5 research outputs found

    Engineering intelligent environments: preliminary findings of a systematic review

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    Intelligent environments are complex systems that may require a diverse set of hardware devices, software libraries, networking and human computer interactions. New tools and techniques that can facilitate the engineering of such systems are thus critical. However, given the size and heterogeneity of the literature and in the light of, to our knowledge, there being only informal surveys restricted to specific issues have been conducted, we have seen the need to organise and synthesise the existent research corpus to obtain a clear idea on the main approaches that have been utilised for the development of IEs. To address this research gap, this systematic literature review was carried out. This paper presents the review’s preliminary findings that are expected to provide avenues for further research in this area. We find that there are different approaches for developing IEs and the development cycle consists of several phases. However, not all phases have received equal consideration. An evaluation framework which could offer guidance on the choice of the most suitable techniques per phase should also be the target of research efforts

    Организация интеллектуальных пространств на основе платформы Smart-M3 с использованием устройств на базе операционной системы DD-WRT

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    Smart space is a service orientated infrastructure for knowledge sharing between devices. This paper describes a smart space creation process based on integration of Smart-M3 platform with DD-WRT-based device. Smart-M3 is an open source platform which implements the concept of smart space. Wi-Fi router was chosen as a DD-WRT-based device, which allows using it for smart space organization and provides wireless connection between devices at the same time. This method simplifies deployment of scenarios with several participants. The paper describes a process of compilation and installation of Smart-M3 platform to DD-WRT operating system. Testing of the main Smart-M3 operations showed that a smart space, organized in this way, can be used for considered scenarios. The authors have developed “Smart-M3 Control Panel” web-service which allows users to control the Smart-M3 platform by a graphical web interface. User of “Smart-M3 Control Panel” can view a current status of the platform; launch, stop or reload the platform; view information storage; download log files and change startup options. SocketIO protocol was used for user interaction with a web service.Интеллектуальное пространство представляет собой сервис-ориентированную инфраструктуру для возможности обеспечения общего доступа к информации различными устройствами. Статья описывает процесс организации интеллектуальных пространств путем интеграции платформы Smart-M3 и устройства функционирующего на базе операционной системы DD-WRT. Smart-M3 представляет собой платформу с открытыми исходными кодами, реализующую концепцию интеллектуального пространства. В качестве устройства для интеграции был выбран Wi-Fi маршрутизатор, что позволяет использовать его одновременно и для организации интеллектуального пространства, и для обеспечения беспроводной связи между устройствами. Использование Wi-Fi маршрутизатора упрощает развертывание сценариев с небольшим количеством участников. Статья подробно описывает процесс компиляции и установки платформы Smart-M3 для операционной системы DD-WRT. Компиляция пакетов с исходным кодом платформы происходит на маршрутизаторе. Измерение быстродействия стандартных операций платформы Smart-M3 на маршрутизаторе показало, что интеллектуальное пространство организованное таким образом может успешно использоваться для сценариев с небольшим количеством участников. Авторами был разработан веб-сервис «Smart-M3 Control Panel», который позволяет пользователям управлять платформой Smart-M3 посредствам графического веб интерфейса. С использованием этого сервиса пользователь получает возможность просматривать текущий статус платформы; запускать, останавливать или перезапускать платформу; просматривать содержимое информационного хранилища; загружать лог-файлы и менять параметры запуска платформы Smart-M3. Интерактивное взаимодействие с пользователем было реализовано при помощи протокола SocketIO

    Applying End User Software Product Line Engineering for Smart Spaces

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    Smart spaces are physical environments equipped with pervasive technology that sense and react to human activities and changes in the environment. End User Development (EUD) skills vary significantly among end users who want to develop software applications for their smart spaces. This paper presents a systematic approach for adopting reuse in EUD for smart spaces by using Software Product Line (SPL) concepts. End User (EU) SPL designers develop EU SPLs for smart spaces whereas end users derive their individual smart space applications from these SPLs. In particular, this paper presents a systematic approach for EU SPL designers to develop EU SPLs and end users to derive software applications for their spaces, an EUD environment that supports EU SPL development and application derivation, and a testing approach for testing EU SPLs and derived applications

    M3-Driven smart space creation using a DD-WRT-Based device

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    The paper describes the process of smart space creation based on integration of Smart-M3 platform with a DD-WRT-based device. Smart-M3 is an open source platform which implements concept of smart space. Wi-Fi router is used as platform hosting which reduces the number of devices participating in smart space-based scenarios. The article covers a process of compilation and installation of Smart-M3 platform on DD-WRT-based Wi-Fi router. Evaluation shows that smart space organized this way can be used for scenarios with few participants. The authors developed “Smart-M3 Control Panel” web-service which allows users to control Smart-M3 platform by a graphical web interface. “Smart-M3 Control Panel” user can view the current status of platform; launch, stop, and reload it; view information storage content and change it; download log files; and change startup options. SocketIO interface was used for the user interaction with web service