131 research outputs found

    A spiking neural network for real-time Spanish vowel phonemes recognition

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    This paper explores neuromorphic approach capabilities applied to real-time speech processing. A spiking recognition neural network composed of three types of neurons is proposed. These neurons are based on an integrative and fire model and are capable of recognizing auditory frequency patterns, such as vowel phonemes; words are recognized as sequences of vowel phonemes. For demonstrating real-time operation, a complete spiking recognition neural network has been described in VHDL for detecting certain Spanish words, and it has been tested in a FPGA platform. This is a stand-alone and fully hardware system that allows to embed it in a mobile system. To stimulate the network, a spiking digital-filter-based cochlea has been implemented in VHDL. In the implementation, an Address Event Representation (AER) is used for transmitting information between neurons.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-02/0

    Investigation of Synapto-dendritic Kernel Adapting Neuron models and their use in spiking neuromorphic architectures

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    The motivation for this thesis is idea that abstract, adaptive, hardware efficient, inter-neuronal transfer functions (or kernels) which carry information in the form of postsynaptic membrane potentials, are the most important (and erstwhile missing) element in neuromorphic implementations of Spiking Neural Networks (SNN). In the absence of such abstract kernels, spiking neuromorphic systems must realize very large numbers of synapses and their associated connectivity. The resultant hardware and bandwidth limitations create difficult tradeoffs which diminish the usefulness of such systems. In this thesis a novel model of spiking neurons is proposed. The proposed Synapto-dendritic Kernel Adapting Neuron (SKAN) uses the adaptation of their synapto-dendritic kernels in conjunction with an adaptive threshold to perform unsupervised learning and inference on spatio-temporal spike patterns. The hardware and connectivity requirements of the neuron model are minimized through the use of simple accumulator-based kernels as well as through the use of timing information to perform a winner take all operation between the neurons. The learning and inference operations of SKAN are characterized and shown to be robust across a range of noise environments. Next, the SKAN model is augmented with a simplified hardware-efficient model of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP). In biology STDP is the mechanism which allows neurons to learn spatio-temporal spike patterns. However when the proposed SKAN model is augmented with a simplified STDP rule, where the synaptic kernel is used as a binary flag that enable synaptic potentiation, the result is a synaptic encoding of afferent Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). In this combined model the neuron not only learns the target spatio-temporal spike patterns but also weighs each channel independently according to its signal to noise ratio. Additionally a novel approach is presented to achieving homeostatic plasticity in digital hardware which reduces hardware cost by eliminating the need for multipliers. Finally the behavior and potential utility of this combined model is investigated in a range of noise conditions and the digital hardware resource utilization of SKAN and SKAN + STDP is detailed using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)

    A Common Cortical Circuit Mechanism for Perceptual Categorical Discrimination and Veridical Judgment

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    Perception involves two types of decisions about the sensory world: identification of stimulus features as analog quantities, or discrimination of the same stimulus features among a set of discrete alternatives. Veridical judgment and categorical discrimination have traditionally been conceptualized as two distinct computational problems. Here, we found that these two types of decision making can be subserved by a shared cortical circuit mechanism. We used a continuous recurrent network model to simulate two monkey experiments in which subjects were required to make either a two-alternative forced choice or a veridical judgment about the direction of random-dot motion. The model network is endowed with a continuum of bell-shaped population activity patterns, each representing a possible motion direction. Slow recurrent excitation underlies accumulation of sensory evidence, and its interplay with strong recurrent inhibition leads to decision behaviors. The model reproduced the monkey's performance as well as single-neuron activity in the categorical discrimination task. Furthermore, we examined how direction identification is determined by a combination of sensory stimulation and microstimulation. Using a population-vector measure, we found that direction judgments instantiate winner-take-all (with the population vector coinciding with either the coherent motion direction or the electrically elicited motion direction) when two stimuli are far apart, or vector averaging (with the population vector falling between the two directions) when two stimuli are close to each other. Interestingly, for a broad range of intermediate angular distances between the two stimuli, the network displays a mixed strategy in the sense that direction estimates are stochastically produced by winner-take-all on some trials and by vector averaging on the other trials, a model prediction that is experimentally testable. This work thus lends support to a common neurodynamic framework for both veridical judgment and categorical discrimination in perceptual decision making

    Speed versus accuracy in visual search: Optimal performance and neural architecture

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    Searching for objects among clutter is a key ability of the visual system. Speed and accuracy are the crucial performance criteria. How can the brain trade off these competing quantities for optimal performance in different tasks? Can a network of spiking neurons carry out such computations, and what is its architecture? We propose a new model that takes input from V1-type orientation-selective spiking neurons and detects a target in the shortest time that is compatible with a given acceptable error rate. Subject to the assumption that the output of the primary visual cortex comprises Poisson neurons with known properties, our model is an ideal observer. The model has only five free parameters: the signal-to-noise ratio in a hypercolumn, the costs of false-alarm and false-reject errors versus the cost of time, and two parameters accounting for nonperceptual delays. Our model postulates two gain-control mechanisms—one local to hypercolumns and one global to the visual field—to handle variable scene complexity. Error rate and response time predictions match psychophysics data as we vary stimulus discriminability, scene complexity, and the uncertainty associated with each of these quantities. A five-layer spiking network closely approximates the optimal model, suggesting that known cortical mechanisms are sufficient for implementing visual search efficiently

    Brain-inspired self-organization with cellular neuromorphic computing for multimodal unsupervised learning

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    Cortical plasticity is one of the main features that enable our ability to learn and adapt in our environment. Indeed, the cerebral cortex self-organizes itself through structural and synaptic plasticity mechanisms that are very likely at the basis of an extremely interesting characteristic of the human brain development: the multimodal association. In spite of the diversity of the sensory modalities, like sight, sound and touch, the brain arrives at the same concepts (convergence). Moreover, biological observations show that one modality can activate the internal representation of another modality when both are correlated (divergence). In this work, we propose the Reentrant Self-Organizing Map (ReSOM), a brain-inspired neural system based on the reentry theory using Self-Organizing Maps and Hebbian-like learning. We propose and compare different computational methods for unsupervised learning and inference, then quantify the gain of the ReSOM in a multimodal classification task. The divergence mechanism is used to label one modality based on the other, while the convergence mechanism is used to improve the overall accuracy of the system. We perform our experiments on a constructed written/spoken digits database and a DVS/EMG hand gestures database. The proposed model is implemented on a cellular neuromorphic architecture that enables distributed computing with local connectivity. We show the gain of the so-called hardware plasticity induced by the ReSOM, where the system's topology is not fixed by the user but learned along the system's experience through self-organization.Comment: Preprin

    An Integrated Model of Contex, Short-Term, and Long-Term Memory

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    I present the context-unified encoding (CUE) model, a large-scale spiking neural network model of human memory. It combines and integrates activity-based short-term memory with weight-based long-term memory. The implementation with spiking neurons ensures biological plausibility and allows for predictions on the neural level. At the same time, the model produces behavioural outputs that have been matched to human data from serial and free recall experiments. In particular, well-known results such as primacy, recency, transposition error gradients, and forward recall bias have been reproduced with good quantitative matches. Additionally, the model accounts for the effects of the acetylcholine antagonist scopolamine, and the Hebb repetition effect. The CUE model combines and extends the ordinal serial encoding (OSE) model, a spiking neuron model of short-term memory, and the temporal context model (TCM), a mathematical model of free recall. To the former, a neural mechanism for tracking the list position is added. The latter is converted into a spiking neural network under considerations of the main features and simplification of equations where appropriate. Previous models of the recall process in the TCM are replaced by a new independent accumulator recall process that is more suited to the integration into a large-scale network. To implement the modification of the required association matrices, a novel learning rule, the association matrix learning rule (AML), is derived that allows for one-shot learning without catastrophic forgetting. Its biological plausibility is discussed and it is shown that it accounts for changes in neural firing observed in human recordings from an association learning experiment. Furthermore, I discuss a recent proposal of an optimal fuzzy temporal memory as replacement for the TCM context signal and show it to be likely to require more neurons than there are in the human brain. To construct the CUE model, I have used the Neural Engineering Framework (NEF) and Semantic Pointer Architecture (SPA). This thesis makes novel contributions to both. I propose to distribute NEF intercepts according to the distribution of cosine similarities of random uniformly distributed unit vectors. This leads to a uniform distribution of active neurons and reduces the error introduced by spiking noise considerably in high-dimensional neuronal representations. It improves the asymptotic scaling of the noise error with dimensions d from O(d) to O(d^(3/4))$. These results are applied to achieve improved Semantic Pointer representations in neural networks are on par with or better than previous methods of optimizing neural representations for the Semantic Pointer Architecture. Furthermore, the vector-derived transformation binding (VTB) is investigated as an alternative to circular convolution in the SPA, with promising results

    A Review of Findings from Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology as Possible Inspiration for the Path to Artificial General Intelligence

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    This review aims to contribute to the quest for artificial general intelligence by examining neuroscience and cognitive psychology methods for potential inspiration. Despite the impressive advancements achieved by deep learning models in various domains, they still have shortcomings in abstract reasoning and causal understanding. Such capabilities should be ultimately integrated into artificial intelligence systems in order to surpass data-driven limitations and support decision making in a way more similar to human intelligence. This work is a vertical review that attempts a wide-ranging exploration of brain function, spanning from lower-level biological neurons, spiking neural networks, and neuronal ensembles to higher-level concepts such as brain anatomy, vector symbolic architectures, cognitive and categorization models, and cognitive architectures. The hope is that these concepts may offer insights for solutions in artificial general intelligence.Comment: 143 pages, 49 figures, 244 reference