533 research outputs found

    Small gain theorems for large scale systems and construction of ISS Lyapunov functions

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    We consider interconnections of n nonlinear subsystems in the input-to-state stability (ISS) framework. For each subsystem an ISS Lyapunov function is given that treats the other subsystems as independent inputs. A gain matrix is used to encode the mutual dependencies of the systems in the network. Under a small gain assumption on the monotone operator induced by the gain matrix, a locally Lipschitz continuous ISS Lyapunov function is obtained constructively for the entire network by appropriately scaling the individual Lyapunov functions for the subsystems. The results are obtained in a general formulation of ISS, the cases of summation, maximization and separation with respect to external gains are obtained as corollaries.Comment: provisionally accepted by SIAM Journal on Control and Optimizatio

    Numerical Construction of LISS Lyapunov Functions under a Small Gain Condition

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    In the stability analysis of large-scale interconnected systems it is frequently desirable to be able to determine a decay point of the gain operator, i.e., a point whose image under the monotone operator is strictly smaller than the point itself. The set of such decay points plays a crucial role in checking, in a semi-global fashion, the local input-to-state stability of an interconnected system and in the numerical construction of a LISS Lyapunov function. We provide a homotopy algorithm that computes a decay point of a monotone op- erator. For this purpose we use a fixed point algorithm and provide a function whose fixed points correspond to decay points of the monotone operator. The advantage to an earlier algorithm is demonstrated. Furthermore an example is given which shows how to analyze a given perturbed interconnected system.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Hybrid dynamics in large-scale logistics networks

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    We study stability properties of interconnected hybrid systems with application to large-scale logistics networks. Hybrid systems are dynamical systems that combine two types of dynamics: continuous and discrete. Such behaviour occurs in wide range of applications. Logistics networks are one of such applications, where the continuous dynamics occurs in the production and processing of material and the discrete one in the picking up and delivering of material. Stability of logistics networks characterizes their robustness to the changes occurring in the network. However, the hybrid dynamics and the large size of the network lead to complexity of the stability analysis. In this thesis we show how the behaviour of a logistics networks can be described by interconnected hybrid systems. Then we recall the small gain conditions used in the stability analysis of continuous and discrete systems and extend them to establish input-to-state stability (ISS) of interconnected hybrid systems. We give the mixed small gain condition in a matrix form, where one matrix describes the interconnection structure of the system and the other diagonal matrix takes into account whether ISS condition for a subsystem is formulated in the maximization or the summation sense. The small gain condition is sufficient for ISS of an interconnected hybrid system and can be applied to an interconnection of an arbitrary finite number of ISS subsystems. We also show an application of this condition to particular subclasses of hybrid systems: impulsive systems, comparison systems and the systems with stability of only a part of the state. Furthermore, we introduce an approach for structure-preserving model reduction for large-scale logistics networks. This approach supposes to aggregate typical interconnection patterns (motifs) of the network graph. Such reduction allows to decrease the number of computations needed to verify the small gain condition