838 research outputs found


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    Neurotechnologies based on microelectronic active electrode array devices are on the way to provide the capability to record electrophysiological neural activity from a thousands of closely spaced microelectrodes. This generates increasing volumes of experimental data to be analyzed, but also offers the unprecedented opportunity to observe bioelectrical signals at high spatial and temporal resolutions in large portions of brain circuits. The overall aim of this PhD was to study the application of high-resolution CMOS-based electrode arrays (CMOS-MEAs) for electrophysiological experiments and to investigate computational methods adapted to the analysis of the electrophysiological data generated by these devices. A large part of my work was carried out on cortico-hippocampal brain slices by focusing on the hippocampal circuit. In the history of neuroscience, a major technological advance for hippocampal research, and also for the field of neurobiology, was the development of the in vitro hippocampal slice preparation. Neurobiological principles that have been discovered from work on in vitro hippocampal preparations include, for instance, the identification of excitatory and inhibitory synapses and their localization, the characterization of transmitters and receptors, the discovery of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) and the study of oscillations in neuronal networks. In this context, an initial aim of my work was to optimize the preparation and maintenance of acute cortico-hippocampal brain slices on planar CMOS-MEAs. At first, I focused on experimental methods and computational data analysis tools for drug-screening applications based on LTP quantifications. Although the majority of standard protocols still use two electrodes platforms for quantifying LTP, in my PhD I investigate the potential advantages of recording the electrical activity from many electrodes to spatiotemporally characterized electrically induced responses. This work also involved the collaboration with 3Brain AG and a CRO involved in drug-testing, and led to a software tool that was licensed for developing its exploitation. In a second part of my work I focused on exploiting the recording resolution of planar CMOS-MEAs to study the generation of sharp wave ripples (SPW-Rs) in the hippocampal circuit. This research activity was carried out also by visiting the laboratory of Prof. A. Sirota (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich). In addition to set-up the experimental conditions to record SPW-Rs from planar CMOS-MEAs integrating 4096 microelectrodes, I also explored the implementation of a data analysis pipeline to identify spatiotemporal features that might characterize different type of in-vitro generated SPW-R events. Finally, I also contributed to the initial implementation of high-density implantable CMOS-probes for in-vivo electrophysiology with the aim of evaluating in vivo the algorithms that I developed and investigated on brain slices. With this aim, in the last period of my PhD I worked on the development of a Graphical User Interface for controlling active dense CMOS probes (or SiNAPS probes) under development in our laboratory. I participated to preliminary experimental recordings using 4-shank CMOS-probes featuring 1024 simultaneously recording electrodes and I contributed to the development of a software interface for executing these experiments

    Novel Tools to Investigate Cortical Activity in Paroxysmal Disorders

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    This PhD project is at the interface between academic research and industry, and is jointly sponsored by the BBSRC and the industrial partner– Scientifica UK. The goal of this research is the development of new instruments and approaches to monitor and manipulate neuronal network activity in disease states. Firstly, (I) I collaborated with Scientifica to develop and utilise the newly developed Laser Applied Stimulation and Uncaging (LASU) system. The combined usage of the LASU system, alongside novel spatially-targeted channelrhodopsin variants, has al- lowed me to test the limits of single-photon optogenetic stimulation in achieving specific activation of targeted neurons. The presented findings demonstrate that, al- though high-resolution stimulation is achievable in the rodent cortex, single-photon stimulation is insufficient to achieve single-cell resolution stimulation. Secondly, (II) I have combined the high temporal resolution of novel, transparent 16-channel epicortical graphene solution-gated field effect transistor (gSGFET) arrays with the large spatial coverage of bilateral widefield Ca2+ fluorescence imaging; to per- form investigations of the relationship between spreading depolarisation (SD) and cortical seizures in awake head-fixed mouse models of epilepsy. To analyse these complex datasets, I developed a bespoke, semi-automated analysis pipeline to pro- cess the data and probe the seizure-SD relationship. I present the advantages of this dual-modality approach by demonstrating the strengths and weaknesses of each recording method, and how a synergistic approach overcomes the limitations of each technique alone. I utilise widefield imaging to perform systematic classification of SD and seizures both temporally and spatially. Detailed electrophysiological anal- ysis of gSGFET data is then performed on extracted time periods of interest. This work demonstrates the complex interaction between seizures and SD, and proposes several mechanisms describing these interactions. The technological and analytical tools presented here lay the groundwork for insightful and flexible experimental paradigms; altogether, able to probe paroxysmal activity in profound detail

    Cholinergic modulation of excitatory synapses of the ACC and LPFC

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    Acetylcholine modulates neuronal activity in the brain with different responses in activity depending on the region of the brain. Our study was focused on the cholinergic modulation of excitatory synaptic transmission in the monkey anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC), with specific focus on the effects of carbachol, a cholinergic agonist, on spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) and on the expression the muscarinic cholinergic type II (M2) receptor in these regions. We used electrophysiology to analyze the effects of carbachol on sEPSC of layer 3 (LIII) pyramidal neurons from each area. We used confocal microscopy to study the M2 colocalization with axon terminals labeled with vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) in the ACC and LPFC, and the colocalization of M2 with specific axon terminals from the amygdala labeled with tracer and terminating in the ACC. Results from the electrophysiological experiments showed that both the ACC and LPFC L3 neurons responded to carbachol by decreasing the frequency of sEPSCs. Cells from the LPFC showed a decrease in sEPSC frequency after 4 minutes in carbachol, an earlier timepoint than ACC neurons, which showed a decrease in sEPSCs frequency after 6 minutes in carbachol. In the confocal studies, M2 expression and colocalization with VGLUT1 terminals in the ACC and LPFC were observed. However, we observed a greater total area of M2 expression in the ACC versus the LPFC in layer 1. We found minimal colocalization of the M2 receptor with axon terminals from the amygdala in the ACC. Together, our data show that acetylcholine has distinct interactions with neurons and pathways in ACC and LPFC, which may be related to the distinct function of the two areas in cognition, learning and memory

    Neuroplastic Changes Following Brain Ischemia and their Contribution to Stroke Recovery: Novel Approaches in Neurorehabilitation

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    Ischemic damage to the brain triggers substantial reorganization of spared areas and pathways, which is associated with limited, spontaneous restoration of function. A better understanding of this plastic remodeling is crucial to develop more effective strategies for stroke rehabilitation. In this review article, we discuss advances in the comprehension of post-stroke network reorganization in patients and animal models. We first focus on rodent studies that have shed light on the mechanisms underlying neuronal remodeling in the perilesional area and contralesional hemisphere after motor cortex infarcts. Analysis of electrophysiological data has demonstrated brain-wide alterations in functional connectivity in both hemispheres, well beyond the infarcted area. We then illustrate the potential use of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques to boost recovery. We finally discuss rehabilitative protocols based on robotic devices as a tool to promote endogenous plasticity and functional restoration


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    A positive correlation exists between increasing age and the incidence of hippocampal-associated dysfunction and disease. Normal L-glutamate neurotransmission is absolutely critical for hippocampal function, while abnormal glutamate neurotransmission has been implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases. Previous studies, overwhelmingly utilizing ex vivo methods, have filled the literature with contradicting reports about hippocampal glutamate regulation during aging. For our studies, enzyme-based ceramic microelectrode arrays (MEA) were used for rapid (2 Hz) measurements of extracellular glutamate in the hippocampal trisynaptic pathway of young (3-6 months), late-middle aged (18 mo.) and aged (24 mo.) urethane-anesthetized Fischer 344 rats. Compared to young animals, glutamate terminals in cornu ammonis 3 (CA3) showed diminished potassium-evoked glutamate release in aged rats. In late-middle aged animals, terminals in the dentate gyrus (DG) showed increased evoked release compared to young rats. The aged DG demonstrated an increased glutamate clearance capacity, indicating a possible age-related compensation to deal with the increased glutamate release that occurred in late-middle age. To investigate the impact of changes in glutamate regulation on the expression of a disease process, we modified the MEA technology to allow recordings in unanesthetized rats. These studies permitted us to measure glutamate regulation in the hippocampal formation without anesthetic effects, which showed a significant increase in basal glutamatergic tone during aging. Status epilepticus was induced by local application of 4-aminopyridine. Realtime glutamate measurements allowed us to capture never-before-seen spontaneous and highly rhythmic glutamate release events during status epilepticus. A significant correlation between pre-status tonic glutamate and the quantity of status epilepticus-associated convulsions and glutamate release events was determined. Taken together, this body of work identifies the DG and CA3 as the loci of age-associated glutamate dysregulation in the hippocampus, and establishes elevated levels of glutamate as a key factor controlling severity of status epilepticus in aged animals. Based upon the potential ability to discriminate brain areas experiencing seizure (i.e. synchronized spontaneous glutamate release) from areas not, we have initiated the development of a MEA for human use during temporal lobe resection surgery. The final studies presented here document the development and testing of a human microelectrode array prototype in non-human primates

    Investigation of intraoperative accelerometer data recording for safer and improved target selection for deep brain stimulation

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    Background: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a well established surgical treatment for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and Essential Tremor (ET). Electrical leads are surgically implanted in the deeply seated structures in the brain and chronically stimulated. The location of the lead with respect to the anatomy is very important for optimal treatment. Therefore, clinicians carefully plan the surgery, record electrophysiological signals from the region of interest and perform stimulation tests to identify the best location to permanently place the leads. Nevertheless, there are certain aspects of the surgery that can still be improved. Firstly, therapeutic effects of stimulation are estimated by visually evaluating changes in tremor or passively moving patient's limb to evaluate changes in rigidity. These methods are subjective and depend heavily on the experience of the evaluator. Secondly, a significant amount of patient data is collected before and during the surgery like various CT and MR images, surgical planning information, electrophysiological recordings and results of stimulation tests. These are not fully utilized at the time of choosing the position for lead placement as they are either not available or acquired on separate systems or in the form of paper notes only. Thirdly, studies have shown that the current target structures to implant the leads (Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) for PD and Ventral Intermediate Nucleus (VIM) for ET) may not be the only ones responsible for the therapeutic effects. The objective of this doctoral work is to develop new methods that help clinicians subdue the above limitations which could in the long term improve the DBS therapy. Method: After a thorough review of the existing literature, specifically customized solutions were designed for the shortcomings described above. A new method to quantitatively evaluate tremor during DBS surgery using acceleration sensor was developed. The method was then adapted to measure acceleration of passive movements and to evaluate changes in rigidity through it. Data from 30 DBS surgeries was collected by applying these methods in two clinical studies: one in Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Clermont-Ferrand, France and another multi-center study in Universitäspital Basel and Inselspital Bern in Switzerland. To study the role of different anatomical structures in the therapeutic and adverse effects of stimulation, the data collected during the study was analysed using two methods. The first classical approach was to classify the data based on the anatomical structure in which the stimulating contact of the electrode was located. The second advanced approach was to use patient-specific Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations of the Electric Field (EF) to estimate the spatial distribution of stimulation in the structures surrounding the electrode. Such simulations of the adverse effect inducing stimulation current amplitudes are used to visualize the boundaries of safe stimulation and identify structures that could be responsible for these effects. In addition, the patient-specific simulations are also used to develop a new method called "Improvement Maps" to generate 2D and 3D visualization of intraoperative stimulation test results with the patient images and surgical planning. This visualization summarized the stimulation test results by dividing the explored area into multiple regions based on the improvement in symptoms as measured by the accelerometric methods. Results: The accelerometric method successfully measured changes in tremor and rigidity. Standard deviation, signal energy and spectral amplitude of dominant frequency correlated with changes in the symptoms. Symptom suppressing stimulation current amplitudes identified through quantitative methods were lower than those identified through the subjective methods. Comparison of anatomical targets using the accelerometric data showed that to suppress rigidity in PD patients, stimulation current needed was marginally higher for Fields of Forel (FF) and Zona Incerta (ZI) compared to STN. On the other hand, the adverse effect occurrence rate was significantly lower in ZI and FF, indicating them to be better targets compared to STN. Similarly, for ET patients, other thalamic nuclei like the Intermediolateral (InL) and Ventro-Oral (VO) as well as the Pre-Lemniscal Radiations (PLR) are as efficient in suppressing tremor as the VIM but have lower occurrence of adverse effects. Volumetric analysis of spatial distribution of stimulation agreed with these results suggesting that the structures other than the VIM could also play a role in therapeutic effects of stimulation. The visualization of the adverse effect simulations clearly show the structures which could be responsible for such effects e.g. stimulation in the internal capsula induced pyramidal effects. These findings concur with the published literature. With regard to the improvement maps, the clinicians found them intuitive and easy to use to identify the optimal position for lead placement. If the maps were available during the surgery, the clinicians' choice of lead placement would have been different. Conclusion: This doctoral work has shown that modern techniques like quantitative symptom evaluation and electric field simulations can suppress the existing drawbacks of the DBS surgery. Furthermore, these methods along with 3D visualization of data can simplify tasks for clinicians of optimizing lead placement. Better placement of the DBS lead can potentially reduce adverse effects and increase battery life of implanted pulse generator, resulting in better therapy for patients

    Focal Augmentation of Somatostatin Interneuron Function and Subsequent Circuit Effects in Developmentally Malformed, Epileptogenic Cortex

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    Drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) is a common clinical sequela of developmental cortical malformations such as polymicrogyria. Unfortunately, much remains unknown about the aberrant GABA-mediated circuit alterations that underlie DRE\u27s onset and persistence in this context. To address this knowledge gap, we utilized the transcranial freeze lesion model in optogenetic mice lines (Somatostatin (SST)-Cre or Parvalbumin (PV)-Cre x floxed channelrhodopsin-2) to dissect features of the SST, PV, and pyramidal neuron microcircuit that are potentially associated with DRE. Investigations took place within developmental microgyria’s known pathological substrate, the adjoined and epileptogenic paramicrogyral region (PMR). As well, microcircuit relationships within the previously unexplored range of normal-appearing cortex beyond PMR’s terminus were also interrogated. We previously demonstrated SST interneuron output enhancement onto postsynaptic layer V pyramidal neurons of PMR. Dissertation studies elaborated on this SST-interneuron mediated effect through the utilization of ex vivo slice electrophysiology in conjunction with selective optical activation of either SST or PV interneurons. An ostensible mechanism was identified in the form of a novel structural schematic for SST interneurons of PMR whereby they exhibit wider reaching, within-layer arborization of axons within this pathological substrate. Also, within PMR, SST interneuron output was not enhanced onto postsynaptic layer V PV interneurons, indicating targeting specificity of the SST to pyramidal neuron effect. Moving beyond PMR, past its terminus, SST interneuron output onto layer V pyramidal cells was found to be equivalent to controls, indicating effect focality. Finally, a novel disinhibitory relationship was demonstrated beyond PMR’s terminus, wherein PV interneurons exhibited output enhancement onto postsynaptic layer V SST interneurons. This indicates a putative in vivo mechanism for the PMR-focality of the SST to pyramidal neuron output enhancement scheme. These novel discoveries will provide the field with more context as to the role SST and PV interneurons potentially play in the emergence and/or modulation of drug-resistant epilepsy in and outside the terminus of PMR

    A modular multi electrode array system for electrogenic cell characterisation and cardiotoxicity applications

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    Multi electrode array (MEA) systems have evolved from custom-made experimental tools, exploited for neural research, into commercially available systems that are used throughout non-invasive electrophysiological study. MEA systems are used in conjunction with cells and tissues from a number of differing organisms (e.g. mice, monkeys, chickens, plants). The development of MEA systems has been incremental over the past 30 years due to constantly changing specific bioscientific requirements in research. As the application of MEA systems continues to diversify contemporary commercial systems are requiring increased levels of sophistication and greater throughput capabilities. [Continues.
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