensive perception architecture synthesis framework called PASTA. This framework enables robust perception for vehicles with ADAS requiring solutions to multiple complex problems related not only to the selection and placement of sensors but also object detection, and sensor fusion as well. Experimental results with the Audi-TT and BMW Minicooper vehicles show how PASTA can intelligently traverse the perception design space to find robust, vehicle-specific solutions

    Frequency Modulated Continuous Waveform Radar for Collision Prevention in Large Vehicles

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    The drivers of large vehicles can have very limited visibility, which contributes to poor situation awareness and an increased risk of collision with other agents. This thesis is focused on the development of reliable sensing for this close proximity problem in large vehicles operating in harsh environmental conditions. It emphasises the use of in-depth knowledge of a sensor’s physics and performance characteristics to develop effective mathematical models for use in different mapping algorithms. An analysis of the close proximity problem and the demands it poses on sensing technologies is presented. This guides the design and modelling process for a frequency modulated continuous waveform (FMCW) radar sensor for use in solving the close proximity problem. Radar offers better all-weather performance than other sensing modalities, but its measurement structure is more complex and often degraded by noise and clutter. The commonly used constant false alarm rate (CFAR) threshold approach performs poorly in applications with frequent extended targets and a short measurement vector, as is the case here. Therefore, a static detection threshold is calculated using measurements of clutter made using the radar, allowing clutter measurements to be filtered out in known environments. The detection threshold is used to develop a heuristic sensor model for occupancy grid mapping. This results in a more reliable representation of the environment than is achieved using the detection threshold alone. A Gaussian mixture extended Kalman probability hypothesis density filter (GM-EK-PHD) is implemented to allow mapping in dynamic environments using the FMCW radar. These methods are used to produce maps of the environment that can be displayed to the driver of a large vehicle to better avoid collisions. The concepts developed in this thesis are validated using simulated and real data from a low-cost 24GHz FMCW radar developed at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics at the University of Sydney

    Pre-Trained Driving in Localized Surroundings with Semantic Radar Information and Machine Learning

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    Entlang der Signalverarbeitungskette von Radar Detektionen bis zur Fahrzeugansteuerung, diskutiert diese Arbeit eine semantischen Radar Segmentierung, einen darauf aufbauenden Radar SLAM, sowie eine im Verbund realisierte autonome Parkfunktion. Die Radarsegmentierung der (statischen) Umgebung wird durch ein Radar-spezifisches neuronales Netzwerk RadarNet erreicht. Diese Segmentierung ermöglicht die Entwicklung des semantischen Radar Graph-SLAM SERALOC. Auf der Grundlage der semantischen Radar SLAM Karte wird eine beispielhafte autonome Parkfunktionalität in einem realen Versuchsträger umgesetzt. Entlang eines aufgezeichneten Referenzfades parkt die Funktion ausschließlich auf Basis der Radar Wahrnehmung mit bisher unerreichter Positioniergenauigkeit. Im ersten Schritt wird ein Datensatz von 8.2 · 10^6 punktweise semantisch gelabelten Radarpunktwolken über eine Strecke von 2507.35m generiert. Es sind keine vergleichbaren Datensätze dieser Annotationsebene und Radarspezifikation öffentlich verfügbar. Das überwachte Training der semantischen Segmentierung RadarNet erreicht 28.97% mIoU auf sechs Klassen. Außerdem wird ein automatisiertes Radar-Labeling-Framework SeRaLF vorgestellt, welches das Radarlabeling multimodal mittels Referenzkameras und LiDAR unterstützt. Für die kohärente Kartierung wird ein Radarsignal-Vorfilter auf der Grundlage einer Aktivierungskarte entworfen, welcher Rauschen und andere dynamische Mehrwegreflektionen unterdrückt. Ein speziell für Radar angepasstes Graph-SLAM-Frontend mit Radar-Odometrie Kanten zwischen Teil-Karten und semantisch separater NDT Registrierung setzt die vorgefilterten semantischen Radarscans zu einer konsistenten metrischen Karte zusammen. Die Kartierungsgenauigkeit und die Datenassoziation werden somit erhöht und der erste semantische Radar Graph-SLAM für beliebige statische Umgebungen realisiert. Integriert in ein reales Testfahrzeug, wird das Zusammenspiel der live RadarNet Segmentierung und des semantischen Radar Graph-SLAM anhand einer rein Radar-basierten autonomen Parkfunktionalität evaluiert. Im Durchschnitt über 42 autonome Parkmanöver (∅3.73 km/h) bei durchschnittlicher Manöverlänge von ∅172.75m wird ein Median absoluter Posenfehler von 0.235m und End-Posenfehler von 0.2443m erreicht, der vergleichbare Radar-Lokalisierungsergebnisse um ≈ 50% übertrifft. Die Kartengenauigkeit von veränderlichen, neukartierten Orten über eine Kartierungsdistanz von ∅165m ergibt eine ≈ 56%-ige Kartenkonsistenz bei einer Abweichung von ∅0.163m. Für das autonome Parken wurde ein gegebener Trajektorienplaner und Regleransatz verwendet