579 research outputs found

    Field-portable pixel super-resolution colour microscope.

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    Based on partially-coherent digital in-line holography, we report a field-portable microscope that can render lensfree colour images over a wide field-of-view of e.g., >20 mm(2). This computational holographic microscope weighs less than 145 grams with dimensions smaller than 17×6×5 cm, making it especially suitable for field settings and point-of-care use. In this lensfree imaging design, we merged a colorization algorithm with a source shifting based multi-height pixel super-resolution technique to mitigate 'rainbow' like colour artefacts that are typical in holographic imaging. This image processing scheme is based on transforming the colour components of an RGB image into YUV colour space, which separates colour information from brightness component of an image. The resolution of our super-resolution colour microscope was characterized using a USAF test chart to confirm sub-micron spatial resolution, even for reconstructions that employ multi-height phase recovery to handle dense and connected objects. To further demonstrate the performance of this colour microscope Papanicolaou (Pap) smears were also successfully imaged. This field-portable and wide-field computational colour microscope could be useful for tele-medicine applications in resource poor settings

    A Benchmarking Protocol for SAR Colorization: From Regression to Deep Learning Approaches

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are widely used in remote sensing. Interpreting SAR images can be challenging due to their intrinsic speckle noise and grayscale nature. To address this issue, SAR colorization has emerged as a research direction to colorize gray scale SAR images while preserving the original spatial information and radiometric information. However, this research field is still in its early stages, and many limitations can be highlighted. In this paper, we propose a full research line for supervised learning-based approaches to SAR colorization. Our approach includes a protocol for generating synthetic color SAR images, several baselines, and an effective method based on the conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) for SAR colorization. We also propose numerical assessment metrics for the problem at hand. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to propose a research line for SAR colorization that includes a protocol, a benchmark, and a complete performance evaluation. Our extensive tests demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed cGAN-based network for SAR colorization. The code will be made publicly available.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, 6 table

    Processing and Representation of Multispectral Images Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    This thesis has implemented innovative techniques in the field of computer vision using visible and near-infrared spectrum images, applying deep learning through convolutional networks, especially GANs' architectures, which are specialists in generating information and also includes meta techniques -learning to tackle the problem of determining the similarity of images of a different spectrum. In this research, with this type of convolutional networks, different supervised and unsupervised techniques have been created to solve challenging problems, like detect the similarity of patches of different spectra (visible-infrared), colorized images of the near-infrared spectrum, estimation of vegetation index (NDVI) and the haze removal present on RGB images using NIR images. For all these techniques different variants of the GAN's networks, such as standard, conditional, stacked, and cyclic have been used. Also, a metric-based meta-learning approach has been implemented. It should be mentioned that together with the implementation of adversarial network models, the use of multiple loss functions has been proposed to improve the generalization and increase the effectiveness of the models. The experiments were performed with paired and unpaired images, given the different supervised and unsupervised architectures implemented, respectively. The experimental results obtained in each of the approaches implemented in the doctoral work compared with the techniques of the state of the art were shown to be more effective

    CoRF : Colorizing Radiance Fields using Knowledge Distillation

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    Neural radiance field (NeRF) based methods enable high-quality novel-view synthesis for multi-view images. This work presents a method for synthesizing colorized novel views from input grey-scale multi-view images. When we apply image or video-based colorization methods on the generated grey-scale novel views, we observe artifacts due to inconsistency across views. Training a radiance field network on the colorized grey-scale image sequence also does not solve the 3D consistency issue. We propose a distillation based method to transfer color knowledge from the colorization networks trained on natural images to the radiance field network. Specifically, our method uses the radiance field network as a 3D representation and transfers knowledge from existing 2D colorization methods. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method produces superior colorized novel views for indoor and outdoor scenes while maintaining cross-view consistency than baselines. Further, we show the efficacy of our method on applications like colorization of radiance field network trained from 1.) Infra-Red (IR) multi-view images and 2.) Old grey-scale multi-view image sequences.Comment: AI3DCC @ ICCV 202

    The color out of space: learning self-supervised representations for Earth Observation imagery

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    The recent growth in the number of satellite images fosters the development of effective deep-learning techniques for Remote Sensing (RS). However, their full potential is untapped due to the lack of large annotated datasets. Such a problem is usually countered by fine-tuning a feature extractor that is previously trained on the ImageNet dataset. Unfortunately, the domain of natural images differs from the RS one, which hinders the final performance. In this work, we propose to learn meaningful representations from satellite imagery, leveraging its high-dimensionality spectral bands to reconstruct the visible colors. We conduct experiments on land cover classification (BigEarthNet) and West Nile Virus detection, showing that colorization is a solid pretext task for training a feature extractor. Furthermore, we qualitatively observe that guesses based on natural images and colorization rely on different parts of the input. This paves the way to an ensemble model that eventually outperforms both the above-mentioned techniques

    ACM Transactions on Graphics

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    Additive manufacturing has recently seen drastic improvements in resolution, making it now possible to fabricate features at scales of hundreds or even dozens of nanometers, which previously required very expensive lithographic methods. As a result, additive manufacturing now seems poised for optical applications, including those relevant to computer graphics, such as material design, as well as display and imaging applications. In this work, we explore the use of additive manufacturing for generating structural colors, where the structures are designed using a fabrication-aware optimization process. This requires a combination of full-wave simulation, a feasible parameterization of the design space, and a tailored optimization procedure. Many of these components should be re-usable for the design of other optical structures at this scale. We show initial results of material samples fabricated based on our designs. While these suffer from the prototype character of state-of-the-art fabrication hardware, we believe they clearly demonstrate the potential of additive nanofabrication for structural colors and other graphics applications
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