16,028 research outputs found

    Reduction of carbon emission and total late work criterion in job shop scheduling by applying a multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm

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    New environmental regulations have driven companies to adopt low-carbon manufacturing. This research is aimed at considering carbon dioxide in the operational decision level where limited studies can be found, especially in the scheduling area. In particular, the purpose of this research is to simultaneously minimize carbon emission and total late work criterion as sustainability-based and classical-based objective functions, respectively, in the multiobjective job shop scheduling environment. In order to solve the presented problem more effectively, a new multiobjective imperialist competitive algorithm imitating the behavior of imperialistic competition is proposed to obtain a set of non-dominated schedules. In this work, a three-fold scientific contribution can be observed in the problem and solution method, that are: (1) integrating carbon dioxide into the operational decision level of job shop scheduling, (2) considering total late work criterion in multi-objective job shop scheduling, and (3) proposing a new multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm for solving the extended multi-objective optimization problem. The elements of the proposed algorithm are elucidated and forty three small and large sized extended benchmarked data sets are solved by the algorithm. Numerical results are compared with two well-known and most representative metaheuristic approaches, which are multi-objective particle swarm optimization and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The obtained results reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm in finding high quality non-dominated schedules as compared to the other metaheuristic approache

    Hybridizing Non-dominated Sorting Algorithms: Divide-and-Conquer Meets Best Order Sort

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    Many production-grade algorithms benefit from combining an asymptotically efficient algorithm for solving big problem instances, by splitting them into smaller ones, and an asymptotically inefficient algorithm with a very small implementation constant for solving small subproblems. A well-known example is stable sorting, where mergesort is often combined with insertion sort to achieve a constant but noticeable speed-up. We apply this idea to non-dominated sorting. Namely, we combine the divide-and-conquer algorithm, which has the currently best known asymptotic runtime of O(N(logN)M1)O(N (\log N)^{M - 1}), with the Best Order Sort algorithm, which has the runtime of O(N2M)O(N^2 M) but demonstrates the best practical performance out of quadratic algorithms. Empirical evaluation shows that the hybrid's running time is typically not worse than of both original algorithms, while for large numbers of points it outperforms them by at least 20%. For smaller numbers of objectives, the speedup can be as large as four times.Comment: A two-page abstract of this paper will appear in the proceedings companion of the 2017 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017

    Multi-objective routing optimization using evolutionary algorithms

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    Wireless ad hoc networks suffer from several limitations, such as routing failures, potentially excessive bandwidth requirements, computational constraints and limited storage capability. Their routing strategy plays a significant role in determining the overall performance of the multi-hop network. However, in conventional network design only one of the desired routing-related objectives is optimized, while other objectives are typically assumed to be the constraints imposed on the problem. In this paper, we invoke the Non-dominated Sorting based Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) and the MultiObjective Differential Evolution (MODE) algorithm for finding optimal routes from a given source to a given destination in the face of conflicting design objectives, such as the dissipated energy and the end-to-end delay in a fully-connected arbitrary multi-hop network. Our simulation results show that both the NSGA-II and MODE algorithms are efficient in solving these routing problems and are capable of finding the Pareto-optimal solutions at lower complexity than the ’brute-force’ exhaustive search, when the number of nodes is higher than or equal to 10. Additionally, we demonstrate that at the same complexity, the MODE algorithm is capable of finding solutions closer to the Pareto front and typically, converges faster than the NSGA-II algorithm

    Multi-objective discrete particle swarm optimisation algorithm for integrated assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing

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    In assembly optimisation, assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing have been extensively studied because both activities are directly linked with assembly efficiency that influences the final assembly costs. Both activities are categorised as NP-hard and usually performed separately. Assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing optimisation presents a good opportunity to be integrated, considering the benefits such as larger search space that leads to better solution quality, reduces error rate in planning and speeds up time-to-market for a product. In order to optimise an integrated assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing, this work proposes a multi-objective discrete particle swarm optimisation algorithm that used discrete procedures to update its position and velocity in finding Pareto optimal solution. A computational experiment with 51 test problems at different difficulty levels was used to test the multi-objective discrete particle swarm optimisation performance compared with the existing algorithms. A statistical test of the algorithm performance indicates that the proposed multi-objective discrete particle swarm optimisation algorithm presents significant improvement in terms of the quality of the solution set towards the Pareto optimal set

    ND-Tree-based update: a Fast Algorithm for the Dynamic Non-Dominance Problem

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    In this paper we propose a new method called ND-Tree-based update (or shortly ND-Tree) for the dynamic non-dominance problem, i.e. the problem of online update of a Pareto archive composed of mutually non-dominated points. It uses a new ND-Tree data structure in which each node represents a subset of points contained in a hyperrectangle defined by its local approximate ideal and nadir points. By building subsets containing points located close in the objective space and using basic properties of the local ideal and nadir points we can efficiently avoid searching many branches in the tree. ND-Tree may be used in multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and other multiobjective metaheuristics to update an archive of potentially non-dominated points. We prove that the proposed algorithm has sub-linear time complexity under mild assumptions. We experimentally compare ND-Tree to the simple list, Quad-tree, and M-Front methods using artificial and realistic benchmarks with up to 10 objectives and show that with this new method substantial reduction of the number of point comparisons and computational time can be obtained. Furthermore, we apply the method to the non-dominated sorting problem showing that it is highly competitive to some recently proposed algorithms dedicated to this problem.Comment: 15 pages, 21 figures, 3 table

    Comparison of Geometric Optimization Methods with Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Solving Integrated Optimal Design Problems

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    In this paper, system design methodologies for optimizing heterogenous power devices in electrical engineering are investigated. The concept of Integrated Optimal Design (IOD) is presented and a simplified but typical example is given. It consists in finding Pareto-optimal configurations for the motor drive of an electric vehicle. For that purpose, a geometric optimization method (i.e the Hooke and Jeeves minimization procedure) associated with an objective weighting sum and a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm (i.e. the NSGA-II) are compared. Several performance issues are discussed such as the accuracy in the determination of Pareto-optimal configurations and the capability to well spread these solutions in the objective space