7 research outputs found

    Runtime verification using Larva

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    Larva, which has been in use and continuous development for almost a decade, has been extended in several ways and used in a wide range of scenarios, from industrial deployment to educational ones. In this paper we give an overview of Larva and give an overview of its extensions and uses.peer-reviewe

    Control-flow residual analysis for symbolic automata

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    This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant number 666363.Where full static analysis of systems fails to scale up due to system size, dynamic monitoring has been increasingly used to ensure system correctness. The downside is, however, runtime overheads which are induced by the additional monitoring code instrumented. To address this issue, various approaches have been proposed in the literature to use static analysis in order to reduce monitoring overhead. In this paper we generalise existing work which uses control-flow static analysis to optimise properties specified as automata, and prove how similar analysis can be applied to more expressive symbolic automata - enabling reduction of monitoring instrumentation in the system, and also monitoring logic. We also present empirical evidence of the effectiveness of this approach through an analysis of the effect of monitoring overheads in a financial transaction system.peer-reviewe

    A foundation for runtime monitoring

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    Runtime Verification is a lightweight technique that complements other verification methods in an effort to ensure software correctness. The technique poses novel questions to software engineers: it is not easy to identify which specifications are amenable to runtime monitor-ing, nor is it clear which monitors effect the required runtime analysis correctly. This exposition targets a foundational understanding of these questions. Particularly, it considers an expressive specification logic (a syntactic variant of the modal μ-calculus) that is agnostic of the verification method used, together with an elemental framework providing an operational semantics for the runtime analysis performed by monitors. The correspondence between the property satisfactions in the logic on the one hand, and the verdicts reached by the monitors performing the analysis on the other, is a central theme of the study. Such a correspondence underpins the concept of monitorability, used to identify the subsets of the logic that can be adequately monitored for by RV. Another theme of the study is that of understanding what should be expected of a monitor in order for the verification process to be correct. We show how the monitor framework considered can constitute a basis whereby various notions of monitor correctness may be defined and investigated.peer-reviewe

    Verifying data- and control-oriented properties combining static and runtime verification : theory and tools

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    Static verification techniques are used to analyse and prove properties about programs before they are executed. Many of these techniques work directly on the source code and are used to verify data-oriented properties over all possible executions. The analysis is necessarily an over-approximation as the real executions of the program are not available at analysis time. In contrast, runtime verification techniques have been extensively used for control-oriented properties, analysing the current execution path of the program in a fully automatic manner. In this article, we present a novel approach in which data-oriented and control-oriented properties may be stated in a single formalism amenable to both static and dynamic verification techniques. The specification language we present to achieve this that of ppDATEs, which enhances the control-oriented property language of DATEs, with data- oriented pre/postconditions. For runtime verification of ppDATE specifications, the language is translated into a DATE. We give a formal semantics to ppDATEs, which we use to prove the correctness of our translation from ppDATEs to DATEs. We show how ppDATE specifi- cations can be analysed using a combination of the deductive theorem prover KeY and the runtime verification tool LARVA. Verification is performed in two steps: KeY first partially proves the data-oriented part of the specification, simplifying the specification which is then passed on to LARVA to check at runtime for the remaining parts of the specification including the control-oriented aspects. We show the applicability of our approach on two case studies.peer-reviewe

    Combined Static and Dynamic Verification of Object Oriented Software Through Partial Proofs

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    When verifying software one can make use of several verification techniques. These techniques mostly fall in one of two categories: Static Verification and Dynamic Verification. Static verification deals with the analysis of either concrete source code, or a model of it. These kinds of techniques can verify properties over all possible runs of a program. Dynamic verification is concerned with the monitoring of software, providing guarantees that observed runs comply with specified properties. It is strong in analysing systems of a complexity that is difficult to address by static verification, e.g., systems with numerous interacting sub-units, concrete (as opposed to abstract) data, etc. On the other hand, its major drawbacks are the impossibility to extrapolate correct observations to all possible runs, and that the monitoring of a property introduces runtime overheads. It is quite clear that static and dynamic verification have largely disjoint strengths. Therefore, their combination can allow the verification process to deal with richer properties, with greater ease. The work presented in this thesis addresses this issue by introducing some manners to combine static and dynamic verification, where partial proofs are used as a means to accomplish the combination. The main novelty in these combinations consists in the fact that all of them consider the use of the partial proofs in the verification process, whereas, in general, other verification approaches discard them right away. The main contributions of this thesis are: (i) ppDATE, an automata-based formalism to specify both data- and control-oriented properties; (ii) structural operational semantics for ppDATE; (iii) a translation of ppDATE to DATE together with a proof of correctness; (iv) StaRVOOrS, a tool for combining (static) deductive verification and runtime verification of object oriented software; (v) a testing focused development methodology which integrates deductive and runtime verification in its workflow; and (vi) a methodology to infer global trace conditions for a system, from partial proofs local to the transitions of a model, obtained by performing low effort verification attempts to properties