18 research outputs found

    Clock Generator Circuits for Low-Power Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip

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    In this work concepts and circuits for local clock generation in low-power heterogeneous multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) are researched and developed. The targeted systems feature a globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) clocking architecture and advanced power management functionality, as for example fine-grained ultra-fast dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). To enable this functionality compact clock generators with low chip area, low power consumption, wide output frequency range and the capability for ultra-fast frequency changes are required. They are to be instantiated individually per core. For this purpose compact all digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) frequency synthesizers are developed. The bang-bang ADPLL architecture is analyzed using a numerical system model and optimized for low jitter accumulation. A 65nm CMOS ADPLL is implemented, featuring a novel active current bias circuit which compensates the supply voltage and temperature sensitivity of the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) for reduced digital tuning effort. Additionally, a 28nm ADPLL with a new ultra-fast lock-in scheme based on single-shot phase synchronization is proposed. The core clock is generated by an open-loop method using phase-switching between multi-phase DCO clocks at a fixed frequency. This allows instantaneous core frequency changes for ultra-fast DVFS without re-locking the closed loop ADPLL. The sensitivity of the open-loop clock generator with respect to phase mismatch is analyzed analytically and a compensation technique by cross-coupled inverter buffers is proposed. The clock generators show small area (0.0097mm2 (65nm), 0.00234mm2 (28nm)), low power consumption (2.7mW (65nm), 0.64mW (28nm)) and they provide core clock frequencies from 83MHz to 666MHz which can be changed instantaneously. The jitter performance is compliant to DDR2/DDR3 memory interface specifications. Additionally, high-speed clocks for novel serial on-chip data transceivers are generated. The ADPLL circuits have been verified successfully by 3 testchip implementations. They enable efficient realization of future low-power MPSoCs with advanced power management functionality in deep-submicron CMOS technologies.In dieser Arbeit werden Konzepte und Schaltungen zur lokalen Takterzeugung in heterogenen Multiprozessorsystemen (MPSoCs) mit geringer Verlustleistung erforscht und entwickelt. Diese Systeme besitzen eine global-asynchrone lokal-synchrone Architektur sowie FunktionalitĂ€t zum Power Management, wie z.B. das feingranulare, schnelle Skalieren von Spannung und Taktfrequenz (DVFS). Um diese FunktionalitĂ€t zu realisieren werden kompakte Taktgeneratoren benötigt, welche eine kleine ChipflĂ€che einnehmen, wenig Verlustleitung aufnehmen, einen weiten Bereich an Ausgangsfrequenzen erzeugen und diese sehr schnell Ă€ndern können. Sie sollen individuell pro Prozessorkern integriert werden. Dazu werden kompakte volldigitale Phasenregelkreise (ADPLLs) entwickelt, wobei eine bang-bang ADPLL Architektur numerisch modelliert und fĂŒr kleine Jitterakkumulation optimiert wird. Es wird eine 65nm CMOS ADPLL implementiert, welche eine neuartige Kompensationsschlatung fĂŒr den digital gesteuerten Oszillator (DCO) zur Verringerung der SensitivitĂ€t bezĂŒglich Versorgungsspannung und Temperatur beinhaltet. ZusĂ€tzlich wird eine 28nm CMOS ADPLL mit einer neuen Technik zum schnellen Einschwingen unter Nutzung eines Phasensynchronisierers realisiert. Der Prozessortakt wird durch ein neuartiges Phasenmultiplex- und Frequenzteilerverfahren erzeugt, welches es ermöglicht die Taktfrequenz sofort zu Ă€ndern um schnelles DVFS zu realisieren. Die SensitivitĂ€t dieses Frequenzgenerators bezĂŒglich Phasen-Mismatch wird theoretisch analysiert und durch Verwendung von kreuzgekoppelten TaktverstĂ€rkern kompensiert. Die hier entwickelten Taktgeneratoren haben eine kleine ChipflĂ€che (0.0097mm2 (65nm), 0.00234mm2 (28nm)) und Leistungsaufnahme (2.7mW (65nm), 0.64mW (28nm)). Sie stellen Frequenzen von 83MHz bis 666MHz bereit, welche sofort geĂ€ndert werden können. Die Schaltungen erfĂŒllen die Jitterspezifikationen von DDR2/DDR3 Speicherinterfaces. ZusĂ€tzliche können schnelle Takte fĂŒr neuartige serielle on-Chip Verbindungen erzeugt werden. Die ADPLL Schaltungen wurden erfolgreich in 3 Testchips erprobt. Sie ermöglichen die effiziente Realisierung von zukĂŒnftigen MPSoCs mit Power Management in modernsten CMOS Technologien

    Blocker Tolerant Radio Architectures

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    Future radio platforms have to be inexpensive and deal with a variety of co- existence issues. The technology trend during the last few years is towards system- on-chip (SoC) that is able to process multiple standards re-using most of the digital resources. A major bottle-neck to this approach is the co-existence of these standards operating at different frequency bands that are hitting the receiver front-end. So the current research is focused on the power, area and performance optimization of various circuit building blocks of a radio for current and incoming standards. Firstly, a linearization technique for low noise amplifiers (LNAs) called, Robust Derivative Superposition (RDS) method is proposed. RDS technique is insensitive to Process Voltage and Temperature (P.V.T.) variations and is validated with two low noise transconductance amplifier (LNTA) designs in 0.18”m CMOS technology. Measurement results from 5 dies of a resistive terminated LNTA shows that the pro- posed method improves IM3 over 20dB for input power up to -18dBm, and improves IIP_(3) by 10dB. A 2V inductor-less broadband 0.3 to 2.8GHz balun-LNTA employing the proposed RDS linearization technique was designed and measured. It achieves noise figure of 6.5dB, IIP3 of 16.8dBm, and P1dB of 0.5dBm having a power consumption of 14.2mW. The balun LNTA occupies an active area of 0.06mm2. Secondly, the design of two high linearity, inductor-less, broadband LNTAs employing noise and distortion cancellation techniques is presented. Main design issues and the performance trade-offs of the circuits are discussed. In the fully differential architecture, the first LNTA covers 0.1-2GHz bandwidth and achieves a minimum noise figure (NFmin) of 3dB, IIP_(3) of 10dBm and a P_(1dB) of 0dBm while dissipating 30.2mW. The 2^(nd) low power bulk driven LNTA with 16mW power consumption achieves NFmin of 3.4dB, IIP3 of 11dBm and 0.1-3GHz bandwidth. Each LNTA occupy an active area of 0.06mm2 in 45nm CMOS. Thirdly, a continuous-time low-pass ∆ΣADC equipped with design techniques to provide robustness against loop saturation due to blockers is presented. Loop over- load detection and correction is employed to improve the ADC’s tolerance to blockers; a fast overload detector activates the input attenuator, maintaining the ADC in linear operation. To further improve ADC’s blocker tolerance, a minimally-invasive integrated low-pass filter that reduces the most critical adjacent/alternate channel blockers is implemented. An ADC prototype is implemented in a 90nm CMOS technology and experimentally it achieves 69dB dynamic range over a 20MHz bandwidth with a sampling frequency of 500MHz and 17.1mW of power consumption. The alternate channel blocker tolerance at the most critical frequency is as high as -5.5dBFS while the conventional feed-forward modulator becomes unstable at -23.5dBFS of blocker power. The proposed blocker rejection techniques are minimally-invasive and take less than 0.3”sec to settle after a strong agile blocker appears. Finally, a new radio partitioning methodology that gives robust analog and mixed signal radio development in scaled technology for SoC integration, and the co-design of RF FEM-antenna system is presented. Based on the proposed methodology, a CMOS RF front-end module (FEM) with power amplifier (PA), LNA and transmit/receive switch, co-designed with antenna is implemented. The RF FEM circuit is implemented in a 32nm CMOS technology. Post extracted simulations show a noise figure < 2.5dB, S_(21) of 14dB, IIP3 of 7dBm and P1dB of -8dBm for the receiver. Total power consumption of the receiver is 11.8mW from a 1V supply. On the trans- mitter side, PA achieves peak RF output power of 22.34dBm with peak power added efficiency (PAE) of 65% and PAE of 33% with linearization at -6dB power back off. Simulations show an efficiency of 80% for the miniaturized dipole antenna

    Nano-Watt Modular Integrated Circuits for Wireless Neural Interface.

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    In this work, a nano-watt modular neural interface circuit is proposed for ECoG neuroprosthetics. The main purposes of this work are threefold: (1) optimizing the power-performance of the neural interface circuits based on ECoG signal characteristics, (2) equipping a stimulation capability, and (3) providing a modular system solution to expand functionality. To achieve these aims, the proposed system introduces the following contributions/innovations: (1) power-noise optimization based on the ECoG signal driven analysis, (2) extreme low-power analog front-ends, (3) Manchester clock-edge modulation clock data recovery, (4) power-efficient data compression, (5) integrated stimulator with fully programmable waveform, (6) wireless signal transmission through skin, and (7) modular expandable design. Towards these challenges and contributions, three different ECoG neural interface systems, ENI-1, ENI-16, and ENI-32, have been designed, fabricated, and tested. The first ENI system(ENI-1) is a one-channel analog front-end and fabricated in a 0.25”m CMOS process with chopper stabilized pseudo open-loop preamplifier and area-efficient SAR ADC. The measured channel power, noise and area are 1.68”W at 2.5V power-supply, 1.69”Vrms (NEF=2.43), and 0.0694mm^2, respectively. The fabricated IC is packaged with customized miniaturized package. In-vivo human EEG is successfully measured with the fabricated ENI-1-IC. To demonstrate a system expandability and wireless link, ENI-16 IC is fabricated in 0.25”m CMOS process and has sixteen channels with a push-pull preamplifier, asynchronous SAR ADC, and intra-skin communication(ISCOM) which is a new way of transmitting the signal through skin. The measured channel power, noise and area are 780nW, 4.26”Vrms (NEF=5.2), and 2.88mm^2, respectively. With the fabricated ENI-16-IC, in-vivo epidural ECoG from monkey is successfully measured. As a closed-loop system, ENI-32 focuses on optimizing the power performance based on a bio-signal property and integrating stimulator. ENI-32 is fabricated in 0.18”m CMOS process and has thirty-two recording channels and four stimulation channels with a cyclic preamplifier, data compression, asymmetric wireless transceiver (Tx/Rx). The measured channel power, noise and area are 140nW (680nW including ISCOM), 3.26”Vrms (NEF=1.6), and 5.76mm^2, respectively. The ENI-32 achieves an order of magnitude power reduction while maintaining the system performance. The proposed nano-watt ENI-32 can be the first practical wireless closed-loop solution with a practically miniaturized implantable device.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98064/1/schang_1.pd

    High linearity analog and mixed-signal integrated circuit design

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    Linearity is one of the most important specifications in electrical circuits.;In Chapter 1, a ladder-based transconductance networks has been adopted first time to build a low distortion analog filters for low frequency applications. This new technique eliminated the limitation of the application with the traditional passive resistors for low frequency applications. Based on the understanding of this relationship, a strategy for designing high linear analog continuous-time filters has been developed. According to our strategy, a prototype analog integrated filter has been designed and fabricated with AMI05 0.5 um standard CMOS process. Experimental results proved this technique has the ability to provide excellent linearity with very limited active area.;In Chapter 2, the relationships between the transconductance networks and major circuit specifications have been explored. The analysis reveals the trade off between the silicon area saved by the transconductance networks and the some other important specifications such as linearity, noise level and the process variations of the overall circuit. Experimental results of discrete component circuit matched very well with our analytical outcomes to predict the change of linearity and noise performance associated with different transconductance networks.;The Chapter 3 contains the analysis and mathematical proves of the optimum passive area allocations for several most popular analog active filters. Because the total area is now manageable by the technique introduced in the Chapter 1, the further reduce of the total area will be very important and useful for efficient utilizing the silicon area, especially with the today\u27s fast growing area efficiency of the highly density digital circuits. This study presents the mathematical conclusion that the minimum passive area will be achieved with the equalized resistor and capacitor.;In the Chapter 4, a well recognized and highly honored current division circuit has been studied. Although it was claimed to be inherently linear and there are over 60 published works reported with high linearity based on this technique, our study discovered that this current division circuit can achieve, if proper circuit condition being managed, very limited linearity and all the experimental verified performance actually based on more general circuit principle. Besides its limitation, however, we invented a novel current division digital to analog converter (DAC) based on this technique. Benefiting from the simple circuit structure and moderate good linearity, a prototype 8-bit DAC was designed in TSMC018 0.2 um CMOS process and the post layout simulations exhibited the good linearity with very low power consumption and extreme small active area.;As the part of study of the output stage for the current division DAC discussed in the Chapter 4, a current mirror is expected to amplify the output current to drive the low resistive load. The strategy of achieving the optimum bandwidth of the cascode current mirror with fixed total current gain is discussed in the Chapter 5.;Improving the linearity of pipeline ADC has been the hottest and hardest topic in solid-state circuit community for decade. In the Chapter 6, a comprehensive study focus on the existing calibration algorithms for pipeline ADCs is presented. The benefits and limitations of different calibration algorithms have been discussed. Based on the understanding of those reported works, a new model-based calibration is delivered. The simulation results demonstrate that the model-based algorithms are vulnerable to the model accuracy and this weakness is very hard to be removed. From there, we predict the future developments of calibration algorithms that can break the linearity limitations for pipelined ADC. (Abstract shortened by UMI.

    Continuous-time low-pass filters for integrated wideband radio receivers

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    This thesis concentrates on the design and implementation of analog baseband continuous-time low-pass filters for integrated wideband radio receivers. A total of five experimental analog baseband low-pass filter circuits were designed and implemented as a part of five single-chip radio receivers in this work. After the motivation for the research work presented in this thesis has been introduced, an overview of analog baseband filters in radio receivers is given first. In addition, a review of the three receiver architectures and the three wireless applications that are adopted in the experimental work of this thesis is presented. The relationship between the integrator non-idealities and integrator Q-factor, as well as the effect of the integrator Q-factor on the filter frequency response, are thoroughly studied on the basis of a literature review. The theoretical study that is provided is essential for the gm-C filter synthesis with non-ideal lossy integrators that is presented after the introduction of different techniques to realize integrator-based continuous-time low-pass filters. The filter design approach proposed for gm-C filters is original work and one of the main points in this thesis, in addition to the experimental IC implementations. Two evolution versions of fourth-order 10-MHz opamp-RC low-pass filters designed and implemented for two multicarrier WCDMA base-station receivers in a 0.25-”m SiGe BiCMOS technology are presented, along with the experimental results of both the low-pass filters and the corresponding radio receivers. The circuit techniques that were used in the three gm-C filter implementations of this work are described and a common-mode induced even-order distortion in a pseudo-differential filter is analyzed. Two evolution versions of fifth-order 240-MHz gm-C low-pass filters that were designed and implemented for two single-chip WiMedia UWB direct-conversion receivers in a standard 0.13-”m and 65-nm CMOS technology, respectively, are presented, along with the experimental results of both the low-pass filters and the second receiver version. The second UWB filter design was also embedded with an ADC into the baseband of a 60-GHz 65-nm CMOS radio receiver. In addition, a third-order 1-GHz gm-C low-pass filter was designed, rather as a test structure, for the same receiver. The experimental results of the receiver and the third gm-C filter implementation are presented

    Uma Topologia CMOS Nauta OTA sem Calibração em Ultra-Baixa TensĂŁo e Ultra-Baixa PotĂȘncia

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    Este trabalho apresenta a topologia do amplificador operacional de transcondutĂąncia Nauta OTA, construĂ­do com inversores CMOS intrinsecamente casados, dispensando qualquer tipo de circuito de calibração. Adicionalmente, essa topologia Ă© implementada em um processo CMOS utilizando transistores de canal nĂŁo uniformemente dopado do tipo halo-implantado, sendo projetada para se adequar a aplicaçÔes G-C de baixa frequĂȘncia, tais como aplicaçÔes biomĂ©dicas. O projeto do inversor CMOS intrinsecamente casado Ă© baseado na utilização do transistor MOS matricial halo-implantado operando em inversĂŁo fraca. Neste trabalho Ă© demonstrado que essa tĂ©cnica Ă© capaz de estabilizar a tensĂŁo de switching point de um inversor CMOS, reduzindo sua variação estatĂ­stica e permitindo o aumento do ganho, o que Ă© desejado para projetos de circuitos G-C. Portanto, baseando-se na topologia original proposta por Bram Nauta (e trabalhos derivados), focados na sintonia de filtros VHF, este trabalho adapta o Nauta OTA para aplicaçÔes com G constante. O circuito proposto apresenta uma transcondutĂąncia de 2,46-S quando alimentado com 0,25-V, dissipando 55-nW durante sua operação, o que o torna adequado para aplicaçÔes de baixa potĂȘncia

    Time interleaved counter analog to digital converters

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    The work explores extending time interleaving in A/D converters, by applying a high-level of parallelism to one of the slowest and simplest types of data-converters, the counter ADC. The motivation for the work is to realise high-performance re-configurable A/D converters for use in multi-standard and multi-PHY communication receivers with signal bandwidths in the 10s to 100s of MHz. The counter ADC requires only a comparator, a ramp signal, and a digital counter, where the comparator compares the sampled input against all possible quantisation levels sequentially. This work explores arranging counter ADCs in large time-interleaved arrays, building a Time Interleaved Counter (TIC) ADC. The key to realising a TIC ADC is distributed sampling and a global multi-phase ramp generator realised with a novel figure-of-8 rotating resistor ring. Furthermore Counter ADCs allow for re-configurability between effective sampling rate and resolution due to their sequential comparison of reference levels in conversion. A prototype TIC ADC of 128-channels was fabricated and measured in 0.13ÎŒm CMOS technology, where the same block can be configured to operate as a 7-bit 1GS/s, 8-bit 500MS/s, or 9-bit 250MS/s dataconverter. The ADC achieves a sub 400fJ/step FOM in all modes of configuration

    High Performance RF and Basdband Analog-to-Digital Interface for Multi-standard/Wideband Applications

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    The prevalence of wireless standards and the introduction of dynamic standards/applications, such as software-defined radio, necessitate the next generation wireless devices that integrate multiple standards in a single chip-set to support a variety of services. To reduce the cost and area of such multi-standard handheld devices, reconfigurability is desirable, and the hardware should be shared/reused as much as possible. This research proposes several novel circuit topologies that can meet various specifications with minimum cost, which are suited for multi-standard applications. This doctoral study has two separate contributions: 1. The low noise amplifier (LNA) for the RF front-end; and 2. The analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The first part of this dissertation focuses on LNA noise reduction and linearization techniques where two novel LNAs are designed, taped out, and measured. The first LNA, implemented in TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) 0.35Cm CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) process, strategically combined an inductor connected at the gate of the cascode transistor and the capacitive cross-coupling to reduce the noise and nonlinearity contributions of the cascode transistors. The proposed technique reduces LNA NF by 0.35 dB at 2.2 GHz and increases its IIP3 and voltage gain by 2.35 dBm and 2dB respectively, without a compromise on power consumption. The second LNA, implemented in UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation) 0.13Cm CMOS process, features a practical linearization technique for high-frequency wideband applications using an active nonlinear resistor, which obtains a robust linearity improvement over process and temperature variations. The proposed linearization method is experimentally demonstrated to improve the IIP3 by 3.5 to 9 dB over a 2.5–10 GHz frequency range. A comparison of measurement results with the prior published state-of-art Ultra-Wideband (UWB) LNAs shows that the proposed linearized UWB LNA achieves excellent linearity with much less power than previously published works. The second part of this dissertation developed a reconfigurable ADC for multistandard receiver and video processors. Typical ADCs are power optimized for only one operating speed, while a reconfigurable ADC can scale its power at different speeds, enabling minimal power consumption over a broad range of sampling rates. A novel ADC architecture is proposed for programming the sampling rate with constant biasing current and single clock. The ADC was designed and fabricated using UMC 90nm CMOS process and featured good power scalability and simplified system design. The programmable speed range covers all the video formats and most of the wireless communication standards, while achieving comparable Figure-of-Merit with customized ADCs at each performance node. Since bias current is kept constant, the reconfigurable ADC is more robust and reliable than the previous published works