318 research outputs found

    Global well-posedness for an advection-diffusion equation arising in magneto-geostrophic dynamics

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    We use De Giorgi techniques to prove H\"older continuity of weak solutions to a class of drift-diffusion equations, with L2L^2 initial data and divergence free drift velocity that lies in Lt∞BMOx−1L_{t}^{\infty}BMO_{x}^{-1}. We apply this result to prove global regularity for a family of active scalar equations which includes the advection-diffusion equation that has been proposed by Moffatt in the context of magnetostrophic turbulence in the Earth's fluid core.Comment: To appear in Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare - Analyse non lineair

    A minimum problem with free boundary in Orlicz spaces

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    We consider the optimization problem of minimizing ∫ΩG(∣∇u∣)+λχ{u>0}dx\int_{\Omega}G(|\nabla u|)+\lambda \chi_{\{u>0\}} dx in the class of functions W1,G(Ω)W^{1,G}(\Omega) with u−ϕ0∈W01,G(Ω)u-\phi_0\in W_0^{1,G}(\Omega), for a given ϕ0≥0\phi_0\geq 0 and bounded. W1,G(Ω)W^{1,G}(\Omega) is the class of weakly differentiable functions with ∫ΩG(∣∇u∣)dx<∞\int_\Omega G(|\nabla u|) dx<\infty. The conditions on the function G allow for a different behavior at 0 and at ∞\infty. We prove that every solution u is locally Lipschitz continuous, that they are solution to a free boundary problem and that the free boundary, ∂{u>0}∩Ω\partial\{u>0\}\cap \Omega, is a regular surface. Also, we introduce the notion of weak solution to the free boundary problem solved by the minimizers and prove the Lipschitz regularity of the weak solutions and the C1,αC^{1,\alpha} regularity of their free boundaries near ``flat'' free boundary points

    Positive solutions for nonlinear singular elliptic equations of p-Laplacian type with dependence on the gradient

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    In this paper, we study a nonlinear Dirichlet problem of p-Laplacian type with combined effects of nonlinear singular and convection terms. An existence theorem for positive solutions is established as well as the compactness of solution set. Our approach is based on Leray-Schauder alternative principle, method of sub-supersolution, nonlinear regularity, truncation techniques, and set-valued analysis
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