6 research outputs found

    A simple protocol for verifiable delegation of quantum computation in one round

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    The importance of being able to verify quantum computation delegated to remote servers increases with recent development of quantum technologies. In some of the proposed protocols for this task, a client delegates her quantum computation to non-communicating servers in multiple rounds of communication. In this work, we propose the first protocol where the client delegates her quantum computation to two servers in one-round of communication. Another advantage of our protocol is that it is conceptually simpler than previous protocols. The parameters of our protocol also make it possible to prove security even if the servers are allowed to communicate, but respecting the plausible assumption that information cannot be propagated faster than speed of light, making it the first relativistic protocol for quantum computation

    Sumcheck-based delegation of quantum computing to rational server

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    Delegated quantum computing enables a client with a weak computational power to delegate quantum computing to a remote quantum server in such a way that the integrity of the server is efficiently verified by the client. Recently, a new model of delegated quantum computing has been proposed, namely, rational delegated quantum computing. In this model, after the client interacts with the server, the client pays a reward to the server. The rational server sends messages that maximize the expected value of the reward. It is known that the classical client can delegate universal quantum computing to the rational quantum server in one round. In this paper, we propose novel one-round rational delegated quantum computing protocols by generalizing the classical rational sumcheck protocol. The construction of the previous rational protocols depends on gate sets, while our sumcheck technique can be easily realized with any local gate set. Furthermore, as with the previous protocols, our reward function satisfies natural requirements. We also discuss the reward gap. Simply speaking, the reward gap is a minimum loss on the expected value of the server's reward incurred by the server's behavior that makes the client accept an incorrect answer. Although our sumcheck-based protocols have only exponentially small reward gaps as with the previous protocols, we show that a constant reward gap can be achieved if two non-communicating but entangled rational servers are allowed. We also discuss that a single rational server is sufficient under the (widely-believed) assumption that the learning-with-errors problem is hard for polynomial-time quantum computing. Apart from these results, we show, under a certain condition, the equivalence between rationalrational and ordinaryordinary delegated quantum computing protocols. Based on this equivalence, we give a reward-gap amplification method.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, Because of the character limitation, the abstract was shortened compared with the PDF fil

    QMA-hardness of Consistency of Local Density Matrices with Applications to Quantum Zero-Knowledge

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    We provide several advances to the understanding of the class of Quantum Merlin-Arthur proof systems (QMA), the quantum analogue of NP. Our central contribution is proving a longstanding conjecture that the Consistency of Local Density Matrices (CLDM) problem is QMA-hard under Karp reductions. The input of CLDM consists of local reduced density matrices on sets of at most k qubits, and the problem asks if there is an n-qubit global quantum state that is consistent with all of the k-qubit local density matrices. The containment of this problem in QMA and the QMA-hardness under Turing reductions were proved by Liu [APPROX-RANDOM 2006]. Liu also conjectured that CLDM is QMA-hard under Karp reductions, which is desirable for applications, and we finally prove this conjecture. We establish this result using the techniques of simulatable codes of Grilo, Slofstra, and Yuen [FOCS 2019], simplifying their proofs and tailoring them to the context of QMA. In order to develop applications of CLDM, we propose a framework that we call locally simulatable proofs for QMA: this provides QMA proofs that can be efficiently verified by probing only k qubits and, furthermore, the reduced density matrix of any k-qubit subsystem of an accepting witness can be computed in polynomial time, independently of the witness. Within this framework, we show advances in quantum zero-knowledge. We show the first commit-and-open computational zero-knowledge proof system for all of QMA, as a quantum analogue of a "sigma" protocol. We then define a Proof of Quantum Knowledge, which guarantees that a prover is effectively in possession of a quantum witness in an interactive proof, and show that our zero-knowledge proof system satisfies this definition. Finally, we show that our proof system can be used to establish that QMA has a quantum non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system in the secret parameter setting.Comment: Title changed to highlight the QMA-hardness proof of CLDM. Improvement on the presentation of the paper (including self-contained proofs of results needed from Grilo, Slofstra, and Yuen'19). The extended abstract of this paper appears in the proceedings of FOCS'202