17 research outputs found

    Near-optimal labeling schemes for nearest common ancestors

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    We consider NCA labeling schemes: given a rooted tree TT, label the nodes of TT with binary strings such that, given the labels of any two nodes, one can determine, by looking only at the labels, the label of their nearest common ancestor. For trees with nn nodes we present upper and lower bounds establishing that labels of size (2±ϵ)logn(2\pm \epsilon)\log n, ϵ<1\epsilon<1 are both sufficient and necessary. (All logarithms in this paper are in base 2.) Alstrup, Bille, and Rauhe (SIDMA'05) showed that ancestor and NCA labeling schemes have labels of size logn+Ω(loglogn)\log n +\Omega(\log \log n). Our lower bound increases this to logn+Ω(logn)\log n + \Omega(\log n) for NCA labeling schemes. Since Fraigniaud and Korman (STOC'10) established that labels in ancestor labeling schemes have size logn+Θ(loglogn)\log n +\Theta(\log \log n), our new lower bound separates ancestor and NCA labeling schemes. Our upper bound improves the 10logn10 \log n upper bound by Alstrup, Gavoille, Kaplan and Rauhe (TOCS'04), and our theoretical result even outperforms some recent experimental studies by Fischer (ESA'09) where variants of the same NCA labeling scheme are shown to all have labels of size approximately 8logn8 \log n

    Labeling Schemes with Queries

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    We study the question of ``how robust are the known lower bounds of labeling schemes when one increases the number of consulted labels''. Let ff be a function on pairs of vertices. An ff-labeling scheme for a family of graphs \cF labels the vertices of all graphs in \cF such that for every graph G\in\cF and every two vertices u,vGu,v\in G, the value f(u,v)f(u,v) can be inferred by merely inspecting the labels of uu and vv. This paper introduces a natural generalization: the notion of ff-labeling schemes with queries, in which the value f(u,v)f(u,v) can be inferred by inspecting not only the labels of uu and vv but possibly the labels of some additional vertices. We show that inspecting the label of a single additional vertex (one {\em query}) enables us to reduce the label size of many labeling schemes significantly

    On space-stretch trade-offs: upper bounds

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    One of the fundamental trade-offs in compact routing schemes is between the space used to store the routing table on each node and the stretch factor of the routing scheme – the maximum ratio over all pairs between the cost of the route induced by the scheme and the cost of a minimum cost path between the same pair. All previous routing schemes required storage that is dependent on the diameter of the network. We present a new scale-free routing scheme, whose storage and header sizes are independent of the aspect ratio of the network. Our scheme is based on a decomposition into sparse and dense neighborhoods. Given an undirected network with arbitrary weights and n arbitrary node names, for any integer k ≥ 1 we present the first scale-free routing scheme with asymptotically optimal space-stretch tradeoff that does not require edge weights to be polynomially bounded. The scheme uses e O(n 1/k) space routing table at each node, and routes along paths of asymptotically optimal linear stretch O(k)

    Compact Routing in Unit Disk Graphs

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    Certification of Compact Low-Stretch Routing Schemes

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    On the one hand, the correctness of routing protocols in networks is an issue of utmost importance for guaranteeing the delivery of messages from any source to any target. On the other hand, a large collection of routing schemes have been proposed during the last two decades, with the objective of transmitting messages along short routes, while keeping the routing tables small. Regrettably, all these schemes share the property that an adversary may modify the content of the routing tables with the objective of, e.g., blocking the delivery of messages between some pairs of nodes, without being detected by any node. In this paper, we present a simple certification mechanism which enables the nodes to locally detect any alteration of their routing tables. In particular, we show how to locally verify the stretch 3 routing scheme by Thorup and Zwick [SPAA 2001] by adding certificates of ~O(sqrt(n)) bits at each node in n-node networks, that is, by keeping the memory size of the same order of magnitude as the original routing tables. We also propose a new name-independent routing scheme using routing tables of size ~O(sqrt(n)) bits. This new routing scheme can be locally verified using certificates on ~O(sqrt(n)) bits. Its stretch is 3 if using handshaking, and 5 otherwise

    A note on models for graph representations

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    AbstractThis paper is intended more to ask questions than give answers. Specifically, we consider models for labeling schemes, and discuss issues regarding the number of labels consulted vs. the sizes of the labels.Recently, quite a few papers studied methods for representing network properties by assigning informative labels to the vertices of a network. Consider a graph function f on pairs of vertices (for example, f can be the distance function). In an f-labeling scheme, the labels are constructed in such a way so that given the labels of any two vertices u and v, one can compute the function f(u,v) (e.g. the graph distance between u and v) just by looking at these two labels. Some very involved lower bounds for the sizes of the labels were proven. Also, some highly sophisticated labeling schemes were developed to ensure short labels.In this paper, we demonstrate that such lower bounds are very sensitive to the number of vertices consulted. That is, we show several constructions of such labeling schemes that beat the lower bounds by large margins. Moreover, as opposed to the strong technical skills that were needed to develop the traditional labeling schemes, most of our schemes are almost trivial. The catch is that in our model, one needs to consult the labels of three vertices instead of two. That is, a query about vertices u and v can access also the label of some third vertex w (w is determined by the labels of u and v). More generally, we address the model in which a query about vertices u and v can access also the labels of c other vertices. We term our generalized model labeling schemes with queries.The main importance of this model is theoretical. Specifically, this paper may serve as a first step towards investigating different tradeoffs between the amount of labels consulted and the amount of information stored at each vertex. As we show, if all vertices can be consulted then the problem almost reduces to the corresponding sequential problem. On the other hand, consulting just the labels of u and v (or even just the label of u) reduces the problem to a purely distributed one. Therefore, in a sense, our model spans a range of intermediate notions between the sequential and the distributed settings.In addition to the theoretical interest, we also show cases that schemes constructed for our model can be translated to the traditional model or to the sequential model, thus, simplifying the construction for those models as well. For implementing query labeling schemes in a distributed environment directly, we point at a potential usage for some new paradigms that became common recently, such as P2P and overlay networks