4 research outputs found

    An efficient image classification and segmentation method for crime investigation applications

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    The field of forensic science is experiencing significant growth, largely driven by the increasing integration of holographic and immersive technologies, along with their associated head-mounted displays. These immersive systems have become increasingly vital in resolving critical crimes as they facilitate communication, interaction, and collaboration. Given the sensitive nature of their work, crime investigators require substantial technical support. There is a pressing need for accurate documentation and archiving of crime scenes, which can be addressed by leveraging 3D scanned scenes to accurately represent evidence and expected scenarios. This study aims to develop an enhanced AR. system that can be deployed on hologram facilities such as the Microsoft HoloLens. The proposed system encompasses two main approaches, namely image classification and image segmentation. Image classification utilizes various deep learning models, including lightweight convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and convolutional Long-Short Term Memory (ConvLSTM). Additionally, the image segmentation approach is based on the fuzzy active contour model (FACM). The effectiveness of the proposed system was evaluated for both classification and segmentation tasks, utilizing metrics such as accuracy, sensitivity, precision, and F1 score. The simulation results indicate that the proposed system achieved a 99% accuracy rate in classification and segmentation tasks, positioning it as an effective solution for detecting bloodstain patterns in AR applications

    A State-of-the-Art Survey for Microorganism Image Segmentation Methods and Future Potential

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    An Embryonics Inspired Architecture for Resilient Decentralised Cloud Service Delivery

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    Data-driven artificial intelligence applications arising from Internet of Things technologies can have profound wide-reaching societal benefits at the cross-section of the cyber and physical domains. Usecases are expanding rapidly. For example, smart-homes and smart-buildings provide intelligent monitoring, resource optimisation, safety, and security for their inhabitants. Smart cities can manage transport, waste, energy, and crime on large scales. Whilst smart-manufacturing can autonomously produce goods through the self-management of factories and logistics. As these use-cases expand further, the requirement to ensure data is processed accurately and timely is ever crucial, as many of these applications are safety critical. Where loss off life and economic damage is a likely possibility in the event of system failure. While the typical service delivery paradigm, cloud computing, is strong due to operating upon economies of scale, their physical proximity to these applications creates network latency which is incompatible with these safety critical applications. To complicate matters further, the environments they operate in are becoming increasingly hostile. With resource-constrained and mobile wireless networking, commonplace. These issues drive the need for new service delivery architectures which operate closer to, or even upon, the network devices, sensors and actuators which compose these IoT applications at the network edge. These hostile and resource constrained environments require adaptation of traditional cloud service delivery models to these decentralised mobile and wireless environments. Such architectures need to provide persistent service delivery within the face of a variety of internal and external changes or: resilient decentralised cloud service delivery. While the current state of the art proposes numerous techniques to enhance the resilience of services in this manner, none provide an architecture which is capable of providing data processing services in a cloud manner which is inherently resilient. Adopting techniques from autonomic computing, whose characteristics are resilient by nature, this thesis presents a biologically-inspired platform modelled on embryonics. Embryonic systems have an ability to self-heal and self-organise whilst showing capacity to support decentralised data processing. An initial model for embryonics-inspired resilient decentralised cloud service delivery is derived according to both the decentralised cloud, and resilience requirements given for this work. Next, this model is simulated using cellular automata, which illustrate the embryonic concept’s ability to provide self-healing service delivery under varying system component loss. This highlights optimisation techniques, including: application complexity bounds, differentiation optimisation, self-healing aggression, and varying system starting conditions. All attributes of which can be adjusted to vary the resilience performance of the system depending upon different resource capabilities and environmental hostilities. Next, a proof-of-concept implementation is developed and validated which illustrates the efficacy of the solution. This proof-of-concept is evaluated on a larger scale where batches of tests highlighted the different performance criteria and constraints of the system. One key finding was the considerable quantity of redundant messages produced under successful scenarios which were helpful in terms of enabling resilience yet could increase network contention. Therefore balancing these attributes are important according to use-case. Finally, graph-based resilience algorithms were executed across all tests to understand the structural resilience of the system and whether this enabled suitable measurements or prediction of the application’s resilience. Interestingly this study highlighted that although the system was not considered to be structurally resilient, the applications were still being executed in the face of many continued component failures. This highlighted that the autonomic embryonic functionality developed was succeeding in executing applications resiliently. Illustrating that structural and application resilience do not necessarily coincide. Additionally, one graph metric, assortativity, was highlighted as being predictive of application resilience, although not structural resilience