4 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kegiatan Pengiriman dan Penerimaan Kontainer Dalam Usaha Meminimalkan Waktu Singgah Truk Di Terminal Teluk Lamong

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    Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja infrastruktur pelabuhan adalah kualitas pelayanan (quality of services) yang didefinisikan oleh tiga aspek yakni ketersediaan, kecepatan, dan keandalan pelayanan. Di PT Terminal Teluk Lamong, kegiatan operasional dinilai kurang efisien ditandai dengan adanya beberapa komplain dari customer mengenai kecepatan pelayanan, yakni pada aktivitas penerimaan dan pengiriman barang (receiving/delivery). Truck turnaround time merupakan salah satu indikator performansi pada kegiatan receiving/delivery. Truck turnaround time menunjukkan berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh sebuah truk milik customer eksternal untuk menyelesaikan seluruh proses di bagian receiving/delivery. Berdasarkan olah data diketahui masih terdapat sejumlah besar truck turnaround time yang bernilai tinggi melebihi standar maksimal yang berlaku. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan pemodelan simulasi kejadian diskrit untuk memotret dan memahami kegiatan operasional dengan cara mempelajari perilaku dan interaksi dari setiap entitas, proses, prosedur aturan dan parameter-parameter yang ada. Seluruh proses akan dimodelkan untuk mengetahui dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh perubahan komponen sistem terhadap indikator-indikator kinerja yang dikaji. Berdasarkan percobaan menggunakan simulasi, berikutnya akan dilakukan evaluasi serta diusulkan strategi-strategi yang berdampak terhadap kinerja sistem. Di PT Terminal Teluk Lamong, kegiatan receiving/delivery yang lama dipengaruhi beberapa hal yakni kurang meratanya pola kedatangan dari truk customer sehingga menyebabkan kongesti pada titik-titik waktu tertentu. Kongesti terjadi pada proses pengecekan kontainer receiving khusus untuk kegiatan receiving menggunakan mesin gamma ray dan juga proses pemindahan kontainer di Blok ASC. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, diusulkan perbaikan melalui penambahan fasilitas mesin, penjadwalan kedatangan dan perubahan kebijakan akan penggunaan truk BBG dalam kegiatan receiving/delivery. Usulan perbaikan ini kemudian disimulasikan dalam bentuk skenario yang berbeda. Eksperimen dengan model simulasi menunjukkan bahwa skenario dengan hasil terbaik adalah ketika dilakukan penambahan 4 blok ASC internasional, 3 blok domestik, 1 mesin gamma ray dengan kedatangan penjadwalan yang memperhatikan peak time. =================================================================== One of many factors that affecting port infrastructure performance is the quality of services delivered; which is defined by three aspects:availability, speed, and realibility of services. In PT Terminal Teluk Lamong, the existing operational was deemed inefficient, indicated by customer complaints specifically in speed of services within receiving/delivery process. Truck turnaround time is one of performance indicators for measuring efficiency level of receiving/delivery activity. It is defined as the length of time required for a customer truck to complete the entire process in the receiving/delivery activities. Historical data showed that there is a large number of customer’s trucks with high value of truck turnaround time, even greater than the maximum standard set. With discrete event simulation methodology, operational activities can be mapped in details considering the behaviour and interactions among every entity, process, procedure and regulation, and all of parameters that relevant in the system. This understanding of the observed system provides information on how the system components and the changes in the values affect the system’s performance indicators. From this understanding, some improvement plans are then proposed. In PT Terminal Teluk Lamong, it is found that the high truck turnaround time is caused by several aspects such as the dispersion of trucks arrival pattern which is centered in some point of time. This, finally has caused a significant congestion. Several proposed improvement alternatives include adding resources, truck arrival scheduling, and some changes in policy regarding the truck regulation. These alternatives of improvement are then simulated in scenarios to investigate their impact on the system performance indicators. Experiments with the simulation model under different scenarios showed that the best result can be produced by combining the addition of 4 International ASC Blocks and 3 Domestic ASC Blocks while employing truck arrival scheduling that considers peak hours

    The impact of low carbon warehouse practices on operational excellence : the mediating impact of green innovation capabilities

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    The emerging environmental awareness of the public and the implementation of governmental regulations force organizations to employ environmental practices such as low carbon warehouse (LCW) practices and green innovation (GI). Both practices are important to achieve operational excellence (OE). OE enables an organization to gain a competitive advantage. By adopting LCW practices, companies in the manufacturing industry can improve their overall OE. However, research on the relationship between LCW practices, GI, and OE is relatively rare. Thus, this exploratory sequential mixed methods research is carried out and this study aims to provide empirical evidence showing that LCW practices and GI capabilities significantly improve companies' OE in order to encourage manufacturing companies to implement LCW practices. In addition, this study investigates the relationship between LCW practices and GI capabilities and the effects of these practices on companies OE in 160 manufacturing companies in Malaysia. The results of PLS-SEM revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between LCW practices, GI capabilities, and OE. Moreover, GI capabilities had a positive effect on companies OE. Furthermore, GI capabilities had a mediating relationship between LCW practices and companies OE. Therefore, the present study confirmed the significant influence of LCW practices on boosting the GI of organizations and on the manufacturing establishment, which eventually improves the environment. In brief, the outcomes of this study provide an enhanced understanding of the significant role of GI in the manufacturers for improving their LCW practices and companies' OE. The comprehensive LCW model in this study has also been empirically tested to be reliable and valid. This would help manufacturing companies meet environmental performance and operational performance through LCW practices

    Investigating congestion mitigation scenarios to reduce truck turn time at Port of Montreal using Discrete Event Simulation

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    Container ports are facing the growing problem of congestion due to the high volume of container trucks entering the terminal. Globalization, growth of trade and increasing consumer demand have further added to this complexity which has resulted in increased greenhouse gas emissions at the ports. Several measures are being undertaken by the ports to reduce this problem and improve port sustainability. Examples of these measures are implementing advanced technology equipment, implementing extended gate hours, changing the arrival patterns of trucks, and implementing variable gate lane policies. The objective of the thesis is to develop a discrete event simulation (DES) model to investigate the congestion mitigation scenarios to improve terminal productivity and reduce truck turn times at the Port of Montreal. A case study with the Montreal Port Authority is conducted. The results of our simulation study yield upgrade of technology at the terminals as the best solution followed by managing the arrival patterns, changing gate lanes and extended gating hours. The proposed work is novel and one of the very few to be conducted in the context of Port of Montreal. The generated results can be used by decision makers at Port of Montreal in developing strategies to mitigate congestion and reduce truck turn times at terminals

    Enhancing productivity in a container terminal through a systems approach: a case study of the Port of Durban.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Ports and container terminal processes are vital constituents contributing to the economy of a country. The management of these facilities, including operational productivity advancement strategies, are critical for a port’s competitiveness. A systems approach, with a focus on causal loop diagrams which are part of system dynamics, and aspects of soft systems methodology and container terminal productivity, are the underlying theoretical concepts for this investigation. The research sought to enhance productivity in a container terminal through a systems approach, using the Port of Durban as a case study. The study reports on a sensitivity analysis of key performance indicators for port productivity and how the performance can be improved using systems approaches. The methodology followed a mixed methods approach which incorporated qualitative and quantitative data collection. Secondary data analysis and semi-structured interviews were conducted, including Causal Loop Analysis and Soft Systems Methodology workshops. The key findings of the multiple regression analysis indicate that the critical elements for enhanced productivity at Durban Port are gross crane hour, ship working hour and rail turnaround time. A systems approach facilitated development of causal loop diagrams, rich pictures, root definition, conceptual model and analysis of Customers, Actors, Transformation process, Worldview, Owners and Environmental Constraints for improved terminal operations, with a focus on improved ship turnaround time. The causal loop analysis was instrumental in determining cause and effect factors contributing to the inefficiencies of the terminal and facilitated the discovery of key variables contributing to optimised maritime, terminal and hinterland operations. The Soft Systems Methodology approach facilitated a process of constructing a framework for improving terminal operations by identifying system structure, transformation process, main players and customers, including their interactions within the system, using a CATWOE analysis. The conceptual model enabled identification of required activities needed to improve marine, terminal and hinterland activities within the port and terminal-owned system. The study contributed to new knowledge by exploring all three dimensions that impact efficiencies in the South African context, and through the development of the conceptual model for enhanced terminal operations using a systems approach