1,087 research outputs found

    Soft-Decision-Driven Channel Estimation for Pipelined Turbo Receivers

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    We consider channel estimation specific to turbo equalization for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication. We develop a soft-decision-driven sequential algorithm geared to the pipelined turbo equalizer architecture operating on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols. One interesting feature of the pipelined turbo equalizer is that multiple soft-decisions become available at various processing stages. A tricky issue is that these multiple decisions from different pipeline stages have varying levels of reliability. This paper establishes an effective strategy for the channel estimator to track the target channel, while dealing with observation sets with different qualities. The resulting algorithm is basically a linear sequential estimation algorithm and, as such, is Kalman-based in nature. The main difference here, however, is that the proposed algorithm employs puncturing on observation samples to effectively deal with the inherent correlation among the multiple demapper/decoder module outputs that cannot easily be removed by the traditional innovations approach. The proposed algorithm continuously monitors the quality of the feedback decisions and incorporates it in the channel estimation process. The proposed channel estimation scheme shows clear performance advantages relative to existing channel estimation techniques.Comment: 11 pages; IEEE Transactions on Communications 201

    Multiuser MIMO-OFDM for Next-Generation Wireless Systems

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    This overview portrays the 40-year evolution of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) research. The amelioration of powerful multicarrier OFDM arrangements with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems has numerous benefits, which are detailed in this treatise. We continue by highlighting the limitations of conventional detection and channel estimation techniques designed for multiuser MIMO OFDM systems in the so-called rank-deficient scenarios, where the number of users supported or the number of transmit antennas employed exceeds the number of receiver antennas. This is often encountered in practice, unless we limit the number of users granted access in the base station’s or radio port’s coverage area. Following a historical perspective on the associated design problems and their state-of-the-art solutions, the second half of this treatise details a range of classic multiuser detectors (MUDs) designed for MIMO-OFDM systems and characterizes their achievable performance. A further section aims for identifying novel cutting-edge genetic algorithm (GA)-aided detector solutions, which have found numerous applications in wireless communications in recent years. In an effort to stimulate the cross pollination of ideas across the machine learning, optimization, signal processing, and wireless communications research communities, we will review the broadly applicable principles of various GA-assisted optimization techniques, which were recently proposed also for employment inmultiuser MIMO OFDM. In order to stimulate new research, we demonstrate that the family of GA-aided MUDs is capable of achieving a near-optimum performance at the cost of a significantly lower computational complexity than that imposed by their optimum maximum-likelihood (ML) MUD aided counterparts. The paper is concluded by outlining a range of future research options that may find their way into next-generation wireless systems

    Near-Instantaneously Adaptive HSDPA-Style OFDM Versus MC-CDMA Transceivers for WIFI, WIMAX, and Next-Generation Cellular Systems

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    Burts-by-burst (BbB) adaptive high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) style multicarrier systems are reviewed, identifying their most critical design aspects. These systems exhibit numerous attractive features, rendering them eminently eligible for employment in next-generation wireless systems. It is argued that BbB-adaptive or symbol-by-symbol adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modems counteract the near instantaneous channel quality variations and hence attain an increased throughput or robustness in comparison to their fixed-mode counterparts. Although they act quite differently, various diversity techniques, such as Rake receivers and space-time block coding (STBC) are also capable of mitigating the channel quality variations in their effort to reduce the bit error ratio (BER), provided that the individual antenna elements experience independent fading. By contrast, in the presence of correlated fading imposed by shadowing or time-variant multiuser interference, the benefits of space-time coding erode and it is unrealistic to expect that a fixed-mode space-time coded system remains capable of maintaining a near-constant BER

    Interference suppression and parameter estimation in wireless communication systems over time-varing multipath fading channels

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    This dissertation focuses on providing solutions to two of the most important problems in wireless communication systems design, namely, 1) the interference suppression, and 2) the channel parameter estimation in wireless communication systems over time-varying multipath fading channels. We first study the interference suppression problem in various communication systems under a unified multirate transmultiplexer model. A state-space approach that achieves the optimal realizable equalization (suppression of inter-symbol interference) is proposed, where the Kalman filter is applied to obtain the minimum mean squared error estimate of the transmitted symbols. The properties of the optimal realizable equalizer are analyzed. Its relations with the conventional equalization methods are studied. We show that, although in general a Kalman filter has an infinite impulse response, the Kalman filter based decision-feedback equalizer (Kalman DFE) is a finite length filter. We also propose a novel successive interference cancellation (SIC) scheme to suppress the inter-channel interference encountered in multi-input multi-output systems. Based on spatial filtering theory, the SIC scheme is again converted to a Kalman filtering problem. Combining the Kalman DFE and the SIC scheme in series, the resultant two-stage receiver achieves optimal realizable interference suppression. Our results are the most general ever obtained, and can be applied to any linear channels that have a state-space realization, including time-invariant, time-varying, finite impulse response, and infinite impulse response channels. The second half of the dissertation devotes to the parameter estimation and tracking of single-input single-output time-varying multipath channels. We propose a novel method that can blindly estimate the channel second order statistics (SOS). We establish the channel SOS identifiability condition and propose novel precoder structures that guarantee the blind estimation of the channel SOS and achieve diversities. The estimated channel SOS can then be fit into a low order autoregressive (AR) model characterizing the time evolution of the channel impulse response. Based on this AR model, a new approach to time-varying multipath channel tracking is proposed

    Multi-carrier transmission techniques toward flexible and efficient wireless communication systems

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2562号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2008/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新470

    Multiuser MIMO techniques with feedback

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    Kooperative Antennenanlagen haben vor kurzem einen heißen Forschungsthema geworden, da Sie deutlich höhere spektrale Effizienz als herkömmliche zelluläre Systeme versprechen. Der Gewinn wird durch die Eliminierung von Inter-Zelle Störungen (ICI) durch Koordinierung der-Antenne Übertragungen erworben. Vor kurzem, verteilte Organisation Methoden vorgeschlagen. Eine der größten Herausforderungen für das Dezentrale kooperative Antennensystem ist Kanalschätzung für den Downlink Kanal besonders wenn FDD verwendet wird. Alle zugehörigen Basisstationen im genossenschaftlichen Bereich müssen die vollständige Kanal Informationen zu Wissen, die entsprechenden precoding Gewicht Matrix zu berechnen. Diese Information ist von mobilen Stationen übertragen werden Stationen mit Uplink Ressourcen zu stützen. Wird als mehrere Basisstationen und mehreren mobilen Stationen in kooperativen Antennensysteme und jede Basisstation und Mobilstation beteiligt sind, können mit mehreren Antennen ausgestattet sein, die Anzahl der Kanal Parameter wieder gefüttert werden erwartet, groß zu sein. In dieser Arbeit wird ein effizientes Feedback Techniken der downlink Kanal Informationen sind für die Multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output Fall vorgeschlagen, der insbesondere auf verteilte kooperative Antennensysteme zielt. Zuerst wird ein Unterraum-basiertes Kanalquantisierungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, das ein vorbestimmtes Codebuch verwendet. Ein iterativer Codebuchentwurfsalgorithmus wird vorgeschlagen, der zu einem lokalen optimalen Codebuch konvergiert. Darüber hinaus werden Feedback-Overhead-Reduktionsverfahren entwickelt, die die zeitliche Korrelation des Kanals ausnutzen. Es wird gezeigt, dass das vorgeschlagene adaptive Codebuchverfahren in Verbindung mit einem Datenkomprimierungsschema eine Leistung nahe an dem perfekten Kanalfall erzielt, was viel weniger Rückkopplungsoverhead im Vergleich zu anderen Techniken erfordert. Das auf dem Unterraum basierende Kanalquantisierungsverfahren wird erweitert, indem mehrere Antennen auf der Senderseite und/oder auf der Empfängerseite eingeführt werden, und die Leistung eines Vorcodierungs- (/Decodierungs-) Schemas mit regulierter Blockdiagonalisierung (RBD) wurde untersucht. Es wird ein kosteneffizientes Decodierungsmatrixquantisierungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, dass eine komplexe Berechnung an der Mobilstation vermeiden kann, während es nur eine leichte Verschlechterung zeigt. Die Arbeit wird abgeschlossen, indem die vorgeschlagenen Feedback-Methoden hinsichtlich ihrer Leistung, ihres erforderlichen Feedback-Overheads und ihrer Rechenkomplexität verglichen werden.Cooperative antenna systems have recently become a hot research topic, as they promise significantly higher spectral efficiency than conventional cellular systems. The gain is acquired by eliminating inter-cell interference (ICI) through coordination of the base antenna transmissions. Recently, distributed organization methods have been suggested. One of the main challenges of the distributed cooperative antenna system is channel estimation for the downlink channel especially when FDD is used. All of the associated base stations in the cooperative area need to know the full channel state information to calculate the corresponding precoding weight matrix. This information has to be transferred from mobile stations to base stations by using uplink resources. As several base stations and several mobile stations are involved in cooperative antenna systems and each base station and mobile station may be equipped with multiple antennas, the number of channel state parameters to be fed back is expected to be big. In this thesis, efficient feedback techniques of the downlink channel state information are proposed for the multi-user multiple-input multiple-output case, targeting distributed cooperative antenna systems in particular. First, a subspace based channel quantization method is proposed which employs a predefined codebook. An iterative codebook design algorithm is proposed which converges to a local optimum codebook. Furthermore, feedback overhead reduction methods are devised exploiting temporal correlation of the channel. It is shown that the proposed adaptive codebook method in conjunction with a data compression scheme achieves a performance close to the perfect channel case, requiring much less feedback overhead compared with other techniques. The subspace based channel quantization method is extended by introducing multiple antennas at the transmitter side and/or at the receiver side and the performance of a regularized block diagonalization (RBD) precoding(/decoding) scheme has been investigated as well as a zero-forcing (ZF) precoding scheme. A cost-efficient decoding matrix quantization method is proposed which can avoid a complex computation at the mobile station while showing only a slight degradation. The thesis is concluded by comparing the proposed feedback methods in terms of their performance, their required feedback overhead, and their computational complexity. The techniques that are developed in this thesis can be useful and applicable for 5G, which is envisioned to support the high granularity/resolution codebook and its efficient deployment schemes. Keywords: MU-MIMO, COOPA, limited feedback, CSI, CQ, feedback overhead reduction, Givens rotatio