13 research outputs found

    Software engineering 2.0: a social global repository based on semantic annotation and social web for knowledge management

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    Proceedings of: First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, (WSKS 2008), September 24-26, 2008, Athens (Greece)The effective management of the software development process has become an essential for business survival in an ever more competitive industry. In order to gain business strengths from the development process, organizations need to carry out software development in the most efficient manner possible, avoiding redundancy and time losses. This paper presents an architecture which combines the strengths of two technologies, Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web, as a solution to reuse and extrapolate knowledge and software products across projects and organizations.Publicad

    Semantic Benchmarking of Process Models - An Ontology-Based Approach

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    This article suggests an approach which allows the costly analysis of processes (e.g., in serviceoriented architectures) for benchmarking to be partially automated, so that the performance indicators, as well as qualitative differences between processes become apparent. The approach is based on using appropriate ontologies, which make the process models both syntactically and semantically comparable. In this article, we present a conceptual model for this new approach to process benchmarking, a framework, as well as a software prototype for analyzing and comparing individual process models. We provide an overview of our multi-method evaluation methodology and delineate the technical, conceptual, and economic evaluation perspectives with their respective outcomes. This analysis allowed us to determine whether our approach is generally suitable for generating novel and useful information on different process models that describe the same problem domain

    Harnessing software development contexts to inform software process selection decisions

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    Software development is a complex process for which numerous approaches have been suggested. However, no single approach to software development has been met with universal acceptance, which is not surprising, as there are many different software development concerns. In addition, there are a multitude of other contextual factors that influence the choice of software development process and process management decisions. The authors believe it is important to develop a robust mechanism for relating software process decisions and software development contexts. Such an approach supports industry practitioners in their efforts to implement the software development processes vital for a particular set of contextual factors. In this paper, the authors outline a new tool-based framework for relating the complexity of software settings with the various aspects of software processes. This framework can extract the key software process concepts from process repositories, for example, from CMMI-DEV or ISO/IEC 15504-5 (a.k.a. SPICE – Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination). A team of software development experts then collaborates in order to identify and validate the strength and nature of the relationship between the key process concepts and the contextual factors that are known to affect the software development process. The result of this collaboration is a prototype of a flexible model, which can be extended over time into a broader process consideration, for example, where agile processes or further specific situational factors could be added to the framework. The authors contend that a model such as the one proposed in this paper can serve as a valuable tool, assisting software developers in making decisions regarding the selection of software best practices, as well as providing general guidance for process improvement initiatives

    CoRiMaS—An Ontological Approach to Cooperative Risk Management in Seaports

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    For today’s global value chains, seaports and their operations are indispensable components. In many cases, the cargo handling takes place in close proximity to residential and/or environmentally sensitive areas. Furthermore, seaports are often not operated by a single organization, but need to be considered as communities of sometimes hundreds of internal and external stakeholders. Due to their close cooperation in the cargo handling process, risk management should be a common approach among the internal stakeholders as well in order to effectively mitigate and respond to emerging risks. However, empirical research has revealed that risk management is often limited to the organization itself, which indicates a clear lack of cooperation. Primary reasons in this regard are missing knowledge about the relations and responsibilities within the port and differing terminologies. Therefore, we propose an ontology (CoRiMaS) that implements a developed reference model for risk management that explicitly aims at seaports with a cooperative approach to risk management. CoRiMaS has been designed looking at the Semantic Web and at the Linked Data model to provide a common interoperable vocabulary in the target domain. The key concepts of our ontology comprise the hazard, stakeholder, seaport, cooperation aspect, and risk management process. We validated our ontology by applying it in a case study format to the Port of Hamburg (Germany). The CoRiMaS ontology can be widely applied to foster cooperation within and among seaports. We believe that such an ontological approach has the potential to improve current risk management practices and, thereby, to increase the resilience of operations, as well as the protection of sensitive surrounding areas.</jats:p

    Exploiting Semantics for Filtering and Searching Knowledge in a Software Development Context

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    Software development is still considered a bottleneck for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in the advance of the Information Society. Usually, SMEs store and collect a large number of software textual documentation; these documents might be profitably used to facilitate them in using (and re-using) Software Engineering methods for systematically designing their applications, thus reducing software development cost. Specific and semantics textual filtering/search mechanisms, supporting the identification of adequate processes and practices for the enterprise needs, are fundamental in this context. To this aim, we present an automatic document retrieval method based on semantic similarity and Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) techniques. The proposal leverages on the strengths of both classic information retrieval and knowledge-based techniques, exploiting syntactical and semantic information provided by general and specific domain knowledge sources. For any SME, it is as easily and generally applicable as are the search techniques offered by common enterprise Content Management Systems (CMSs). Our method was developed within the FACIT-SME European FP-7 project, whose aim is to facilitate the diffusion of Software Engineering methods and best practices among SMEs. As shown by a detailed experimental evaluation, the achieved effectiveness goes well beyond typical retrieval solutions

    Definição de uma Ontologia para a Área de Processo de Engenharia de Requisitos de Software

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    Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma Ontologia de dom&iacute;nio para a &aacute;reade engenharia de requisitos de software que permita personalizar o processode engenharia de requisitos padr&atilde;o em uma empresa instanciando de umaforma organizada apenas as atividades interessantes para determinadomomento de um projeto a fim de aumentar sua efici&ecirc;ncia, evitando autiliza&ccedil;&atilde;o de m&eacute;todos robustos para demandas simples ou a utiliza&ccedil;&atilde;o demetodologias inadequadas ou que n&atilde;o atendem &agrave;s necessidades em quest&atilde;o

    Definição de uma Ontologia para a Área de Processo de Engenharia de Requisitos de Software

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    Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma Ontologia de domínio para a áreade engenharia de requisitos de software que permita personalizar o processode engenharia de requisitos padrão em uma empresa instanciando de umaforma organizada apenas as atividades interessantes para determinadomomento de um projeto a fim de aumentar sua eficiência, evitando autilização de métodos robustos para demandas simples ou a utilização demetodologias inadequadas ou que não atendem às necessidades em questão