3,682 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Receding-Horizon Control of Rigid Link Robot Manipulators

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    The approximate nonlinear receding-horizon control law is used to treat the trajectory tracking control problem of rigid link robot manipulators. The derived nonlinear predictive law uses a quadratic performance index of the predicted tracking error and the predicted control effort. A key feature of this control law is that, for their implementation, there is no need to perform an online optimization, and asymptotic tracking of smooth reference trajectories is guaranteed. It is shown that this controller achieves the positions tracking objectives via link position measurements. The stability convergence of the output tracking error to the origin is proved. To enhance the robustness of the closed loop system with respect to payload uncertainties and viscous friction, an integral action is introduced in the loop. A nonlinear observer is used to estimate velocity. Simulation results for a two-link rigid robot are performed to validate the performance of the proposed controller. Keywords: receding-horizon control, nonlinear observer, robot manipulators, integral action, robustness

    A passivity approach to controller-observer design for robots

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    Passivity-based control methods for robots, which achieve the control objective by reshaping the robot system's natural energy via state feedback, have, from a practical point of view, some very attractive properties. However, the poor quality of velocity measurements may significantly deteriorate the control performance of these methods. In this paper the authors propose a design strategy that utilizes the passivity concept in order to develop combined controller-observer systems for robot motion control using position measurements only. To this end, first a desired energy function for the closed-loop system is introduced, and next the controller-observer combination is constructed such that the closed-loop system matches this energy function, whereas damping is included in the controller- observer system to assure asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. A key point in this design strategy is a fine tuning of the controller and observer structure to each other, which provides solutions to the output-feedback robot control problem that are conceptually simple and easily implementable in industrial robot applications. Experimental tests on a two-DOF manipulator system illustrate that the proposed controller-observer systems enable the achievement of higher performance levels compared to the frequently used practice of numerical position differentiation for obtaining a velocity estimat

    A robust adaptive robot controller

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    A globally convergent adaptive control scheme for robot motion control with the following features is proposed. First, the adaptation law possesses enhanced robustness with respect to noisy velocity measurements. Second, the controller does not require the inclusion of high gain loops that may excite the unmodeled dynamics and amplify the noise level. Third, we derive for the unknown parameter design a relationship between compensator gains and closed-loop convergence rates that is independent of the robot task. A simulation example of a two-DOF manipulator featuring some aspects of the control scheme is give

    Robust tuning of robot control systems

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    The computed torque control problem is examined for a robot arm with flexible, geared, joint drive systems which are typical in many industrial robots. The standard computed torque algorithm is not directly applicable to this class of manipulators because of the dynamics introduced by the joint drive system. The proposed approach to computed torque control combines a computed torque algorithm with torque controller at each joint. Three such control schemes are proposed. The first scheme uses the joint torque control system currently implemented on the robot arm and a novel form of the computed torque algorithm. The other two use the standard computed torque algorithm and a novel model following torque control system based on model following techniques. Standard tasks and performance indices are used to evaluate the performance of the controllers. Both numerical simulations and experiments are used in evaluation. The study shows that all three proposed systems lead to improved tracking performance over a conventional PD controller

    Robust control of robots via linear estimated state feedback

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    In this note we propose a robust tracking controller for robots that requires only position measurements. The controller consists of two parts: a linear observer part that generates an estimated error state from the error on the joint position and a linear feedback part that utilizes this estimated state. It is shown that this computationally efficient controller yields semi-global uniform ultimate boundedness of the tracking error. An interesting feature of the controller is that it straightforwardly extends results on robust control of robots by linear state feedback to linear estimated-state feedbac

    Control strategies for robotic manipulators

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    This survey is aimed at presenting the major robust control strategies for rigid robot manipulators. The techniques discussed are feedback linearization/Computed torque control, Variable structure compensator, Passivity based approach and Disturbance observer based control. The first one is based on complete dynamic model of a robot. It results in simple linear control which offers guaranteed stability. Variable structure compensator uses a switching/relay action to overcome dynamic uncertainties and disturbances. Passivity based controller make use of passive structure of a robot. If passivity of a feedback system is proved, nonlinearities and uncertainties will not affect the stability. Disturbance observer based controllers estimate disturbances, which can be cancelled out to achieve a nominal model, for which a simple controller can then be designed. This paper, after explaining each control strategy in detail, finally compares these strategies for their pros and cons. Possible solutions to cope with the drawbacks have also been presented in tabular form. © 2012 IEEE